

And under the Golden Dragon Went Wessex all along, Past the sharp point of the cloven ways, Out from the black wood into the blaze Of sun and steel and song.

And when they came to the open land They wheeled, deployed and stood;Midmost were Marcus and the King, And Eldred on the right-hand wing, And leftwards Colan darkling, In the last shade of the wood.

But the Earls of the Great Army Lay like a long half moon, Ten poles before their palisades, With wide-winged helms and runic blades Red giants of an age of raids, In the thornland of Ethandune.

Midmost the saddles rose and swayed, And a stir of horses' manes, Where Guthrum and a few rode high On horses seized in victory;But Ogier went on foot to die, In the old way of the Danes.

Far to the King's left Elf the bard Led on the eastern wing With songs and spells that change the blood;And on the King's right Harold stood, The kinsman of the King.

Young Harold, coarse, with colours gay, Smoking with oil and musk, And the pleasant violence of the young, Pushed through his people, giving tongue Foewards, where, grey as cobwebs hung, The banners of the Usk.

But as he came before his line A little space along, His beardless face broke into mirth, And he cried: "What broken bits of earth Are here? For what their clothes are worth I would sell them for a song."For Colan was hung with raiment Tattered like autumn leaves, And his men were all as thin as saints, And all as poor as thieves.

No bows nor slings nor bolts they bore, But bills and pikes ill-made;And none but Colan bore a sword, And rusty was its blade.

And Colan's eyes with mystery And iron laughter stirred, And he spoke aloud, but lightly Not labouring to be heard.

"Oh, truly we be broken hearts, For that cause, it is said, We light our candles to that Lord That broke Himself for bread.

"But though we hold but bitterly What land the Saxon leaves, Though Ireland be but a land of saints, And Wales a land of thieves, "I say you yet shall weary Of the working of your word, That stricken spirits never strike Nor lean hands hold a sword.

"And if ever ye ride in Ireland, The jest may yet be said, There is the land of broken hearts, And the land of broken heads."Not less barbarian laughter Choked Harold like a flood, "And shall I fight with scarecrows That am of Guthrum's blood?

"Meeting may be of war-men, Where the best war-man wins;But all this carrion a man shoots Before the fight begins."And stopping in his onward strides, He snatched a bow in scorn From some mean slave, and bent it on Colan, whose doom grew dark; and shone Stars evil over Caerleon, In the place where he was born.

For Colan had not bow nor sling, On a lonely sword leaned he, Like Arthur on Excalibur In the battle by the sea.

To his great gold ear-ring Harold Tugged back the feathered tail, And swift had sprung the arrow, But swifter sprang the Gael.

Whirling the one sword round his head, A great wheel in the sun, He sent it splendid through the sky, Flying before the shaft could fly--It smote Earl Harold over the eye, And blood began to run.

Colan stood bare and weaponless, Earl Harold, as in pain, Strove for a smile, put hand to head, Stumbled and suddenly fell dead;And the small white daisies all waxed red With blood out of his brain.

And all at that marvel of the sword, Cast like a stone to slay, Cried out. Said Alfred: "Who would see Signs, must give all things. Verily Man shall not taste of victory Till he throws his sword away."Then Alfred, prince of England, And all the Christian earls, Unhooked their swords and held them up, Each offered to Colan, like a cup Of chrysolite and pearls.

And the King said, "Do thou take my sword Who have done this deed of fire, For this is the manner of Christian men, Whether of steel or priestly pen, That they cast their hearts out of their ken To get their heart's desire.

"And whether ye swear a hive of monks, Or one fair wife to friend, This is the manner of Christian men, That their oath endures the end.

"For love, our Lord, at the end of the world, Sits a red horse like a throne, With a brazen helm and an iron bow, But one arrow alone.

"Love with the shield of the Broken Heart Ever his bow doth bend, With a single shaft for a single prize, And the ultimate bolt that parts and flies Comes with a thunder of split skies, And a sound of souls that rend.

"So shall you earn a king's sword, Who cast your sword away."And the King took, with a random eye, A rude axe from a hind hard by And turned him to the fray.

For the swords of the Earls of Daneland Flamed round the fallen lord.

The first blood woke the trumpet-tune, As in monk's rhyme or wizard's rune, Beginneth the battle of Ethandune With the throwing of the sword.



As the sea flooding the flat sands Flew on the sea-born horde, The two hosts shocked with dust and din, Left of the Latian paladin, Clanged all Prince Harold's howling kin On Colan and the sword.

Crashed in the midst on Marcus, Ogier with Guthrum by, And eastward of such central stir, Far to the right and faintlier, The house of Elf the harp-player, Struck Eldred's with a cry.

The centre swat for weariness, Stemming the screaming horde, And wearily went Colan's hands That swung King Alfred's sword.

But like a cloud of morning To eastward easily, Tall Eldred broke the sea of spears As a tall ship breaks the sea.

His face like a sanguine sunset, His shoulder a Wessex down, His hand like a windy hammer-stroke;Men could not count the crests he broke, So fast the crests went down.

As the tall white devil of the Plague Moves out of Asian skies, With his foot on a waste of cities And his head in a cloud of flies;Or purple and peacock skies grow dark With a moving locust-tower;Or tawny sand-winds tall and dry, Like hell's red banners beat and fly, When death comes out of Araby, Was Eldred in his hour.

But while he moved like a massacre He murmured as in sleep, And his words were all of low hedges And little fields and sheep.

Even as he strode like a pestilence, That strides from Rhine to Rome, He thought how tall his beans might be If ever he went home.

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    《给思维一对翅膀》精心选取了 100个精彩的智慧故事,内容涉及生活中的方方面面。所谓滴水藏海,小中见大,这些小故事同样折射出人类智慧的灵光。浓厚的文学气息、寓意深远的人生哲理、精美典雅的插图,有助 于开启青少年朋友们的心灵和智慧大门,为读者朋友 营造了一个清新隽永的阅读氛围。
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