

It had placed England in a position of marked hostility to that power from which alone the Pretender could expect efficient succour.It had joined England in the closest union to a Protestant and republican State, to a State which had assisted in bringing about the Revolution, and which was willing to guarantee the execution of the Act of Settlement.Marlborough and Godolphin found that they were more zealously supported by their old opponents than by their old associates.Those ministers who were zealous for the war were gradually converted to Whiggism.The rest dropped off, and were succeeded by Whigs.Cowper became Chancellor.Sunderland, in spite of the very just antipathy of Anne, was made Secretary of State.On the death of the Prince of Denmark a more extensive change took place.Wharton became Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and Somers, President of the Council.At length the administration was wholly in the hands of the Low Church party.

In the year 1710 a violent change took place.The Queen had always been a Tory at heart.Her religious feelings were all on the side of the Established Church.Her family feelings pleaded in favour of her exiled brother.Her selfish feelings disposed her to favour the zealots of prerogative.The affection which she felt for the Duchess of Marlborough was the great security of the Whigs.That affection had at length turned to deadly aversion.

While the great party which had long swayed the destinies of Europe was undermined by bedchamber women at St.James's, a violent storm gathered in the country.A foolish parson had preached a foolish sermon against the principles of the Revolution.The wisest members of the Government were for letting the man alone.But Godolphin, inflamed with all the zeal of a new-made Whig, and exasperated by a nickname which was applied to him in this unfortunate discourse, insisted that the preacher should be impeached.The exhortations of the mild and sagacious Somers were disregarded.The impeachment was brought; the doctor was convicted; and the accusers were ruined.The clergy came to the rescue of the persecuted clergyman.The country gentlemen came to the rescue of the clergy.A display of Tory feelings, such as England had not witnessed since the closing years of Charles the Second's reign, appalled the ministers and gave boldness to the Queen.She turned out the Whigs, called Harley and St.John to power, and dissolved the Parliament.The elections went strongly against the late Government.Stanhope, who had in his absence, been put in nomination for Westminster, was defeated by a Tory candidate.The new ministers, finding themselves masters of the new Parliament, were induced by the strongest motives to conclude a peace with France.The whole system of alliance in which the country was engaged was a Whig system.The general by whom the English armies had constantly been led to victory, and for whom it was impossible to find a substitute, was now whatever he might formerly have been, a Whig general.If Marlborough were discarded it was probable that some great disaster would follow.Yet if he were to retain his command, every great action which he might perform would raise the credit of the party in opposition.

A peace was therefore concluded between England and the Princes of the House of Bourbon.Of that peace Lord Mahon speaks in terms of the severest reprehension.He is, indeed, an excellent Whig of the time of the first Lord Stanhope."I cannot but pause for a moment," says he, "to observe how much the course of a century has inverted the meaning of our party nicknames, how much a modern Tory resembles a Whig of Queen Anne's reign, and a Tory of Queen Anne's reign a modern Whig."We grant one half of Lord Mahon's proposition: from the other half we altogether dissent.We allow that a modern Tory resembles, in many things, a Whig of Queen Anne's reign.It is natural that such should be the case.The worst things of one age often resemble the best things of another.A modern shopkeeper's house is as well furnished as the house of a considerable merchant in Anne's reign.Very plain people now wear finer cloth than Beau Fielding or Beau Edgeworth could have procured in Queen Anne's reign.We would rather trust to the apothecary of a modern village than to the physician of a large town in Anne's reign.Amodern boarding-school miss could tell the most learned professor of Anne's reign some things in geography, astronomy, and chemistry, which would surprise him.

The science of government is an experimental science; and therefore it is, like all other experimental sciences, a progressive science.Lord Mahon would have been a very good Whig in the days of Harley.But Harley, whom Lord Mahon censures so severely, was very Whiggish when compared even with Clarendon;and Clarendon was quite a democrat when compared with Lord Burleigh.If Lord Mahon lives, as we hope he will, fifty years longer, we have no doubt that, as he now boasts of the resemblance which the Tories of our time bear to the Whigs of the Revolution, he will then boast of the resemblance borne by the Tories of 1882 to those immortal patriots, the Whigs of the Reform Bill.

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