

"They permit their buildings which face the roads to be covered with big advertisements,and the fences are decorated in the same way.In some places a sign—board has been built in their yards or ?elds,advertising medicines or groceries or tobacco.In other words,our country roads and country homes have become mere advertising mediums to proclaim the goods of more or less unscrupulous manufacturers,and so all theirattractiveness is destroyed.Kenneth,being a man of artistic instincts and loving country scenes,resented this invasion of commercialism and tried to ?ght it.""And so ran my head against a stone wall,"added theyoung man,with a bitter laugh.

"But you were quite right,"said Patsy,decidedly."Such things ought not to be permitted.""The people think differently,"he replied.

"Then we must educate the people to a different way of thinking,"announced Louise.

"In three weeks?"

"That is long enough,if we get to work.Isn't it,girls?"said Beth.

"Kenneth accepted the nomination with the idea of having a law passed prohibiting such signs,"explained the lawyer."But Mr.Hopkins,his opponent,has used this very thing to arouse public sentiment against him.Farmers around here are thrifty people,and they fear to lose the trif linga sums paid them for the privilege of painting signs on their premises."Patsy nodded gravely.

"We will change all that,"she said."The thing is really more serious than we expected,and more difficult.But we came here to work and win,and we're going to do it.Aren't we,Uncle John?""I'll bet on your trio,Patsy,"replied her uncle."But Iwon't bet all I'm worth.""It's all foolishness,"declared Kenneth.

"I do not think so,"said the lawyer,gravely."The girls have a ?ne show to win.I know our country people,and they are more intelligent than you suppose.Once they are brought to a proper way of thinking they will support Kenneth loyally.""Then we must bring them to a proper way of thinking,"said Patsy,with decision."From this time on,Ken,we become your campaign managers.Don't worry any more about the matter.Go on with your painting and be happy.We may require you to make a few speeches,but all the details will be arranged for you.""Do you intend to permit this,Uncle John?"askedKenneth.

"I'm wholly in sympathy witha the girls,Ken,and I believe in them.""But consider the humiliation to which they will subject themselves!I've had a taste of that medicine,myself.""We're going to be the most popular young ladies in this district!"exclaimed Patsy."Don't you worry about us,Ken.But tell me,how big is your district?""It includes parts of three counties—Monroe,Washington and Jackson Counties.""What county is this?""Monroe.""Any cities?"

"No;only a few towns.It's mostly a rural district.Fairview,just across the border in Washington County,is the biggest village.""Have you an automobile?""No;I don't like the things.I've always loved horses and prefer them to machines.""How much money are you prepared to spend?""How much—what's that?"he asked,bewildered.

"You can't win a political election without spending money,"declared Patsy,wisely."I'll bet the bad man is scattering money in every direction.It will cost something on our side to run this campaign in a way to win."The young man frowned.

"I don't mind spending money,Patsy,"he said,"but I don't approve of buying votes,and I won't allow it,either!""Tut—tut!Who said anything about buying votes?But we're going to work on a broad and liberal basis,I assure you,and we need money.""Spend all you like,then,so long as you don't try to corrupt the voters.""Very good.Now,then,how much land do you own atElmhurst?"Kenneth looked inquiringly at the lawyer.

"About twelve hundred acres,"said Mr.Watson."It is divided into small farms which are let out on shares.""How many votes do you control among your servants and tenants?"proceeded Patsy,in a business—like tone.

"Perhaps thirty or forty."

"And what is the total vote of the district?""Thirty—?ve hundred."Patsy gasped."So many?""Fully that many,"said Mr.Watson,smiling.

"Then we've got to have over seventeen hundred and ?fty votes to elect Kenneth?""Exactly."The girl drew a long breath and looked at Beth and Louise.Then they all laughed.

"Suppose you resign as campaign managers,"saidKenneth,beginning to be amused.

"Oh,no!It's—it's easier than we expected.Isn't it,girls?""It's child's playa,"observed Louise,languidlyb.The boy was astonished.

"Very well,"said he."Try it and see."

"Of course,"said Patsy,cheerfully."Tomorrow morning we begin work."

  • 儿子与情人(英文版)


  • 傲慢与偏见(纯爱英文馆)


  • 那些年,那些诗(每天读一点英文)


  • 汉译英翻译能力研究


  • The Great Disarmament 百万大裁军

    The Great Disarmament 百万大裁军

  • 剑与魔法与出租车


  • 弗莱迪和宇宙飞船(小猪弗莱迪)


  • 星河虽美不及你心


  • 新生


  • 神宠娇妻:妖后养成手册


  • 鬼神劫


    《鬼神劫》是一部具有高度艺术性和思想深度的作品。主人公谷子形象鲜明,其性格的形成和发展具有一定的艺术特色。王家堡村民主动造 “神”以镇“邪”,致使村子“一下变得平静,变得温和,变得路不拾遗”。这是处于畸形社会的农民向恶势力行斗争的高智慧表现,也是特定历史条件下一种斗争策略的创造,它与后来的“历史人物纪念馆”有着不可分割的内在精神联系。
  • 与焦虑者对话


  • 冷酷BOSS放过我


  • 达磨大师悟性论


  • 浪漫主义的根源(人文与社会译丛)

