

Moore pays a compliment of this kind to Sir Walter Scott, or Sir Walter Scott to Mr.Moore.The idea of either of those gentlemen looking out for some lord who would be likely to give him a few guineas in return for a fulsome dedication seems laughably incongruous.Yet this is exactly what Dryden or Otway would have done; and it would be hard to blame them for it.Otway is said to have been choked with a piece of bread which he devoured in the rage of hunger; and, whether this story be true or false, he was beyond all question miserably poor.Dryden, at near seventy, when at the head of the literary men of England, without equal or second, received three hundred pounds for his Fables, a collection of ten thousand verses, and of such verses as no man then living, except himself, could have produced, Pope, at thirty, had laid up between six and seven thousand pounds, the fruits of his poetry.It was not, we suspect, because he had a higher spirit or a more scrupulous conscience than his predecessors, but because he had a larger income, that he kept up the dignity of the literary character so much better than they had done.

From the time of Pope to the present day the readers have been constantly becoming more and more numerous, and the writers, consequently, more and more independent.It is assuredly a great evil that men, fitted by their talents and acquirements to enlighten and charm the world, should be reduced to the necessity of flattering wicked and foolish patrons in return for the sustenance of life.But, though we heartily rejoice that this evil is removed, we cannot but see with concern that another evil has succeeded to it.The public is now the patron, and a most liberal patron.All that the rich and powerful bestowed on authors from the time of Maecenas to that of Harley would not, we apprehend, make up a sum equal to that which has been paid by English booksellers to authors during the last fifty years.Men of letters have accordingly ceased to court individuals, and have begun to court the public.They formerly used flattery.They now use puffing.

Whether the old or the new vice be the worse, whether those who formerly lavished insincere praise on others, or those who now contrive by every art of beggary and bribery to stun the public with praises of themselves, disgrace their vocation the more deeply, we shall not attempt to decide.But of this we are sure, that it is high time to make a stand against the new trickery.

The puffing of books is now so shamefully and so successfully carried on that it is the duty of all who are anxious for the purity of the national taste, or for the honour of the literary character, to join in discountenancing the practice.All the pens that ever were employed in magnifying Bish's lucky office, Romanis's fleecy hosiery, Packwood's razor strops, and Rowland's Kalydor, all the placard-bearers of Dr.Eady, all the wall-chalkers of Day and Martin, seem to have taken service with the poets and novelists of this generation.Devices which in the lowest trades are considered as disreputable are adopted without scruple, and improved upon with a despicable ingenuity, by people engaged in a pursuit which never was and never will be considered as a mere trade by any man of honour and virtue.A butcher of the higher class disdains to ticket his meat.A mercer of the higher class would be ashamed to hang up papers in his window inviting the passers-by to look at the stock of a bankrupt, all of the first quality, and going for half the value.We expect some reserve, some decent pride, in our hatter and our bootmaker.But no artifice by which notoriety can be obtained is thought too abject for a man of letters.

It is amusing to think over the history of most of the publications which have had a run during the last few years.The publisher is often the publisher of some periodical work.In this periodical work the first flourish of trumpets is sounded.The peal is then echoed and re-echoed by all the other periodical works over which the publisher, or the author, or the author's coterie, may have any influence.The newspapers are for a fortnight filled with puffs of all the various kinds which Sheridan enumerated, direct, oblique, and collusive.Sometimes the praise is laid on thick for simple-minded people."Pathetic,""sublime," "splendid," "graceful," "brilliant wit," "exquisite humour," and other phrases equally flattering, fall in a shower as thick and as sweet as the sugarplums at a Roman carnival.

Sometimes greater art is used.A sinecure has been offered to the writer if he would suppress his work, or if he would even soften down a few of his incomparable portraits.A distinguished military and political character has challenged the inimitable satirist of the vices of the great; and the puffer is glad to learn that the parties have been bound over to keep the peace.

Sometimes it is thought expedient that the puffer should put on a grave face, and utter his panegyric in the form of admonition.

"Such attacks on private character cannot be too much condemned.

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