
第14章 The Burial of the Guns(6)

These were some of the things they talked about as they pulled their old worn coats about them, stuffed their thin, weather-stained hands in their ragged pockets to warm them, and squatted down under the breastwork to keep a little out of the wind.One thing they talked about a good deal was something to eat.They described meals they had had at one time or another as personal adventures, and discussed the chances of securing others in the future as if they were prizes of fortune.

One listening and seeing their thin, worn faces and their wasted frames might have supposed they were starving, and they were, but they did not say so.

Towards the middle of the afternoon there was a sudden excitement in the camp.

A dozen men saw them at the same time: a squad of three men down the road at the farthest turn, past their picket; but an advancing column could not have created as much excitement, for the middle man carried a white flag.In a minute every man in the battery was on the breastwork.

What could it mean! It was a long way off, nearly half a mile, and the flag was small: possibly only a pocket-handkerchief or a napkin;but it was held aloft as a flag unmistakably.A hundred conjectures were indulged in.Was it a summons to surrender? A request for an armistice for some purpose? Or was it a trick to ascertain their number and position?

Some held one view, some another.Some extreme ones thought a shot ought to be fired over them to warn them not to come on;no flags of truce were wanted.The old Colonel, who had walked to the edge of the plateau outside the redoubt and taken his position where he could study the advancing figures with his field-glass, had not spoken.The lieutenant who was next in command to him had walked out after him, and stood near him, from time to time dropping a word or two of conjecture in a half-audible tone;but the Colonel had not answered a word; perhaps none was expected.

Suddenly he took his glass down, and gave an order to the lieutenant:

"Take two men and meet them at the turn yonder; learn their business;and act as your best judgment advises.If necessary to bring the messenger farther, bring only the officer who has the flag, and halt him at that rock yonder, where I will join him."The tone was as placid as if such an occurrence came every day.

Two minutes later the lieutenant was on his way down the mountain and the Colonel had the men in ranks.His face was as grave and his manner as quiet as usual, neither more nor less so.

The men were in a state of suppressed excitement.Having put them in charge of the second sergeant the Colonel returned to the breastwork.

The two officers were slowly ascending the hill, side by side, the bearer of the flag, now easily distinguishable in his jaunty uniform as a captain of cavalry, talking, and the lieutenant in faded gray, faced with yet more faded red, walking beside him with a face white even at that distance, and lips shut as though they would never open again.

They halted at the big bowlder which the Colonel had indicated, and the lieutenant, having saluted ceremoniously, turned to come up to the camp; the Colonel, however, went down to meet him.The two men met, but there was no spoken question; if the Colonel inquired it was only with the eyes.The lieutenant spoke, however."He says," he began and stopped, then began again -- "he says, General Lee --" again he choked, then blurted out, "I believe it is all a lie -- a damned lie.""Not dead? Not killed?" said the Colonel, quickly.

"No, not so bad as that; surrendered: surrendered his entire army at Appomattox day before yesterday.I believe it is all a damned lie,"he broke out again, as if the hot denial relieved him.The Colonel simply turned away his face and stepped a pace or two off, and the two men stood motionless back to back for more than a minute.Then the Colonel stirred.

"Shall I go back with you?" the lieutenant asked, huskily.

The Colonel did not answer immediately.Then he said: "No, go back to camp and await my return." He said nothing about not speaking of the report.

He knew it was not needed.Then he went down the hill slowly alone, while the lieutenant went up to the camp.

The interview between the two officers beside the bowlder was not a long one.

It consisted of a brief statement by the Federal envoy of the fact of Lee's surrender two days before near Appomattox Court-House, with the sources of his information, coupled with a formal demand on the Colonel for his surrender.To this the Colonel replied that he had been detached and put under command of another officer for a specific purpose, and that his orders were to hold that pass, which he should do until he was instructed otherwise by his superior in command.With that they parted, ceremoniously, the Federal captain returning to where he had left his horse in charge of his companions a little below, and the old Colonel coming slowly up the hill to camp.

The men were at once set to work to meet any attack which might be made.

They knew that the message was of grave import, but not of how grave.

They thought it meant that another attack would be made immediately, and they sprang to their work with renewed vigor, and a zeal as fresh as if it were but the beginning and not the end.

The time wore on, however, and there was no demonstration below, though hour after hour it was expected and even hoped for.

Just as the sun sank into a bed of blue cloud a horseman was seen coming up the darkened mountain from the eastward side, and in a little while practised eyes reported him one of their own men -- the sergeant who had been sent back the day before for ammunition.He was alone, and had something white before him on his horse -- it could not be the ammunition; but perhaps that might be coming on behind.

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