

"I'm going to pack up," said he."I've found a place where I'll be treated right." He looked haughtily at Susan."And the daughter's a good looker, too.She's got some weight on her.She ain't like a washed out string."Etta understood at once."What a low-down thing you are!" she cried."Just like the rest of these filthy tenement house animals.I thought _you_ had some pride.""Oh, shut up!" bawled Ashbel."You're not such a much.What're we, anyhow, to put on airs? We're as common as dirt--yes, and that sniffy lady friend of yours, too.Where'd she come from, anyhow? Some dung pile, I'll bet."He went into his room, reappeared with his few belongings done into a bundle."So long," said he, stalking toward the hall door.

Etta burst into tears, caught him by the arm."You ain't goin', are you, Ashy?" cried she.

"Bet your life.Let me loose." And he shook her off."I'm not goin' to be saddled with two women that ain't got no gratitude.""My God, Lorna!" wailed Etta."Talk to him.Make him stay."Susan shook her head, went to the window and gazed into the snowy dreary prospect of tenement house yards.Ashbel, who had been hesitating through hope, vented a jeering laugh."Ain't she the insultin'est, airiest lady!" sneered he."Well, so long.""But, Ashy, you haven't paid for last week yet," pleaded Etta, clinging to his arm.

"You kin have my share of the furniture for that.""The furniture! Oh, my God!" shrieked Etta, releasing him to throw out her arms in despair."How'll we pay for the furniture if you go?""Ask your high and mighty lady friend," said her brother.And he opened the door, passed into the hall, slammed it behind him.

Susan waited a moment for Etta to speak, then turned to see what she was doing.She had dropped into one of the flimsy chairs, was staring into vacancy.

"We'll have to give up these rooms right away," said Susan.

Etta roused herself, looked at her friend.And Susan saw what Etta had not the courage to express--that she blamed her for not having "made the best of it" and kept Ashbel.And Susan was by no means sure that the reproach in Etta's eyes and heart were not justified."I couldn't do it, Etta," she said with a faint suggestion of apology.

"Men are that way," said Etta sullenly.

"Oh, I don't blame him," protested Susan."I understand.But--Ican't do it, Etta--I simply can't!"

"No," said Etta."You couldn't.I could, but you couldn't.I'm not as far down as Ashbel.I'm betwixt and between; so I can understand you both.""You go and make up with him and let me look after myself.I'll get along."Etta shook her head."No," said she without any show of sentiment, but like one stating an unalterable fact."I've got to stay on with you.I can't live without you.I don't want to go down.I want to go up.""Up!" Susan smiled bitterly.

Silence fell between them, and Susan planned for the new conditions.She did not speak until Etta said, "What ever will we do?""We've got to give up the furniture.Thank goodness, we've paid only two-fifty on it.""Yes, _it's_ got to go," said Etta.

"And we've got to pay Mrs.Quinlan the six we owe her and get out tonight.We'll go up to the top floor--up to Mrs.Cassatt.

She takes sleepers.Then--we'll see."

An hour later they had moved; for Mrs.Quinlan was able to find two lodgers to take the rooms at once.They were established with Mrs.Cassatt, had a foul and foul-smelling bed and one-half of her back room; the other half barely contained two even dirtier and more malodorous cots, in one of which slept Mrs.

Cassatt's sixteen-year-old daughter Kate, in the other her fourteen-year-old son Dan.For these new quarters and the right to cook their food on the Cassatt stove the girls agreed to pay three dollars and a half a week--which left them three dollars and a half a week for food and clothing--and for recreation and for the exercise of the virtue of thrift which the comfortable so assiduously urge upon the poor.

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  • 做事要会算计


  • 魔武变


  • 权利之眼2水晶诅咒


  • 或许只有你懂我


  • 性格影响人生


  • Such a Pretty Face

    Such a Pretty Face

    With stories by acclaimed and exciting new YA writers: Louise HawesJ. James Keels Ron Koertge Chris Lynch Norma Fox Mazer Lauren Myracle Jamie Pittel Anita Riggio Mary Ann Rodman Ellen Wittlinger Jacqueline Woodson Tim Wynne-Jones A stellar line-up of young adult writers examines our relationship with beauty in stories that haunt, amuse, stir, and fascinate. A beauty queen with a chin-hair problem, an aspiring model who would rather take pictures than be in them, a boy in love with the gorgeous nurse he's never seen, a girl named Beauty who feels like anything but—the teenagers in these dozen stories feel the power of beauty, whether it's to trap, save, torment, or comfort. In an era when image seems to have triumphed over virtue and reason, this timely, discussion-provoking collection asks young readers to think about what is truly beautiful.
  • 掌上蔷薇


  • 草原上的太阳


    《草原上的太阳》是一本介绍尼玛先生生平事迹 的力作之一。尼玛先生仙逝之后,较全面、系统的写先生的生平事迹 的著作主要有三 部:一是1991年,由阿坝州教委徐长富同志写的《尼 玛办学模式》;二是1997年,由先生的高足之一、藏族青年学者供秋仁 青根据先生《自 传》,按藏族传记体写法,用藏文写成的史料性专著 《尼玛传》;第三本是1993年阿来同志写的这本《草原上的太阳》,这 是一本以一个藏 族青年作家特有的眼光,运用纪实文学的表现手法, 全方位,多角度反映尼玛先生不平凡的生平和事迹的书。这三本书的 共同点是,完 全忠实于尼玛先生其人其事。
  • 谠论集

