

The sovereigns of Europe were, therefore, bound by every obligation which those who are intrusted with power over their fellow-creatures ought to hold most sacred, to respect and defend the rights of the Archduchess.Her situation and her personal qualities were such as might be expected to move the mind of any generous man to pity, admiration, and chivalrous tenderness.She was in her twenty-fourth year.Her form was majestic, her features beautiful, her countenance sweet and animated, her voice musical, her deportment gracious and dignified, In all domestic relations she was without reproach.She was married to a husband whom she loved, and was on the point of giving birth to a child, when death deprived her of her father.The loss of a parent, and the new cares of empire, were too much for her in the delicate state of her health.Her spirits were depressed, and her cheek lost its bloom.Yet it seemed that she had little cause for anxiety.It seemed that justice, humanity, and the faith of treaties would have their due weight, and that the settlement so solemnly guaranteed would be quietly carried into effect.

England, Russia, Poland, and Holland, declared in form their intention to adhere to their engagements.The French ministers made a verbal declaration to the same effect.But from no quarter did the young Queen of Hungary receive stronger assurances of friendship and support than from the King of Prussia.

Yet the King of Prussia, the Anti-Machiavel, had already fully determined to commit the great crime of violating his plighted faith, of robbing the ally whom he was bound to defend, and of plunging all Europe into a long, bloody, and desolating war; and all this for no end whatever, except that he might extend his dominions, and see his name in the gazettes.He determined to assemble a great army with speed and secrecy, to invade Silesia before Maria Theresa should be apprised of his design, and to add that rich province to his kingdom.

We will not condescend to refute at length the pleas which the compiler of the Memoirs before us has copied from Doctor Preuss.

They amount to this, that the House of Brandenburg had some ancient pretensions to Silesia, and had in the previous century been compelled, by hard usage on the part of the Court of Vienna, to waive those pretensions.It is certain that, whoever might originally have been in the right, Prussia had submitted.Prince after prince of the House of Brandenburg had acquiesced in the existing arrangement.Nay, the Court of Berlin had recently been allied with that of Vienna, and had guaranteed the integrity of the Austrian states.Is it not perfectly clear that, if antiquated claims are to be set up against recent treaties and long possession, the world can never be at peace for a day? The laws of all nations have wisely established a time of limitation, after which titles, however illegitimate in their origin, cannot be questioned.It is felt by everybody, that to eject a person from his estate on the ground of some injustice committed in the time of the Tudors would produce all the evils which result from arbitrary confiscation, and would make all property insecure.It concerns the commonwealth--so runs the legal maxim--that there be an end of litigation.And surely this maxim is at least equally applicable to the great commonwealth of states; for in that commonwealth litigation means the devastation of provinces, the suspension of trade and industry, sieges like those of Badajoz and St.Sebastian, pitched fields like those of Eylau and Borodino.We hold that the transfer of Norway from Denmark to Sweden was an unjustifiable proceeding; but would the King of Denmark be therefore justified in landing, without any new provocation in Norway, and commencing military operations there?

The King of Holland thinks, no doubt, that he was unjustly deprived of the Belgian provinces.Grant that it were so.Would he, therefore, be justified in marching with an army on Brussels?

The case against Frederic was still stronger, inasmuch as the injustice of which he complained had been committed more than a century before.Nor must it be forgotten that he owed the highest personal obligations to the House of Austria.It may be doubted whether his life had not been preserved by the intercession of the prince whose daughter he was about to plunder.

To do the King justice, he pretended to no more virtue than he had.In manifestoes he might, for form's sake, insert some idle stories about his antiquated claim on Silesia; but in his conversations and Memoirs he took a very different tone.His own words are: "Ambition, interest, the desire of making people talk about me, carried the day; and I decided for war."Having resolved on his course, he acted with ability and vigour.

It was impossible wholly to conceal his preparations; for throughout the Prussian territories regiments, guns, and baggage were in motion.The Austrian envoy at Berlin apprised his court of these facts, and expressed a suspicion of Frederic's designs;but the ministers of Maria Theresa refused to give credit to so black an imputation on a young prince, who was known chiefly by his high professions of integrity and philanthropy."We will not," they wrote, "we cannot, believe it."In the meantime the Prussian forces had been assembled.Without any declaration of war, without any demand for reparation, in the very act of pouring forth compliments and assurances of goodwill, Frederic commenced hostilities.Many thousands of his troops were actually in Silesia before the Queen of Hungary knew that he had set up any claim to any part of her territories.At length he sent her a message which could be regarded only as an insult.If she would but let him have Silesia, he would, he said, stand by her against any power which should try to deprive her of her other dominions; as if he was not already bound to stand by her, or as if his new promise could be of more value than the old one.

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