


The energy of Doctor Gys was marvelous.He knew exactly what supplies would be needed to fit the Arabella thoroughly for her important mission,and with unlimited funds at his command to foot the bills,he quickly converted the handsome yacht into a model hospital ship.Gys from the first developed a liking for Kelsey,the mate,whom he found a valuable assistant,and the two came to understand each other perfectly.Kelsey was a quiet man,more thoughtful than experienced in medical matters,but his common sense often guided him aright when his technical knowledge was at fault.

Captain Carg accepted the novel conditions thrust upon him,without a word of protest.He might secretly resent the uses to which his ship was being put,but his young master's commands were law and his duty was to obey.The same feeling prevailed among the other members of the crew,all of whom were Sangoans.

In three days Jones and Maud Stanton returned from Washington.They were jubilanta over their success.

"We've secured everything we wanted,"the boy toldUncle John,Beth and Patsy,with evident enthusiasm."Not only have we the full sanction of the American Red Cross Society,but I have letters to the different branches in the war zone,asking for us every consideration.Not only that,but your senator proved himself a brick.What do you think?Here's a letter from our secretary of state—another from the Frenchcharge d'affairs—half a dozen from prominent ambassadors of other countries!We've a free field in all Europe,practically,that will enable us to work to the best advantage.""It's wonderful!"cried Patsy.

"Mr.Merrick is so well known as a philanthropista that his name was a magic talismanb for us,"said Maud."Moreover,our enterprise commands the sympathy of everyone.We had numerous offers of financial assistance,too.""I hope you didn't accept them,"said Uncle Johnnervously.

"No,"answered the boy,"I claimed this expedition to be our private and individual property.We can now do as we please,being under no obligations to any but ourselves.""That's right,"said Uncle John."We don't want to behampered by the necessity of advising with others.""By the way,have you found a doctor?""Yes.""A good one?"asked Maud quickly.

"Highly recommended,but homely as a rail fence,"continued Patsy,as her uncle hesitated.

"That's nothing,"said Ajo lightly."Nothing,eh?Well,wait till you see him,"she replied.

"You'll never look Doctor Gys in the face more than once,I assure you.After that,you'll be glad to keep your eyes on his vest buttons.""I like him immensely,though,"said Beth."He is clever,honest and earnest.The poor man can't help his m u t i l a t i o n sa,which are the result of many unfortunate adventures.""Sounds like just the man we wanted,"declared Ajo,and afterward he had no reason to recall that assertion.

A week is a small time in which to equip a big ship,butmoney and energy can accomplish much and the news from the seat of war was so eventful that they felt every moment to be precious and so they worked with feverishb haste.The tide of German success had turned and their great army,from Paris to Vitry,was now in full retreat,fighting every inch of the way and leaving thousands of dead and wounded in its wake.

"How long will it take us to reach Calais?"they askedCaptain Carg eagerly.

"Eight or nine days,"said he.

"We are not as fast as the big passenger steamers,"explained young Jones,"but with good weather the Arabella may be depended upon to make the trip in good shape and fair time."On the nineteenth of September,fully equipped and withher papers in order,the beautiful yacht left her anchorage and began her voyage.The weather proved exceptionally favorable.During the voyage the girls busied themselves preparing their modest uniforms and pumping Dr.Gys forall sorts of information,from scratches to amputations.He gave them much practical and therefore valuable advice to guide them in whatever emergencies might arise,and this was conveyed in the whimsical,half humorous manner that seemed characteristic of him.At first Gys had shrunk involuntarily from facing this bevy of young girls,but they had so frankly ignored his physical blemishes and exhibited so true a comradeship to all concerned in the expedition,that the doctor soon felt perfectly at ease in their society.

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