

The door opened and a burly man, dressed in cheap ready-made clothes but with an air of authority and prosperity, was smiling at her."The madam told me to walk right in and make myself at home," said he."Yes, you're up to her account of you.Only she said you were dead drunk and would probably be asleep.Now, honey, you treat me right and I'll treat you right.""Get out of here!" cried Susan."I'm going to leave this house.They drugged me and brought me here.""Oh, come now.I've got nothing to do with your quarrels with the landlady.Cut those fairy tales out.You treat me right and----"A few minutes later in came the madam.Susan, exhausted, sick, lay inert in the middle of the bed.She fixed her gaze upon the eyes looking through the hideous mask of paint and powder partially concealing the madam's face.

"Well, are you going to be a good girl now?" said the madam.

"I want to sleep," said Susan.

"All right, my dear." She saw and snatched the five-dollar bill from the pillow."It'll go toward paying your board and for the parlor dress.God, but you was drunk when they brought you up from the bar!""When was that?" asked Susan.

"About midnight.It's nearly four now.We've shut the house for the night.You're in a first-rate house, my dear, and if you behave yourself, you'll make money--a lot more than you ever could at a dive like Zeist's.If you don't behave well, we'll teach you how.This building belongs to one of the big men in politics, and he looks after my interests--and he ought to, considering the rent I pay--five hundred a month--for the three upper floors.The bar's let separate.Would you like a nice drink?""No," said Susan.Trapped! Hopelessly trapped! And she would never escape until, diseased, her looks gone, ruined in body and soul, she was cast out into the hospital and the gutter.

"As I was saying," ventured the madam, "you might as well settle down quietly.""I'm very well satisfied," said Susan."I suppose you'll give me a square deal on what I make." She laughed quietly as if secretly amused at something."In fact, I know you will," she added in a tone of amused confidence.

"As soon as you've paid up your twenty-five a week for room and board and the fifty for the parlor dress----"Susan interrupted her with a laugh."Oh, come off," said she.

"I'll not stand for that.I'll go back to Jim Finnegan."The old woman's eyes pounced for her face instantly."Do you know Finnegan?""I'm his girl," said Susan carelessly.She stretched herself and yawned."I got mad at him and started out for some fun.

He's a regular damn fool about me.But I'm sick of him.

Anything but a jealous man! And spied on everywhere I go.How much can I make here?""Ain't you from Zeist's?" demanded the madam.Her voice was quivering with fright.She did not dare believe the girl; she did not dare disbelieve her.

"Zeist's? What's that?" said Susan indifferently.

"The joint two blocks down.Hasn't Joe Bishop had you in there for a couple of months?"Susan yawned."Lord, how my head does ache! Who's Joe Bishop?

I'm dead to the world.I must have had an awful jag!" She turned on her side, drew the spread over her."I want to sleep.So long!""Didn't you run away from home with Joe Bishop?" demanded the madam shrilly."And didn't he put you to work for Zeist?""Who's Joe Bishop? Where's Zeist's?" Susan said, cross and yawning.

"I've been with Jim about a year.He took me off the street.

I was broke in five years ago."

  • 明伦汇编人事典十七岁部


  • 忠仆案


  • 玄极神皇


  • 世上没有好老板


  • 胎教百问百答


    从一个受精卵到一个完整的生命,其中的量变和质变是如此地震撼人心。生命,在不断的孕育与诞生中,在无穷的体验与感受中,从远古洪荒向我们走来,走过了千万年。生命的每一过程,是那样难以捉摸,但每一个阶段,现在却都能被父母所把握。诚然,在了解生命最初阶段时,你会遇到许许多多的问题。比如,“第一个月的胎儿是什么样的?”“胎儿有记忆力吗?”“胎教应从什么时候开始?”“双亲的遗传对孩子的智力有什么影响?”“音乐对胎儿是有益的吗?”……如果你浏览一下手中的这本书,它会给你一个满意的回答。 本书为“金阳光新农村丛书”之一,对关于胎教问题进行了全面解答。全书新颖实用,简明易懂。
  • 最后一片野果林(冰心儿童图书奖获奖作品)


  • 主播,出来挨打


  • 泛宇宙意识


  • 娘子,夜深了


    新坑《老婆,不婚休想离》皇命在身:一年之内必须娶满三夫四侍!正夫诱惑:娘子,你看上谁了?为夫帮你抢回来!但是你的心里不许有别人!只能疼我爱我!夫管严者有家训曰:为妻者,宠夫是王道!这是一个爱吃醋的傲娇妖夫,怕娘子爱上别的男人,想要独占宠爱,却又死乞白赖的给娘子塞各种相公、挖各种桃花坑的NP爱情故事!这么一个夫管严,这么一个娇憨老实的姑娘,为了三夫四侍的皇命,必须得狡猾一下下了!先把美人们娶回来,哄了夫君再谈情说爱!【扮猪吃老虎】。【仙侠】。【女宠男】。【小白】。【美男多多】。喜欢的亲们请收藏、留言支持下昂~(*^◎^*)------------(~o ̄▽ ̄)~o窝是又萌又可耐的分割线------------【玄幻宠文】阴阳师,九尾狐,返祖。【哥哥是只妖】墨儿师傅【宠文】女王,忠犬男~桃花常常眼冒精光,因为别人家哥哥、稳重、正太还超级萌!看自家哥哥:阴险、腹黑、还是个万人迷牛郎~偏偏还是只妖、不是人!啊啊~~最可恨的是,这个阴险腹黑万人迷妖哥哥时常对自己动手动脚,还……宝贝们滴有爱【宠】文妈咪,我是合法的》九尾鸢这是一个宠文,先婚后爱,宝宝很无敌,涉及高干豪门和黑帮。男主强女主也不弱,都擅长扮猪吃老虎,但是到底是谁吃了谁呢,亲们钻文看吧。《难耐美人恩》凤陌焰美人如画,恩宠不断。耐得了寂寞,受得了严寒,守得了家门,却,难耐美人狂野恩宠!《爱妃,老子是狼王》【宠】他是狼崽,她是渊识的人类,她不嫌弃他,教他唤她的名字:黎西,给他取名,黎狼;后来,他是王,她是贱民,他也不嫌弃她,教她用最精致的器皿享用世间最好的一切。【宠文推荐】《废帝霸妃》【契约老公,别乱来】剩女脸不红耳不热,纤手捏着美男俊脸:小朋友皮肤蛮水嫩的,教姐姐如何保养……【拐个娘子,生个娃】穿越只想泡美男,玩JQ,为啥子要嫁给大了她十几多岁的大叔?!如此,要逃!《全能皇妃》这一世,她立誓要做一个全能美少女,什么诗词歌赋,什么琴棋书画,什么谋略天下,只要是人会的,她都要学会…【那些年,我们一起打怪兽】【独宠妖孽徒儿】【仙侠+师徒+宠文】神马伦常,神马禁忌,那都是浮云。就偏生要做一对让人艳羡的神仙眷侣!http://m.wkkk.net/u/1792766237木子的微博拿出来晒晒太阳~\(≧▽≦)/~有木有喜欢刷微博滴亲亲~
  • 世界被改造了

