A MOUNTAIN valley has, at the best, a certain prison-like effect on the imagination, but a mountain valley, an Alpine winter, and an invalid's weakness make up among them a prison of the most effective kind. The roads indeed are cleared, and at least one footpath dodging up the hill; but to these the health-seeker is rigidly confined. There are for him no cross-cuts over the field, no following of streams, no unguided rambles in the wood. His walks are cut and dry. In five or six different directions he can push as far, and no farther, than his strength permits; never deviating from the line laid down for him and beholding at each repetition the same field of wood and snow from the same corner of the road. This, of itself, would be a little trying to the patience in the course of months; but to this is added, by the heaped mantle of the snow, an almost utter absence of detail and an almost unbroken identity of colour. Snow, it is true, is not merely white. The sun touches it with roseate and golden lights. Its own crushed infinity of crystals, its own richness of tiny sculpture, fills it, when regarded near at hand, with wonderful depths of coloured shadow, and, though wintrily transformed, it is still water, and has watery tones of blue. But, when all is said, these fields of white and blots of crude black forest are but a trite and staring substitute for the infinite variety and pleasantness of the earth's face. Even a boulder, whose front is too precipitous to have retained the snow, seems, if you come upon it in your walk, a perfect gem of colour, reminds you almost painfully of other places, and brings into your head the delights of more Arcadian days - the path across the meadow, the hazel dell, the lilies on the stream, and the scents, the colours, and the whisper of the woods. And scents here are as rare as colours. Unless you get a gust of kitchen in passing some hotel, you shall smell nothing all day long but the faint and choking odour of frost. Sounds, too, are absent: not a bird pipes, not a bough waves, in the dead, windless atmosphere. If a sleigh goes by, the sleigh-bells ring, and that is all; you work all winter through to no other accompaniment but the crunching of your steps upon the frozen snow.
同名网剧《假凤虚凰》5月5日爱奇艺上线,画风清奇引热议。女扮男装的太子叶清歌迫于无奈迎娶了一位男扮女装的太子妃苏域的故事,两人打打闹闹本以为是嬉笑姻缘,却慢慢揭开二十年前一场李代桃僵的大秘密。苏域素来有“女战神”的名声,叶清歌在成婚前担心事迹败漏,曾逃婚一次,结果逃婚路上遇到了被行刺的苏域,两个人有一场尴尬的初遇,导致第二次正式见面就大打出手,奠定了两人欢喜冤家的基础。之后两人达成协议,叶清歌帮助苏域取得“她”想要的,苏域也协助叶清歌站稳脚跟,这时,叶清歌的太傅谢子兰隐约透漏出一桩多年前的秘密,而谢子兰的儿子谢清运也出现,叶清歌、苏域、谢清运之间会发生一些什么意想不到的事情……教父的祸水舞娘 (全本完结)
【苏苏苏!甜甜甜!】 接了自家垃圾老爸的一个电话,凌渝悠马不停蹄地飞回国内,结果垃圾老爸屁事没有,只是叫自己去联姻!行吧,她倒要看看自己的便宜未婚夫是何方神圣。 结果面瘫男秒变小奶狗,烦不胜烦!“慕容绯!你好烦!”“老婆,我只烦你。”“...........”谁来把这妖孽打包带走?/后期超好看/骗人我是猪/