

"Going--back--to--England--back to England--to England."He dropped into a chair near by, his arms thrown over its back, and broke, as his face fell upon them, into heavy, deadly sobbing--the kind of sobbing Tembarom had found it impossible to stand up against.

Hutchinson whirled about testily.

"Dang it!" he broke out, "I wish Tembarom'd turn up.What are we to do?" He didn't like it himself.It struck him as unseemly.

But Ann went to the chair, and put her hands on the shuddering shoulder, bending over the soul-wrung creature, the wisdom of centuries in the soft, expostulatory voice which seemed to reach the very darkness he was lost in.It was a wisdom of which she was wholly unaware, but it had been born with her, and was the building of her being.

"'Sh! 'S-h-h!" she said."You mustn't do that.Mr.Tembarom wouldn't like you to do it.He'll be in directly.'Sh! 'Sh, now!" And simple as the words were, their soothing reached him.The wildness of his sobs grew less.

"See here," Hutchinson protested, "this won't do, my man.I won't have it, Ann.I'm upset myself, what with this going back and everything.Ican't have a chap coming and crying like that there.It upsets me worse than ever.And you hangin' over him! It won't do."Strangeways lifted his head from his arms and looked at him.

"Aye, I mean what I say," Hutchinson added fretfully.

Strangeways got up from the chair.When he was not bowed or slouching it was to be seen that he was a tall man with square shoulders.

Despite his unshaven, haggard face, he had a sort of presence.

"I'll go back to my room," he said."I forgot.I ought not to be here."Neither Hutchinson nor Little Ann had ever seen any one do the thing he did next.When Ann went with him to the door of the hall bedroom, he took her hand, and bowing low before her, lifted it gently to his lips.

Hutchinson stared at him as he turned into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Well, I've read of lords and ladies doin' that in books," he said, "but I never thought I should see a chap do it myself."Little Ann went back to her mending, looking very thoughtful.

"Father," she said, after a few moments, "England made him come near to remembering something.""New York'll come near making me remember a lot of things when I'm out of it," said Mr.Hutchinson, sitting down heavily in his chair and rubbing his head."Eh, dang it! dang it!""Don't you let it, Father," advised Little Ann."There's never any good in thinking things over.""You're not as cheerful yourself as you let on," he said."You've not got much color to-day, my lass."She rubbed one cheek a little, trying to laugh.

"I shall get it back when we go and stay with grandmother.It's just staying indoors so much.Mr.Tembarom won't be long now; I'll get up and set the table.The things are on a tray outside."As she was going out of the room, Jim Bowles and Julius Steinberger appeared at the door.

"May we come in?" Jim asked eagerly."We're invited to the oyster stew, and it's time old T.T.was here.Julius and me are just getting dippy waiting up-stairs to hear if he's made good with Galton.""Well, now, you sit down and be quiet a bit, or you'll be losing your appetites," advised Ann.

"You can't lose a thing the size of mine," answered Jim, "any more than you could lose the Metropolitan Opera-house."Ann turned her head and paused as though she were listening.She heard footsteps in the lower hall.

"He's coming now," she announced."I know his step.He's tired.Don't go yet, you two," she added as the pair prepared to rush to meet him.

"When any one's that tired he wants to wash his face, and talk when he's ready.If you'll just go back to your room I'll call you when I've set the table."She felt that she wanted a little more quiet during the next few minutes than she could have if they remained and talked at the top of elated voices.She had not quite realized how anxiously she had been waiting all day for the hour when she would hear exactly what had happened.If he was all right, it would be a nice thing to remember when she was in England.In this moderate form she expressed herself mentally."It would be a nice thing to remember." She spread the cloth on the table and began to lay out the plates.Involuntarily she found herself stopping to glance at the hall bedroom door and listen rather intently.

"I hope he's got it.I do that.I'm sure he has.He ought to."Hutchinson looked over at her.She was that like her mother, that lass!

"You're excited, Ann," he said.

"Yes, Father, I am--a bit.He's--he's washing his face now." Sounds of splashing water could be heard through the intervening door.

Hutchinson watched her with some uneasiness.

"You care a lot for that lad," he said.

She did not look fluttered.Her answer was quite candid.

"I said I did, Father.He's taking off his boots.""You know every sound he makes, and you're going away Saturday, and you'll never see him again.""That needn't stop me caring.It never did any one any harm to care for one of his sort.""But it can't come to anything," Hutchinson began to bluster."It won't do--""He's coming to the door, he's turning the handle," said Little Ann.

Tembarom came in.He was fresh with recent face-washing, and his hair was damp, so that a short lock curled and stood up.He had been up-town making frantic efforts for hours, but he had been making them in a spirit of victorious relief, and he did not look tired at all.

"I've got it!" he cried out the moment he entered."I've got it, by jingo! The job's mine for keeps.""Galton's give it to you out and out?" Hutchinson was slightly excited himself.

"He's in the bulliest humor you ever saw.He says I've done first-rate, and if I go on, he'll run me up to thirty.""Well, I'm danged glad of it, lad, that I am!" Hutchinson gave in handsomely."You put backbone into it."Little Ann stood near, smiling.Her smile met Tembarom's.

  • The Depot Master

    The Depot Master

  • 魏庆之词话


  • 辟妄救略说


  • 朝野新谭


  • The Life and Letters

    The Life and Letters

  • 暗瞳


    十宗罪之外的战争:情报界的高智商对抗,跨国暗战一触即发。蜘蛛、周浩晖、紫金陈联袂推荐!The Dark Eye全球情报危机管理的入门教程揭秘情报世界的悬疑推理小说媲美“谍影重重”,多家影视公司争相洽谈版权如果能要风得风要雨得雨,见不到阳光又如何?没有什么是不需要代价就能获得的。我们这种人能体会与众不同的生活,长期冒着危险四处工作,今后的归宿往往是垃圾堆。所以,不妨在活着的时候对自己好一点,别有那么多负担。
  • 独家专宠


    陈凯歌担纲总监制电视剧《青春创世纪》原著小说。男友力MAX的全能型总裁和超级守财奴的感情碰撞!一段前面纠结到心疼后面甜到牙疼爱情!从小到大,钱希西的人生信条除了赚钱、赚钱、还是赚钱。段燃,钱希西心中傲娇、毒舌的代言人,以拆自己的台为乐。她万万没想到,有一天会为了段燃甘愿倾己所有。当我们还未曾意识到爱时,内心已经急于把自认为最重要的悉数为所爱拿出。换言之,在爱情面前,除了爱的那个人,其他东西都变得微不足道。回首再看,曾经那些斗嘴争执,不过是遮掩在霸道下的宠溺相伴。险些错过,所幸没有; 又或许不会错过,真爱岂容错过?
  • 英雄故事(爱我中华好故事)


  • 周易禅解


  • Fire Down Below
  • 我真不是学神


  • 给小学生讲世界地理(上)


  • 翻译名义集


  • 暮雪纷飞


  • 仙迹

