

"If nature has given him such,"said Menteith,"habit has converted them into feelings of intense selfishness.He may be punctilious concerning his reputation,and brave in the execution of his duty,but it is only because without these qualities he cannot rise in the service;--nay,his very benevolence is selfish;he may defend his companion while he can keep his feet,but the instant he is down,Sir Dugald will be as ready to ease him of his purse,as he is to convert the skin of Gustavus into a buff jerkin."

"And yet,if all this were true,cousin,"answered Montrose,"there is something convenient in commanding a soldier,upon whose motives and springs of action you can calculate to a mathematical certainty.A fine spirit like yours,my cousin,alive to a thousand sensations to which this man's is as impervious as his corslet,--it is for such that thy friend must feel,while he gives his advice."Then,suddenly changing his tone,he asked Menteith when he had seen Annot Lyle.

The young Earl coloured deeply,and answered,"Not since last evening,--excepting,"he added,with hesitation,"for one moment,about half an hour before the battle began."

"My dear Menteith,"said Montrose,very kindly,"were you one of the gay cavaliers of Whitehall,who are,in their way,as great self-seekers as our friend Dalgetty,should I need to plague you with enquiring into such an amourette as this?it would be an intrigue only to be laughed at.But this is the land of enchantment,where nets strong as steel are wrought out of ladies'tresses,and you are exactly the destined knight to be so fettered.This poor girl is exquisitely beautiful,and has talents formed to captivate your romantic temper.You cannot think of injuring her--you cannot think of marrying her?"

"My lord,"replied Menteith,"you have repeatedly urged this jest,for so I trust it is meant,somewhat beyond bounds.Annot Lyle is of unknown birth,--a captive,--the daughter,probably,of some obscure outlaw;a dependant on the hospitality of the M'Aulays."

"Do not be angry,Menteith,"said the Marquis,interrupting him;

"you love the classics,though not educated at Mareschal-College;and you may remember how many gallant hearts captive beauty has subdued:--

Movit Ajacem,Telamone natum,Forma captivae dominum Tecmessae.

In a word,I am seriously anxious about this--I should not have time,perhaps,"he added very gravely,"to trouble you with my lectures on the subject,were your feelings,and those of Annot,alone interested;but you have a dangerous rival in Allan M'Aulay;and there is no knowing to what extent he may carry his resentment.It is my duty to tell you that the King's service may be much prejudiced by dissensions betwixt you."

"My lord,"said Menteith,"I know what you mean is kind and friendly;I hope you will be satisfied when I assure you,that Allan M'Aulay and I have discussed this circumstance;and that I have explained to him,that it is utterly remote from my character to entertain dishonourable views concerning this unprotected female;so,on the other hand,the obscurity of her birth prevents my thinking of her upon other terms.I will not disguise from your lordship,what I have not disguised from M'Aulay,--that if Annot Lyle were born a lady,she should share my name and rank;as matters stand,it is impossible.This explanation,I trust,will satisfy your lordship,as it has satisfied a less reasonable person."

Montrose shrugged his shoulders."And,like true champions in romance,"he said,"you have agreed,that you are both to worship the same mistress,as idolaters do the same image,and that neither shall extend his pretensions farther?"

"I did not go so far,my lord,"answered Menteith--"I only said in the present circumstances--and there is no prospect of their being changed,--I could,in duty to myself and family,stand in no relation to Annot Lyle,but as that of friend or brother--But your lordship must excuse me;I have,"said he,looking at his arm,round which he had tied his handkerchief,"a slight hurt to attend to."

"A wound?"said Montrose,anxiously;"let me see it.--Alas!"he said,"I should have heard nothing of this,had I not ventured to tent and sound another more secret and more rankling one,Menteith;I am sorry for you--I too have known--But what avails it to awake sorrows which have long slumbered!"

So saying,he shook hands with his noble kinsman,and walked into the castle.

Annot Lyle,as was not unusual for females in the Highlands,was possessed of a slight degree of medical and even surgical skill.

It may readily be believed,that the profession of surgery,or medicine,as a separate art,was unknown;and the few rude rules which they observed were intrusted to women,or to the aged,whom constant casualties afforded too much opportunity of acquiring experience.The care and attention,accordingly,of Annot Lyle,her attendants,and others acting under her direction,had made her services extremely useful during this wild campaign.And most readily had these services been rendered to friend and foe,wherever they could be most useful.She was now in an apartment of the castle,anxiously superintending the preparation of vulnerary herbs,to be applied to the wounded;receiving reports from different females respecting those under their separate charge,and distributing what means she had for their relief,when Allan M'Aulay suddenly entered the apartment.She started,for she had heard that he had left the camp upon a distant mission;and,however accustomed she was to the gloom of his countenance,it seemed at present to have even a darker shade than usual.He stood before her perfectly silent,and she felt the necessity of being the first to speak.

"I thought,"she said,with some effort,"you had already set out."

"My companion awaits me,"said Allan;"I go instantly."

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