

JUNIOR CHAPLAIN. (Coming into veranda.) I've given him a stiff brandy-peg. He wants it. You've forgotten him for the last ten hours and-forgotten yourself too.

CAPT. G. enters bedroom, which is lit by one night-lamp. Ayak on the floor pretending to be asleep.

VOICE. (From the bed.) All down the street-such bonfires! Ayah, go and put them out! (Appealingly.) How can I sleep with an installation of the C.I.E. in my room? No-not C.I.E. Something else. What was it?

CAPT. G. (Trying to control his voice.) Minnie, I'm here.

(Bending over bed.) Don't you know me, Mmnie? It's me-it's Phil-it's your husband.

VOICE. (Mechanically.) It's me-it's Phil-it's your husband.

CAPT. G. She doesn't know mel-It's your own husband, darling.

VOICE. Your own husband, darling. AYAH. (With an inspiration.)Memsahib understanding all I saying.

CAPT. G. Make her understand me then-quick!

AYAH. (Hand on Mas. G.'s fore-head.) Memsahib! Captain Sahib here.

VOICE. Salaem do. (Fretfully.) I know I'm not fit to be seen.

AYAH. (Aside to G.) Say "marneen" same as breakfash.

CAPT. G. Good-morning, little woman. How are we to-day?

VOICE. That's Phil. Poor old Phil. (Viciously.) Phil, you fool, Ican't see you. Come nearer.

CAPT. G. Minnie! Minnie! It's me -you know me?

VOICE. (Mockingly.) Of course I do. Who does not know the man who was so cruel to his wife-almost the only one he ever had?

CAPT. G. Yes, dear. Yes-of course, of course. But won't you speak to bim? He wants to speak to you so much.

VOICE. They'd never let him in. The Doctor would give darwaza bund even if he were in the house. He'll never come.

(Despairingly.) O Judas! Judas! Judas!

CAPT. G. (Putting out his arms.) They have let him in, and he always was in the house Oh, my love-don't you know me?

VOrCE. (In a half chant.) "And it came to pass at the eleventh hour that this poor soul repented." It knocked at the gates, but they were shut-tight as a plaster-a great, burning plaster They had pasted our marriage certificate all across the door, and it was made of red-hot iron-people really ought to be more careful, you know.

CAPT. G. What am I to do? (Taking her in his arms.) Minnie!

speak to me-to Phil.

VOICE. What shall I say? Oh, tell me what to say before it's too late! They are all going away and I can't say anything.

CAPT. G. Say you know me! Only say you know me!

DOCTOR. (Who has entered quietly.) For pity's sake don't take it too much to heart, Gadsby. It's this way sometimes. They won't recognize. They say all sorts of queer things-don't you see?

CAPT. G. All right! All right! Go away now; she'll recognize me;you're bothering her. She must-mustn't she?

DOCTOR. She will before- Have I your leave to try?-CAPT. G. Anything you please, so long as she'll know me. It's only a question of-hours, isn't it?

DOCTOR. (Professionally.) While there's life there's hope y'know. But don't build on it.

CAPT. G. I don't. Pull her together if it's possible. (Aside.) What have I done to deserve this?

DOCTOR. (Bending over bed.) Now, Mrs. Gadsby! We shall be all right tomorrow. You must take it, or I sha'n't let Phil see you. It isn't nasty, is it?

Voice. Medicines! Always more medicines! Can't you leave me alone?

CAPT. G. Oh, leave her in peace, Doc!

DOCTOR. (Stepping back,-aside.) May I be forgiven if I've none wrong. (Aloud.) In a few minutes she ought to be sensible; but Idaren't tell you to look for anything. It's only-CAPT. G. What? Go on, man.

DOCTOR. (In a whisper.) Forcing the last rally.

CAPT. G. Then leave us alone.

DOCTOR. Don't mind what she says at first, if you can. They- they -they turn against those they love most sometimes in this.-It's hard, but-CAPT. G. Am I her husband or are you? Leave us alone for what time we have together.

VOICE. (Confidentially.) And we were engaged quite suddenly, Emma. I assure you that I never thought of it for a moment; but, oh, my little Me!-I don't know what I should have done if he hadn't proposed.

CAPT. G. She thinks of that Deercourt girl before she thinks of me. (Aloud.) Minnie!

VOICE. Not from the shops, Mummy dear. You can get the real leaves from Kaintu, and (laughing weakly) never mind about the blossoms-Dead white silk is only fit for widows, and I won't wear it. It's as bad as a winding sheet. (A long pause.)CAPT. G. I never asked a favor yet. If there is anybody to listen to me, let her know me-even if I die too!

VOICE. (Very faintly.) Pip, Pip dear.

CAPT. G. I'm here, darling.

VOICE. What has happened? They've been bothering me so with medicines and things, and they wouldn't let you come and see me.

I was never ill before. Am I ill now?

CAPT. G. You-you aren't quite well.

VOICE. How funny! Have I been ill long?

CAPT. G. Some day; but you'll be all right in a little time.

VOICE. Do you think so, Pip? I don't feel well and- Oh! what have they done to my hair?

CAPT. G. I d-d-on't know.

VOICE. They've cut it off. What a shame!

CAPT. G. It must have been to make your head cooler.

VOICE. Just like a boy's wig. Don't I look horrid?

CAPT. G. Never looked prettier in your life, dear. (Aside.) How am I to ask her to say good-bye?

VOICE. I don't feel pretty. I feel very ill. My heart won't work.

It's nearly dead inside me, and there's a funny feeling in my eyes.

Everything seems the same distance-you and the almirah and the table inside my eyes or miles away. What does it mean, Pip?

CAPT. G. You're a little feverish, Sweetheart-very feverish.

(Breaking down.) My love! my love! How can I let you go?

VOICE. I thought so. Why didn't you tell me that at first?

CAPT. G. What?

VOICE. That I am going to-die.

CAPT. G. But you aren't! You sha'n't.

AYAH to punkah-coolie. (Stepping into veranda after a glance at the bed. ). Punkah chor do! (Stop pulling the punkah.)VOICE. It's hard, Pip. So very, very hard after one year-just one year.

(Wailing.) And I'm only twenty. Most girls aren't even married at twenty. Can't they do anything to help me? I don't want to die.

CAPT. G. Hush, dear. You won't.

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    一朝荣华富贵,一夕烈火焚香魂,明明身陷囹圄已是不可逆的死局。摆在栗海棠面前有两条路:一,认命,混吃等死;二,不认命,与无良师傅一起狼狈为奸,破死局为活路。她的悲催人生终于迎来逆袭的春天,谋算出一片繁花似锦的未来。—————— 胖哒老舒的读者群:136784367,欢迎进群!
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