

After this climax the interview was not so long as it was interesting.

Two men as far apart as the poles, as remote from each other in mind and body, in training and education or lack of it, in desires and intentions, in points of view and trend of being, as nature and circumstances could make them, talked in a language foreign to each other of a wildly strange thing.Palliser's arguments and points of aspect were less unknown to T.Tembarom than his own were to Palliser.

He had seen something very like them before, though they had developed in different surroundings and had been differently expressed.The colloquialism "You're not doing that for your health" can be made to cover much ground in the way of the stripping bare of motives for action.This was what, in excellent and well-chosen English, Captain Palliser frankly said to his host.Of nothing which T.Tembarom said to him in his own statement did he believe one word or syllable.The statement in question was not long or detailed.It was, of course, Palliser saw, a ridiculously impudent flinging together of a farrago of nonsense, transparent in its effort beyond belief.Before he had listened five minutes with the distinctly "nasty" smile, he burst out laughing.

"That is a good `spiel,' my dear chap," he said."It's as good a `spiel' as your typewriter friend used to rattle off when he thought he saw a customer; but I'm not a customer."Tembarom looked at him interestedly for about ten seconds.His hands were thrust into his trousers pockets, as was his almost invariable custom.Absorption and speculation, even emotion and excitement, were usually expressed in this unconventional manner.

"You don't believe a darned word of it," was his sole observation.

"Not a darned word," Palliser smiled."You are trying a `bluff,' which doesn't do credit to your usual sharpness.It's a bluff that is actually silly.It makes you look like an ass.""Well, it's true," said Tembarom; "it's true."Palliser laughed again.

"I only said it made you look like an ass," he remarked."I don't profess to understand you altogether, because you are a new species.

Your combination of ignorance and sharpness isn't easy to calculate on.But there is one thing I have found out, and that is, that when you want to play a particular sharp trick you are willing to let people take you for a fool.I'll own you've deceived me once or twice, even when I suspected you.I've heard that's one of the most successful methods used in the American business world.That's why Ionly say you look like an ass.You are an ass in some respects; but you are letting yourself look like one now for some shrewd end.You either think you'll slip out of danger by it when I make this discovery public, or you think you'll somehow trick me into keeping my mouth shut.""I needn't trick you into keeping your mouth shut," Tembarom suggested."There's a straightway to do that, ain't there?" And he indelicately waved his hand toward the documents pertaining to the Cedric Company.

It was stupid as well as gross, in his hearer's opinion.If he had known what was good for him he would have been clever enough to ignore the practical presentation of his case made half an hour or so earlier.

"No, there is not," Palliser replied, with serene mendacity."No suggestion of that sort has been made.My business proposition was given out on an entirely different basis.You, of course, choose to put your personal construction upon it.""Gee whiz!" ejaculated T.Tembarom."I was 'way off, wasn't I?""I told you that professing to be an ass wouldn't be good enough in this case.Don't go on with it," said Palliser, sharply.

"You're throwing bouquets.Let a fellow be natural," said Tembarom.

"That is bluff, too," Palliser replied more sharply still."I am not taken in by it, bold as it is.Ever since you came here, you have been playing this game.It was your fool's grin and guffaw and pretense of good nature that first made me suspect you of having something up your sleeve.You were too unembarrassed and candid.""So you began to look out," Tembarom said, considering him curiously, "just because of that." Then suddenly he laughed outright, the fool's guffaw.

It somehow gave Palliser a sort of puzzled shock.It was so hearty that it remotely suggested that he appeared more secure than seemed possible.He tried to reply to him with a languid contempt of manner.

"You think you have some tremendously sharp `deal' in your hand," he said, "but you had better remember you are in England where facts are like sledge-hammers.You can't dodge from under them as you can in America.I dare say you won't answer me, but I should like to ask you what you propose to do.""I don't know what I'm going to do any more than you do," was the unilluminating answer."I don't mind telling you that.""And what do you think he will do?"

"I've got to wait till I find out.I'm doing it.That was what I told you.What are you going to do?" he added casually.

"I'm going to Lincoln's Inn Fields to have an interview with Palford &Grimby."

"That's a good enough move," commented Tembarom, "if you think you can prove what you say.You've got to prove things, you know.I couldn't, so I lay low and waited, just like I told you.""Of course, of course," Palliser himself almost grinned in his derision."You have only been waiting.""When you've got to prove a thing, and haven't much to go on, you've got to wait," said T.Tembarom--"to wait and keep your mouth shut, whatever happens, and to let yourself be taken for a fool or a horse-thief isn't as gilt-edged a job as it seems.But proof's what it's best to have before you ring up the curtain.You'd have to have it yourself.So would Palford & Grimby before it'd be stone-cold safe to rush things and accuse a man of a penitentiary offense."He took his unconventional half-seat on the edge of the table, with one foot on the floor and the other one lightly swinging.

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