
第40章 Ram Dass(3)

It had consoled her through many a bitter day,and she had gone about the house with an expression in her face which Miss Minchin could not understand and which was a source of great annoyance to her,as it seemed as if the child were mentally living a life which held her above he rest of the world.It was as if she scarcely heard the rude and acid things said to her;or,if she heard them,did not care for them at all.Sometimes,when she was in the midst of some harsh,domineering speech,Miss Minchin would find the still,unchildish eyes fixed upon her with something like a proud smile in them.At such times she did not know that Sara was saying to herself:

"You don't know that you are saying these things to a princess,and that if I chose I could wave my hand and order you to execution.

I only spare you because I am a princess,and you are a poor,stupid,unkind,vulgar old thing,and don't know any better."

This used to interest and amuse her more than anything else;

and queer and fanciful as it was,she found comfort in it and it was a good thing for her.While the thought held possession of her,she could not be made rude and malicious by the rudeness and malice of those about her.

"A princess must be polite,"she said to herself.

And so when the servants,taking their tone from their mistress,were insolent and ordered her about,she would hold her head erect and reply to them with a quaint civility which often made them stare at her.

"She's got more airs and graces than if she come from Buckingham Palace,that young one,"said the cook,chuckling a little sometimes.

"I lose my temper with her often enough,but I will say she never forgets her manners.`If you please,cook';`Will you be so kind,cook?'`I beg your pardon,cook';`May I trouble you,cook?'She drops 'em about the kitchen as if they was nothing."

The morning after the interview with Ram Dass and his monkey,Sara was in the schoolroom with her small pupils.Having finished giving them their lessons,she was putting the French exercise-books together and thinking,as she did it,of the various things royal personages in disguise were called upon to do:Alfred the Great,for instance,burning the cakes and getting his ears boxed by the wife of the neat-herd.

How frightened she must have been when she found out what she had done.

If Miss Minchin should find out that she--Sara,whose toes were almost sticking out of her boots--was a princess--a real one!The look in her eyes was exactly the look which Miss Minchin most disliked.

She would not have it;she was quite near her and was so enraged that she actually flew at her and boxed her ears--exactly as the neat-herd's wife had boxed King Alfred's.It made Sara start.

She wakened from her dream at the shock,and,catching her breath,stood still a second.Then,not knowing she was going to do it,she broke into a little laugh.

"What are you laughing at,you bold,impudent child?"

Miss Minchin exclaimed.

It took Sara a few seconds to control herself sufficiently to remember that she was a princess.Her cheeks were red and smarting from the blows she had received.

"I was thinking,"she answered.

"Beg my pardon immediately,"said Miss Minchin.

Sara hesitated a second before she replied.

"I will beg your pardon for laughing,if it was rude,"she said then;

"but I won't beg your pardon for thinking."

"What were you thinking?"demanded Miss Minchin.

"How dare you think?What were you thinking?"

Jessie tittered,and she and Lavinia nudged each other in unison.

All the girls looked up from their books to listen.Really,it always interested them a little when Miss Minchin attacked Sara.Sara always said something queer,and never seemed the least bit frightened.

She was not in the least frightened now,though her boxed ears were scarlet and her eyes were as bright as stars.

"I was thinking,"she answered grandly and politely,"that you did not know what you were doing."

"That I did not know what I was doing?"Miss Minchin fairly gasped.

"Yes,"said Sara,"and I was thinking what would happen if I were a princess and you boxed my ears--what I should do to you.

And I was thinking that if I were one,you would never dare to do it,whatever I said or did.And I was thinking how surprised and frightened you would be if you suddenly found out--"

She had the imagined future so clearly before her eyes that she spoke in a manner which had an effect even upon Miss Minchin.

It almost seemed for the moment to her narrow,unimaginative mind that there must be some real power hidden behind this candid daring.

"What?"she exclaimed."Found out what?"

"That I really was a princess,"said Sara,"and could do anything--anything I liked."

Every pair of eyes in the room widened to its full limit.

Lavinia leaned forward on her seat to look.

"Go to your room,"cried Miss Minchin,breathlessly,"this instant!

Leave the schoolroom!Attend to your lessons,young ladies!"

Sara made a little bow.

"Excuse me for laughing if it was impolite,"she said,and walked out of the room,leaving Miss Minchin struggling with her rage,and the girls whispering over their books.

"Did you see her?Did you see how queer she looked?"Jessie broke out.

"I shouldn't be at all surprised if she did turn out to be something.

Suppose she should!"

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