

Here Dalgetty's breath and eyesight began to fail him through loss of blood,and MacEagh,availing himself of this circumstance,extricated from his grasp the end of his own mantle,and substituted that of a female,by which the Captain held stoutly,thereby securing,as he conceived,the outlaw's attention to the military instructions which he continued to pour forth while he had any breath to utter them,though they became gradually more and more incoherent--"And,comrade,you will be sure to keep your musketeers in advance of your stand of pikes,Lochaber-axes,and two-handed swords--Stand fast,dragoons,on the left flank!--where was I?--Ay,and,Ranald,if ye be minded to retreat,leave some lighted matches burning on the branches of the trees--it shows as if they were lined with shot--But I forget --ye have no match-locks nor habergeons--only bows and arrows --bows and arrows!ha!ha!ha!"

Here the Captain sunk back in an exhausted condition,altogether unable to resist the sense of the ludicrous which,as a modern man-at-arms,he connected with the idea of these ancient weapons of war.It was a long time ere he recovered his senses;and,in the meantime,we leave him in the care of the Daughters of the Mist;nurses as kind and attentive,in reality,as they were wild and uncouth in outward appearance.


But if no faithless action stain Thy true and constant word,I'll make thee famous by my pen,And glorious by my sword.

I'll serve thee in such noble ways As ne'er were known before;

I'll deck and crown thy head with bays,And love thee more and more.MONTROSE'S LINES.

We must now leave,with whatever regret,the valiant Captain Dalgetty,to recover of his wounds or otherwise as fate shall determine,in order briefly to trace the military operations of Montrose,worthy as they are of a more important page,and a better historian.By the assistance of the chieftains whom we have commemorated,and more especially by the junction of the Murrays,Stewarts,and other clans of Athole,which were peculiarly zealous in the royal cause,he soon assembled an army of two or three thousand Highlanders,to whom he successfully united the Irish under Colkitto.This last leader,who,to the great embarrassment of Milton's commentators,is commemorated in one of that great poet's sonnets,was properly named Alister,or Alexander M'Donnell,by birth a Scottish islesman,and related to the Earl of Antrim,to whose patronage he owed the command assigned him in the Irish troops.In many respects he merited this distinction.He was brave to intrepidity,and almost to insensibility;very strong and active in person,completely master of his weapons,and always ready to show the example in the extremity of danger.To counterbalance these good qualities,it must be recorded,that he was inexperienced in military tactics,and of a jealous and presumptuous disposition,which often lost to Montrose the fruits of Colkitto's gallantry.Yet such is the predominance of outward personal qualities in the eyes of a mild people,that the feats of strength and courage shown by this champion,seem to have made a stronger impression upon the minds of the Highlanders,than the military skill and chivalrous spirit of the great Marquis of Montrose.Numerous traditions are still preserved in the Highland glens concerning Alister M'Donnell,though the name of Montrose is rarely mentioned among them.

[Milton's book,entitled TETRACHORDON,had been ridiculed,it would seem,by the divines assembled at Westminster,and others,on account of the hardness of the title;

and Milton in his sonnet retaliates upon the barbarous Scottish names which the Civil War had made familiar to English ears:--why is it harder,sirs,thanGordon,COLKITTO or M'Donald,or Gallasp?

These rugged names to our like mouths grow sleek,That would have made Quintillian stare and gasp.

"We may suppose,"says Bishop Newton,"that these were persons of note among the Scotch ministers,who were for pressing and enforcing the Covenant;"whereas Milton only intends to ridicule the barbarism of Scottish names in general,and quotes,indiscriminately,that of Gillespie,one of the Apostles of the Covenant,and those of Colkitto and M'Donnell (both belonging to one person),one of its bitterest enemies.]

The point upon which Montrose finally assembled his little army,was in Strathearn,on the verge of the Highlands of Perthshire,so as to menace the principal town of that county.

His enemies were not unprepared for his reception.Argyle,at the head of his Highlanders,was dogging the steps of the Irish from the west to the east,and by force,fear,or influence,had collected an army nearly sufficient to have given battle to that under Montrose.The Lowlands were also prepared,for reasons which we assigned at the beginning of this tale.A body of six thousand infantry,and six or seven thousand cavalry,which profanely assumed the title of God's army,had been hastily assembled from the shires of Fife,Angus,Perth,Stirling,and the neighbouring counties.A much less force in former times,nay,even in the preceding reign,would have been sufficient to have secured the Lowlands against a more formidable descent of Highlanders,than those united under Montrose;but times had changed strangely within the last half century.Before that period,the Lowlanders were as constantly engaged in war as the mountaineers,and were incomparably better disciplined and armed.

The favourite Scottish order of battle somewhat resembled the Macedonian phalanx.Their infantry formed a compact body,armed with long spears,impenetrable even to the men-at-arms of the age,though well mounted,and arrayed in complete proof.It may easily be conceived,therefore,that their ranks could not be broken by the disorderly charge of Highland infantry armed for close combat only,with swords,and ill furnished with missile weapons,and having no artillery whatever.

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