
第6章 "ALL ASHORE!"(1)


Beth De Graf was a puzzle to all who knew her.She was a puzzle even to herself,and was wont to say,indifferently,that the problem was not worth a solution.For this beautiful girl of fifteen was somewhat bitter and misanthropica,a condition perhaps due to the uncongenialb atmosphere in which she had been reared.She was of dark complexion and her big brown eyes held a sombrec and unfathomabled expression.Once she had secretly studied their re?ection in a mirror,and the eyes awed and frightened her,and made her uneasy.She had analyzed them much as if they belonged to someone else,and wondered what lay behind their mask,and what theircapabilities might be.

But this morbide condition mostly affected her when she was at home,listening to the unpleasant bickeringsf of her father and mother,who quarrelled constantly over tri?es that Beth completely ignored.Her parents seemed like two ill—tempered animals confined in the same cage,she thought,and their snarlsg had long since ceased to interest her.

This condition had,of course,been infinitely worsein all those dreadful years when they were poverty stricken.Since Uncle John had settled a comfortable income on his niece the grocer was paid promptly and Mrs.De Graf worea silk dress on Sundays and held her chin a little higher than any other of the Cloverton ladies dared do.The Professor,no longer harassed by debts,devoted less time to the drudgery of teaching and began the composition of an oratorio that he ?rmly believed would render his name famous.So,there being less to quarrel about,Beth's parents indulged more moderately in that pastime;but their natures were discordant,and harmony in the De Graf household was impossible.

When away from home Beth's disposition softened.Some of her school—friends had seen her smile—a wonderful and charming phenomenon,during which her expression grew sweet and bewitchinglya animated and her brown eyes radiant with mirthful light.It was not the same Beth at all.

Sometimes,when the nieces were all at Aunt Jane's,Beth had snuggled in the arms of her cousin Louise,who had a way of rendering herself agreeable to all with whom she came in contact,and tried hard to win the affection of the frankly antagonisticb girl.At such times the gentleness of Elizabeth,her almost passionate desire to be loved and fondled,completely transformed her for the moment.Louise,shrewd at reading others,told herself that Beth possessed a reserve force of tenderness,amiability and fond devotion that would render her adorable if she ever allowed those qualities full expression.But she did not tell Beth that.The girl was so accustomed to despise herself and so suspicious of any creditable impulsesbethat at times unexpectedly obtrudeda themselves,that she would have dismissed such a suggestion as arrantb ?attery,and Louise was clever enough not to wish to arouse her cousin to a full consciousness of her own possibilities.

The trained if not native indifference of this strange girl of fifteen was demonstrated by her reception of Uncle John's telegram.She quietly handed it to her mother and said,as calmly as if it were an invitation to a church picnic:

"I think I shall go."

"Nothing like that ever happened to me,"remarked Mrs.De Graf,enviously."If John Merrick had an atom of common sense he'd have taken me to Europe instead of a troop of stupid school girls.But John always was a fool,and always will be.When will you start,Beth?""To—morrow morning.There's nothing to keep me.I'll go to Patsy and stay with her until we sail.""Are you glad ?"asked her mother,looking into theexpressionless face half curiously.

"Yes,"returned Beth,as if considering her reply;"a change is always interesting,and I have never travelled except to visit Aunt Jane at Elmhurst.So I think I am pleased to go to Europe."Mrs.De Graf sighed.There was little in common between mother and daughter;but that,to a grave extent,was the woman's fault.She had never tried to understand her child'scomplex nature,and somewhat resented Beth's youth and good looks,which she considered contrasted unfavorably with her own deepening wrinkles and graying hair.For Mrs.De Graf was vain and self—important,and still thought herself attractive and even girlish.It would really be a relief to have Beth out of the way for a few months.

The girl packed her own trunk and arranged for it to be taken to the station.In the morning she entered the music room to bid the Professor good—bye.He frowned at the interruption,for the oratorio was especially engrossinga at the time.Mrs.De Graf kissed her daughter lightly upon the lips and said in aperfunctoryb way that she hoped Beth would have a good time.

The girl had no thought of resenting the lack of affection displayed by her parents.It was what she had always been accustomed to,and she had no reason to expect anything different.

Patsy met her at the train in New York and embraced her rapturouslyc.Patsy was really fond of Beth;but it was her nature to be fond of everyone,and her cousin,escaping from her smackingd and enthusiastic kisses,told herself that Patsy would have embraced a cat with the same spontaneous ecstacye.That was not strictly true,but there was nothing half hearted or halfway about Miss Doyle.If she loved you,therewould never be an occasion for you to doubt the fact.It was Patsy's way.

Uncle John also was cordial in his greetings.He was very proud of his pretty niece,and discerning enough to realize there was a broad strata of womanliness somewhere in Elizabeth's undemonstrativea character.He had promised himself to "dig it out"some day,and perhaps the European trip would give him his opportunity.

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