

'Pray don't, Edmund! Your habit of interrupting without having the least thing in the world to say, distracts one. You must be broken of it. Speaking of Amy;--my poor little pet was devotedly attached to poor papa, and no doubt will have lamented his loss exceedingly, and grieved very much. I have done so myself. I have felt it dreadfully. But Amy will no doubt have felt it even more, from having been on the spot the whole time, and having been with poor dear papa at the last; which I unhappily was not.'

Here Fanny stopped to weep, and to say, 'Dear, dear, beloved papa!

How truly gentlemanly he was! What a contrast to poor uncle!'

'From the effects of that trying time,' she pursued, 'my good little Mouse will have to be roused. Also, from the effects of this long attendance upon Edward in his illness; an attendance which is not yet over, which may even go on for some time longer, and which in the meanwhile unsettles us all by keeping poor dear papa's affairs from being wound up. Fortunately, however, the papers with his agents here being all sealed up and locked up, as he left them when he providentially came to England, the affairs are in that state of order that they can wait until my brother Edward recovers his health in Sicily, sufficiently to come over, and administer, or execute, or whatever it may be that will have to be done.'

'He couldn't have a better nurse to bring him round,' Mr Sparkler made bold to opine.

'For a wonder, I can agree with you,' returned his wife, languidly turning her eyelids a little in his direction (she held forth, in general, as if to the drawing-room furniture), 'and can adopt your words. He couldn't have a better nurse to bring him round. There are times when my dear child is a little wearing to an active mind;but, as a nurse, she is Perfection. Best of Amys!'

Mr Sparkler, growing rash on his late success, observed that Edward had had, biggodd, a long bout of it, my dear girl.

'If Bout, Edmund,' returned Mrs Sparkler, 'is the slang term for indisposition, he has. If it is not, I am unable to give an opinion on the barbarous language you address to Edward's sister.

That he contracted Malaria Fever somewhere, either by travelling day and night to Rome, where, after all, he arrived too late to see poor dear papa before his death--or under some other unwholesome circumstances--is indubitable, if that is what you mean. Likewise that his extremely careless life has made him a very bad subject for it indeed.'

Mr Sparkler considered it a parallel case to that of some of our fellows in the West Indies with Yellow Jack. Mrs Sparkler closed her eyes again, and refused to have any consciousness of our fellows of the West Indies, or of Yellow Jack.

'So, Amy,' she pursued, when she reopened her eyelids, 'will require to be roused from the effects of many tedious and anxious weeks. And lastly, she will require to be roused from a low tendency which I know very well to be at the bottom of her heart.

Don't ask me what it is, Edmund, because I must decline to tell you.'

'I am not going to, my dear,' said Mr Sparkler.

'I shall thus have much improvement to effect in my sweet child,'Mrs Sparkler continued, 'and cannot have her near me too soon.

Amiable and dear little Twoshoes! As to the settlement of poor papa's affairs, my interest in that is not very selfish. Papa behaved very generously to me when I was married, and I have little or nothing to expect. Provided he had made no will that can come into force, leaving a legacy to Mrs General, I am contented. Dear papa, dear papa.'

She wept again, but Mrs General was the best of restoratives. The name soon stimulated her to dry her eyes and say:

'It is a highly encouraging circumstance in Edward's illness, I am thankful to think, and gives one the greatest confidence in his sense not being impaired, or his proper spirit weakened--down to the time of poor dear papa's death at all events--that he paid off Mrs General instantly, and sent her out of the house. I applaud him for it. I could forgive him a great deal for doing, with such promptitude, so exactly what I would have done myself!'

Mrs Sparkler was in the full glow of her gratification, when a double knock was heard at the door. A very odd knock. Low, as if to avoid making a noise and attracting attention. Long, as if the person knocking were preoccupied in mind, and forgot to leave off.

'Halloa!' said Mr Sparkler. 'Who's this?'

'Not Amy and Edward without notice and without a carriage!' said Mrs Sparkler. 'Look out.'

The room was dark, but the street was lighter, because of its lamps. Mr Sparkler's head peeping over the balcony looked so very bulky and heavy that it seemed on the point of overbalancing him and flattening the unknown below.

'It's one fellow,' said Mr Sparkler. 'I can't see who--stop though!'

On this second thought he went out into the balcony again and had another look. He came back as the door was opened, and announced that he believed he had identified 'his governor's tile.' He was not mistaken, for his governor, with his tile in his hand, was introduced immediately afterwards.

'Candles!' said Mrs Sparkler, with a word of excuse for the darkness.

'It's light enough for me,' said Mr Merdle.

When the candles were brought in, Mr Merdle was discovered standing behind the door, picking his lips. 'I thought I'd give you a call,' he said. 'I am rather particularly occupied just now; and, as I happened to be out for a stroll, I thought I'd give you a call.'

  • 人子须知


  • 伊犁略志


  • 嵩山十志十首·涤烦


  • 伤科方书


  • 十八空论(亦十六亦十八亦十四亦十七)


  • 废柴王妃好抢手


  • 老师本是解惑人


  • 是谁失去了记忆


  • 我开了挂超凶的




  • 重生之超级游戏大亨


    重生后的叶垂,发现这个世界的游戏产业基础竟然为零,于是他怀着蛋疼的心制作了连连看这款小游戏。没想到,这款小游戏竟然引起了整个世界的疯狂!面对疯狂的连连看游戏迷,叶垂只能无语的表示——“真是一群可怜的孩子!哥只是弄出了连连看就把你们惊喜成这个样子,那要是再推出了CS、仙剑、暗黑、魔兽、上古卷轴这些神作,你们岂不是都要幸福的激动死了吗?” ******新书重生之超级食神开始了,请大家支持********
  • 诺贝尔(中外名人传记青少版)


  • 逆凰之异瞳魔后


    原书名《异瞳妖女:魔帝,不服来战》没有修炼天赋就活该被诛杀,被当做献祭的祭品,既然这样,那她成为妖女又如何,这世上能欺她辱她的人,还没有出生呢!梵音,作为华夏新世纪的顶级杀手,从不受任何人的摆布,却变成空有傲骨,没有实力的墨梵音,父亲的不待见,继母继妹的陷害,白莲花抢走未婚夫,真当她梵音是吃素的么!“听说你被称作是妖女,看着和普通人也没什么两样啊!”“那你要试试吗?”“那就不需要了,不过,你是惑世妖女,我是混世魔王,咱们还真是绝配呢!”“……!”剧情前面两百章是正常文,后面的重复太多,第653章开始是整理出来的文章和新文,如果有订阅的话,千万不要订阅200章到652章的内容,抱歉抱歉抱歉 小萌新的作者,大家口下留情,若是愿意看,便收藏吧!若是不愿意继续看,那就换坑,嘿嘿!
  • 教导青少年刻苦上进的勤学故事


  • 闪光灯下的密爱

