

"I loved poor Jem and I love Temple, and, though I am only a woman who never has been the least clever, I know them both.I know neither of them could lie or do a wicked, cunning thing.Temple is the soul of honor."It was quite an inspirational outburst.She had never before in her life said so much at one time.Of course tears began to stream down her face, while Mr.Palford and Mr.Grimby gazed at her in great embarrassment.

"If Mr.Strangeways was poor Jem come back alive, Temple did not know--he never knew.All he did for him was done for kindness' sake.I--I--" It was inevitable that she should stammer before going to this length of violence, and that the words should burst from her: "I would swear it!"It was really a shock to both Palford and Grimby.That a lady of Miss Temple Barholm's age and training should volunteer to swear to a thing was almost alarming.It was also in rather unpleasing taste.

"Captain Palliser obliged Mr.Temple Temple Barholm to confess that he had known for some time," Mr.Palford said with cold regret."He also informed him that he should communicate with us without delay.""Captain Palliser is a bad man." Miss Alicia choked back a gasp to make the protest.

"It was after their interview that Mr.Temple Barholm almost immediately left the house.""Without any explanation whatever," added Grimby.

"He left a few lines for me," defended Miss Alicia.

"We have not seen them." Mr.Palford was still as well as cold.Poor little Miss Alicia took them out of her pocket with an unsteady hand.

They were always with her, and she could not on such a challenge seem afraid to allow them to be read.Mr.Palford took them from her with a slight bow of thanks.He adjusted his glasses and read aloud, with pauses between phrases which seemed somewhat to puzzle him.

"Dear little Miss Alicia:

"I've got to light out of here as quick as I can make it.I can't even stop to tell you why.There's just one thing--don't get rattled, Miss Alicia.Whatever any one says or does, don't get rattled.

"Yours affectionately, "T.TEMBAROM."

There was a silence, Mr.Palford passed the paper to his partner, who gave it careful study.Afterward he refolded it and handed it back to Miss Alicia.

"In a court of law," was Mr.Palford's sole remark, "it would not be regarded as evidence for the defendant."Miss Alicia's tears were still streaming, but she held her ringleted head well up.

"I cannot stay! I beg your pardon, I do indeed!" she said."But I must leave you.You see," she added, with her fine little touch of dignity, "as yet this house is still Mr.Temple Barholm's home, and I am the grateful recipient of his bounty.Burrill will attend you and make you quite comfortable." With an obeisance which was like a slight curtsey, she turned and fled.

In less than an hour she walked up the neat bricked path, and old Mrs.

Hutchinson, looking out, saw her through the tiers of flower-pots in the window.Hutchinson himself was in London, but Ann was reading at the other side of the room.

"Here's poor little owd Miss Temple Barholm aw in a flutter," remarked her grandmother."Tha's got some work cut out for thee if tha's going to quiet her.Oppen th' door, lass."Ann opened the door, and stood by it with calm though welcoming dimples.

"Miss Hutchinson "--Miss Alicia began all at once to realize that they did not know each other, and that she had flown to the refuge of her youth without being at all aware of what she was about to say."Oh!

Little Ann!" she broke down with frank tears."My poor boy! My poor boy!"Little Ann drew her inside and closed the door.

"There, Miss Temple Barholm," she said."There now Just come in and sit down.I'll get you a good cup of tea.You need one."

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  • 四川文学(2015年第12期)


    《四川文学》: 文学刊物。以发表短篇小说为主,同时容纳其它文学体裁、品类,注重思想性与文学性的统一,刊物融现实性、艺术性、可读性于一体,聚读者、作者、编者为一家,所发作品受到省内外广大读者和全国各家文学选刊的青睐。
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