

My comrade,as he called himself,told me what passages he chose in the history of his life:how he came to be frocked (but 'cucullus non facit monachum'),and how,in the troubles of these times,he had discovered in himself a great aptitude for the gunner's trade,of which he boasted not a little.He had been in one and another of these armed companies that took service with either side,for hire,being better warriors and more skilled than the noblesse,but a curse to France:for,in peace or war,friend or foe,they plundered all,and held all to ransom.With Rodrigo de Villandradas,that blood-hound of Spain,he had been high in favour,but when Rodrigo went to harry south and east,he had tarried at Ruffec,with another thief of that nation,Alfonse Rodigo.All his talk,as we went,was of slaying men in fight;whom he slew he cared not much,but chiefly he hated the English and them of Burgundy.To him,war was what hunting and shooting game is to others;a cruel and bloody pastime,when Christians are the quarry!

"John the Lorrainer,and I,there are no others to be named with us at the culverin,"he would brag."We two against an army,give us good cover,and powder and leaden balls enough.Hey!Master John and I must shoot a match yet,against English targets,and of them there are plenty under Orleans.But if I make not the better speed,the town will have fallen,or yielded,rescue or no rescue,and of rescue there is no hope at all.The devil fights for the English,who will soon be swarming over the Loire,and that King of Bourges of ours will have to flee,and gnaw horse's fodder,oats and barley,with your friends in Scotland."This was one of the many ungenerous taunts which the French made often against us Scots,that have been their ancient and leal brethren in arms since the days of King Achaius and Charlemagne.

"The Dauphin,"he went on,"for King he is none,and crowned he will never be,should be in Orleans,leading his men;and lo!he is tied to the belt of fat La Tremouille,and is dancing of ballets at Chinon--a murrain on him,and on them that make his music!"Then he fell to cursing his King,a thing terrible to hear,and so to asking me questions about myself.I told him that I had fled my own country for a man-slaying,hoping,may Heaven forgive me!to make him think the higher of me for the deed.

"So we all begin,"said he;"a shrewd blow,or a fair wench;a death,or a birth unlawful,'tis all one forth we are driven to the world and the wars.Yet you have started well,--well enough,and better than I gave your girl's face credit for.Bar steel and rope,you may carry some French gold back to stinking Scotland yet."He gave me so much credit as this for a deed that deserved none,but rather called for rebuke from him,who,however unworthy,was in religion,and wore the garb of the Blessed Francis.But very far from fortifying me in virtuous courses,as was his bounden duty,there was no wickedness that he did not try to teach me,till partly I hated him,and partly,I fear,I admired one so skilled in evil.

The truth is,as I said,that this man,for that time,was my master.He was learned in all the arts by which poor and wandering folk can keep their bellies full wandering by the way.With women,ugly and terrible of aspect as he was,he had a great power:a pious saying for the old;a way with the young which has ever been a mystery to me,unless,as some of the learned think,all women are naturally lovers of wickedness,if strength and courage go with it.

What by wheedling,what by bullying,what by tales of pilgrimages to holy shrines (he was coming from Jerusalem by way of Rome,so he told all we met),he ever won a welcome.

Other more devilish cantrips he played,one of them at the peasant's house where we rested on the first night of our common travel.The Lenten supper which they gave us,with no little kindness,was ended,and we were sitting in the firelight,Brother Thomas discoursing largely of his pilgrimages,and of his favour among the high clergy.Thus,at I know not what convent of the Clarisses,{5}in Italy,the holy Sisters had pressed on him a relic of Monsieur St.Aignan,the patron of the good town of Orleans.To see this relic,the farmer,his wife,and his sons and daughters crowded eagerly;it was but a little blackened finger bone,yet they were fain to touch it,as is the custom.But this he would not yet allow.

"Perchance some of you,"he said,"are already corrupt,not knowing it,with the poisonous breath of that damnable Hussite heresy,which is blowing from the east like wind of the pestilence,and ye may have doubts concerning the verity of this most holy and miraculous relic?"They all crossed themselves,protesting that no such wicked whisper of Sathanas had ever come into their minds,nor had they so much as heard of Huss and his blasphemies.

"Nay,"said Brother Thomas,"I could scarcely blame you if it were partly as I said.For in this latter time of the world,when I have myself met Jews flocking to Babylon expecting the birth of Antichrist,there be many false brethren,who carry about feigned relics,to deceive the simple.We should believe no man,if he be,as I am,a stranger,unless he shows us a sign,such as now I will show you.Give me,of your grace,a kerchief,or a napkin."The goodwife gave him a clean white napkin from her aumbry,and he tore it up before their eyes,she not daring to stay his hand.

"Now note this holy relic and its wonderful power,"he said,holding the blackened bone high in his left hand,and all our eyes were fixed on it."Now mark,"he said again,passing it over the napkin;and lo!there was a clean white napkin in his hands,and of the torn shreds not a trace!

  • 书旨述


  • 续传灯录目录


  • 如来方便善巧咒经


  • 四明仁岳异说丛书目次


  • 贩书偶记


  • 快穿:在年代虐渣


    在哪个年代都有一些人,脑子不好却偏偏有主角命。 而对上的主角的不管权多粗,长多美……最终都会成为炮灰。 君兮兮穿越各个世界,附身炮灰,教各个渣渣做人。 活出自己。 —— 女强爽文,没有霸总,女主就是霸总。虐渣爽文。每个世界谈恋爱看女主心情。六零:偷渡客在香港(已完成)(不小心成为香港大佬) 六五:借腹生子的原配妻 (你用子宫打败她,我用智商碾压你)七零:重男轻女凤凰男(今天对我爱理不理,明天的我高攀不起)八零:退役之后........(退役之后也是大佬) ......待续


  • 江湖奇才录


  • 重生之复仇千金


  • 南鸣幻事录


  • 荣耀新美文:冷雨扑少年


  • 网游之一梦百年


  • 行走与歌唱


  • 坚不可摧


  • 大唐信仰

