

"Git a rail!" he shouted and plunged in, but Dan sprang in after him. In three strokes, for the current was rather strong, Chad had the kinky wool in his hand, and, in a few strokes more, the two boys had Snowball gasping on the bank. Harry, the taller brother, ran forward to help them carry him up the bank, and they laid him, choking and bawling, on the grass. Whip in one hand and with the skirt of her long black riding-habit in the other, the little girl stood above, looking on--white and frightened. The hullabaloo had reached the house and General Dean was walking swiftly down the hill, with Snowball's mammy, topped by a red bandanna handkerchief, rushing after him and the kitchen servants following.

"What does this mean?" he said, sternly, and Chad was in a strange awe at once--he was so tall, and he stood so straight, and his eye was so piercing.

Few people could lie into that eye. The little girl spoke first--usually she does speak first, as well as last.

"Dan and--and--that boy were fighting and they pushed Snowball into the creek.""Dan was teasin' Snowball," said Harry the just.

"And that boy meddled," said Dan.

"Who struck first?" asked the General, looking from one boy to the other. Dan dropped his eyes sullenly and Chad did not answer.

"I wasn't goin' to hit Snowball," said Dan.

"I thought you wus," said Chad.

"Who struck first?" repeated the General, looking at Dan now.

"That boy meddled and I hit him."

Chad turned and answered the General's eyes steadily.

"I reckon I had no business meddlin'!"

"He tried to give sister a fish."

That was unwise in Dan--Margaret's chin lifted.

"Oh," she said, "that was it, too, was it? Well--""I didn't see no harm givin' the little gal a fish," said Chad. "Little gal,"indeed! Chad lost the ground he might have gained. Margaret's eyes looked all at once like her father's.

"I'm a little GIRL, thank you."

Chad turned to her father now, looking him in the face straight and steadily.

"I reckon I had no business meddlin', but I didn't think hit was fa'r fer him to hit the nigger; the nigger was littler, an' I didn't think hit 'as right.""I didn't mean to hit him--I was only playin'!""But I THOUGHT you was goin' to hit him," said Chad. He looked at the General again. "But I had no business meddlin'." And he picked up his old coonskin cap from the grass to start away.

"Hold on, little man," said the General.

"Dan, haven't I told you not to tease Snowball?" Dan dropped his eyes again.

"Yes, sir."

"You struck first, and this boy says he oughtn't to have meddled, but I think he did just right. Have you anything to say to him?" Dan worked the toe of his left boot into the turf for a moment "No, sir.""Well, go up to your room and think about it awhile and see if you don't owe somebody an apology. Hurry up now an' change your clothes.

"You'd better come up to the house and get some dry clothes for yourself, my boy," he added to Chad. "You'll catch cold.""Much obleeged," said Chad. "But I don't ketch cold."He put on his old coonskin cap, and then the General recognized him.

  • 春早选寓长安二首


  • 四书韵对


  • 训蒙骈句


  • Autobiography and Selected Essays

    Autobiography and Selected Essays

    The purpose of the following selections is to present to students of English a few of Huxley is representative essays. Some of these selections are complete; others are extracts. In the latter case, however, they are not extracts in the sense of being incomplete wholes.汇聚授权电子版权。
  • 龙兴慈记


  • 日记情思


  • 精灵之梦


  • 火狐狸(中篇小说)


  • 异能田园生活


    开新书《九零炮灰彪悍逆袭》啦,拜托宝贝们过去投个票支持一下啦! 意外穿成农女一枚,家穷势弱被人欺!还好老天给力,给了空间和异能,带着家人开心去种田!欺负我的人,自然要给欺负回来啦!至于夫君嘛,这可马虎不得,得好好挑挑哦!
  • 天文百科知识博览


    《巅峰阅读文库 我的第一本百科书:天文百科知识博览》是一本献给天文爱好者的书籍,也是同青少年朋友分享天文科普知识,掌握各种天文观测常识,了解最新天文探测成果的书籍,内容主要包括宇宙、太阳、太阳系外天体、星系、星云、银河系、银河外星系、恒星、行星、太阳等等。《巅峰阅读文库 我的第一本百科书:天文百科知识博览》内容包罗万象,形式丰富多彩。它既是人们认识世界、感知历史、触摸时空和超越未来的组合工具。又是聆听历史和探索未来的一条捷径,同时也是家长引领孩子成长的教育指南。
  • 心有林希


  • 犹忆前尘立少时:俞平伯点评唐宋词


  • 摄政王的俏毒妃


  • 女相王妃


  • 弑天刃

