

The modern millionaire loves nothing so lovable as a coin.He is content sometimes with the dead crackle of notes;but far more often with the mere repetition of noughts in a ledger,all as like each other as eggs to eggs.And as for comfort,the old miser could be comfortable,as many tramps and savages are,when he was once used to being unclean.A man could find some comfort in an unswept attic or an unwashed shirt.But the Yankee millionaire can find no comfort with five telephones at his bed-head and ten minutes for his lunch.The round coins in the miser's stocking were safe in some sense.The round noughts in the millionaire's ledger are safe in no sense;the same fluctuation which excites him with their increase depresses him with their diminution.The miser at least collects coins;his hobby is numismatics.The man who collects noughts collects nothings.

It may be admitted that the man amassing millions is a bit of an idiot;but it may be asked in what sense does he rule the modern world.The answer to this is very important and rather curious.The evil enigma for us here is not the rich,but the Very Rich.The distinction is important;because this special problem is separate from the old general quarrel about rich and poor that runs through the Bible and all strong books,old and new.The special problem to-day is that certain powers and privileges have grown so world-wide and unwieldy that they are out of the power of the moderately rich as well as of the moderately poor.They are out of the power of everybody except a few millionaires--that is,misers.

In the old normal friction of normal wealth and poverty I am myself on the Radical side.I think that a Berkshire squire has too much power over his tenants;that a Brompton builder has too much power over his workmen;that a West London doctor has too much power over the poor patients in the West London Hospital.

But a Berkshire squire has no power over cosmopolitan finance,for instance.A Brompton builder has not money enough to run a Newspaper Trust.A West End doctor could not make a corner in quinine and freeze everybody out.The merely rich are not rich enough to rule the modern market.The things that change modern history,the big national and international loans,the big educational and philanthropic foundations,the purchase of numberless newspapers,the big prices paid for peerages,the big expenses often incurred in elections--these are getting too big for everybody except the misers;the men with the largest of earthly fortunes and the smallest of earthly aims.

There are two other odd and rather important things to be said about them.

The first is this:that with this aristocracy we do not have the chance of a lucky variety in types which belongs to larger and looser aristocracies.The moderately rich include all kinds of people even good people.Even priests are sometimes saints;and even soldiers are sometimes heroes.Some doctors have really grown wealthy by curing their patients and not by flattering them;some brewers have been known to sell beer.But among the Very Rich you will never find a really generous man,even by accident.They may give their money away,but they will never give themselves away;they are egoistic,secretive,dry as old bones.To be smart enough to get all that money you must be dull enough to want it.

Lastly,the most serious point about them is this:that the new miser is flattered for his meanness and the old one never was.It was never called self-denial in the old miser that he lived on bones.It is called self-denial in the new millionaire if he lives on beans.A man like Dancer was never praised as a Christian saint for going in rags.A man like Rockefeller is praised as a sort of pagan stoic for his early rising or his unassuming dress.His "simple"meals,his "simple"clothes,his "simple"funeral,are all extolled as if they were creditable to him.

They are disgraceful to him:exactly as disgraceful as the tatters and vermin of the old miser were disgraceful to him.To be in rags for charity would be the condition of a saint;to be in rags for money was that of a filthy old fool.Precisely in the same way,to be "simple"for charity is the state of a saint;to be "simple"for money is that of a filthy old fool.Of the two I have more respect for the old miser,gnawing bones in an attic:if he was not nearer to God,he was at least a little nearer to men.His simple life was a little more like the life of the real poor.

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    曾经病痛缠身,无缘仙道,而今得幸重生,竟也是个丹田被毁的废人之躯。不怕不怕,谁让我有特殊修仙技巧。 ps:男主什么的,都是浮云~(无cp)