

One matter in especial,which I deemed should stand me in the greatest stead,I purchased for gold of the pottinger at Tours,the same who had nursed me after my wound.This draught I bestowed in a silver phial,graven with strange signs,and I kept it ever close and secret,for it was my chief mainstay.

Secretly as I wrought,yet I deem that my master had some understanding of what was in my mind,though I told him nothing of the words between me and Elliot.For I was in no way without hope that,when the bitterness of her grief was overpast,Elliot might change her counsel.And again,I would not have him devise and dispute with her,as now,whereby I very well knew that she would be but the more unhappy,and the more set on taking her own wilful way.

I therefore said no more than that it behoved me to see such captains as were about the King.

Thereafter I bade them farewell,nor am I disposed to write concerning what passed at the parting of Elliot and me.For thrice ere now I had left her to pass into the mouth of war,but now I went into other peril,and with fainter hope.

I did indeed ride to the Court,which was at Sully,and there I met,as I desired,Barthelemy Barrette.He greeted me well,and was richly clad,and prosperous to behold.But it gave me greater joy that he spoke of some secret enterprise which should shortly be put in hand,when the spring came.

"For I have good intelligence,"he said,"that the Bastard of Orleans will ride privily to Louviers with men-at-arms.Now Louviers,where La Hire lies in garrison,is but seven leagues from Rouen town,and what secret enterprise can he purpose there,save to break the cage and set free the bird?"In this hope I tarried long,intending to ride with the spears of Barthelemy,and placing my trust on two knights so good and skilled in war as La Hire and the Bastard,the Maid's old companions in fight.

But the days waxed long,and it was March the thirteenth ere we rode north,and already the doctors had begun to entrap the Maid with their questions,whereof there could be but one end.

Without adventure very notable,riding much at night,through forests and byways,we came to Louviers,where they received us joyfully.For it was very well known that the English were minded to besiege this town,that braved them so near their gates at Rouen,and that they only held back till they had slain the Maid.While she lived they dared not stir against us,knowing well that their men feared to follow their flag.

Now,indeed,I was in good hope,but alas!there were long counsels of the captains,there was much harrying of Normandy,and some outlying bands of English were trapped,and prisoners were taken.

But of an assault on Rouen we heard no word,and,indeed,the adventure was desperate,though,for the honour of France,I marvel yet that it was not put to the touch.

"There is nought to be done,"Barthelemy said to me;"I cannot take Rouen with a handful of spears,and the captains will not stir.""Then,"said I,"farewell,for under the lilies I fight never again.

One chance remains,and I go to prove it.""Man,you are mad,"he answered me."What desperate peril are you minded to run?""I am minded to end this matter,"I said."My honour and my very life stand upon it.Ask me not why,and swear that you will keep this secret from all men,if you would do the last service to me,and to Her,whom we both love.I tell you that,help me or hinder me,I have no choice but this;yet so much I will say to you,that Iput myself in this jeopardy for my honour and the honour of Scotland,and for my lady.""The days are past for the old chivalry,"he said;"but no more words.I swear by St.Ouen to keep your counsel,and if more I can do,without mere madness and risk out of all hope,I will do it.""This you can do without risk.Let me have the accoutrements of one of the Englishmen who lie in ward,and let me ride with your band at daybreak to-morrow.It is easy to tell some feigned tale,when you ride back without me.""You will not ride into Rouen in English guise?They will straightway hang you for a spy,and therein is little honour.""My purpose is some deal subtler,"I said,with a laugh,"but let me keep my own counsel.""So be it,"said he,"a wilful man must have his way.And now Idrink to your better wisdom,and may you escape that rope on which your heart seems to be set!"I grasped his hand on it,and by point of day we were riding out seawards.We made an onslaught on a village,burned a house or twain,and seized certain wains of hay,so,in the confusion,Islipped forward,and rode alone into a little wood.There I clad myself in English guise,having carried the gear in a wallet on my saddle-bow,and so pushed on,till at nightfall I came to a certain little fishing-village.There,under cover of the dark,Icovenanted with a fisherman to set me across the Channel,I feigning to be a deserter who was fleeing from the English army,for fear of the Maid.

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