

Fanny could not wonder that Edmund was at the parsonage every morning;she would gladly have been there too,might she have gone in uninvited and unnoticed to hear the harp;neither could she wonder,that when the evening stroll was over,and the two families parted again,he should think it right to attend Mrs Grant and her sister to their home,while Mr Crawford was devoted to the ladies of the park;but she thought it a very bad exchange,and if Edmund were not there to mix the wine and water for her,would rather go without it than not.She was a little surprised that he could spend so many hours with Miss Crawford,and not see more of the sort of fault which he had already observed,and of which she was almost always reminded by a something of the same nature whenever she was in her company;but so it was.Edmund was fond of speaking to her of Miss Crawford,but he seemed to think it enough that the admiral had since been spared;and she scrupled to point out her own remarks to him,lest it should appear like ill-nature.The first actual pain which Miss Crawford occasioned her,was the consequence of an inclination to learn to ride,which the former caught soon after her being settled at Mansfield from the example of the young ladies at the park,and which,when Edmund's acquaintance with her increased,led to his encouraging the wish,and the offer of his own quiet mare for the purpose of her first attempts,as the best fitted for a beginner that either stable could furnish.No pain,no injury,however,was designed by him to his cousin in this offer:she was not to lose a day's exercise by it.The mare was only to be taken down to the parsonage half an hour before her ride were to begin;and Fanny,on its being first proposed,so far from feeling slighted,was almost overpowered with gratitude that he should be asking her leave for it.

Miss Crawford made her first essay with great credit to herself,and no inconvenience to Fanny.Edmund,who had taken down the mare and presided at the whole,returned with it in excellent time,before either Fanny or the steady old coachman,who always attended her when she rode without her cousins,were ready to set forward.The second day's trial was not so guiltless.Miss Crawford's enjoyment of riding was such,that she did not know how to leave off.Active and fearless,and,though rather small,strongly made,she seemed formed for a horsewoman;and to the pure genuine pleasure of the exercise,something was probably added in Edmund's attendance and instructions,and something more in the conviction of very much surpassing her sex in general by her early progress,to make her unwilling to dismount.Fanny was ready and waiting,and Mrs Norris was beginning to scold her for not being gone,and still no horse was announced,no Edmund appeared.To avoid her aunt,and look for him,she went out.

The houses,though scarcely half a mile apart,were not within sight of each other;but by walking fifty yards from the hall door,she could look down the park,and command a view of the parsonage and all its demesnes,gentle rising beyond the village road;and in Dr Grant's meadow she immediately saw the group-Edmund and Miss Crawford both on horseback,riding side by side,Dr and Mrs Grant,and Mr Crawford,with two or three grooms,standing about and looking on.A happy party it appeared to her-all interested in one object-cheerful beyond a doubt,for the sound of merriment ascended even to her.It was a sound which did not make her cheerful;she wondered that Edmund should forget her,and felt a pang.She could not turn her eyes from the meadow,she could not help watching all that passed.At first Miss Crawford and her companion made the circuit of the field,which was not small,at a foot's pace;then,at her apparent suggestion,they rose into a canter;and to Fanny's timid nature it was most astonishing to see how well she sat.After a few minutes,they stopped entirely,Edmund was close to her,he was speaking to her,he was evidently directing her management of the bridle,he had hold of her hand;she saw it,or the imagination supplied what the eye could not reach.She must not wonder at all this;what could be more natural than that Edmund should be making himself useful,and proving his good nature by anyone?She could not but think indeed that Mr Crawford might as well have saved him the trouble;that it would have been particularly proper and becoming in a brother to have done it himself;but Mr Crawford,with all his boasted good-nature,and all his coachmanship,probably knew nothing of the matter,and had no active kindness in comparison of Edmund.She began to think it rather hard upon the mare to have such double duty;if she were forgotten the poor mare should be remembered.

Her feelings for one and the other were soon a little tranquillised,by seeing the party in the meadow disperse,and Miss Crawford still on horseback,but attended by Edmund on foot,pass through a gate into the lane,and so into the park,and make towards the spot where she stood.She began then to be afraid of appearing rude and impatient;and walked to meet them with a great anxiety to avoid the suspicion.

‘My dear Miss Price,’said Miss Crawford,as soon as she was at all within hearing,‘I am come to make my own apologies for keeping you waiting-but I have nothing in the world to say for myself-I knew it was very late,and that I was behaving extremely ill;and,therefore,if you please,you must forgive me.Selfishness must always be forgiven you know,because there is no hope of a cure.’

Fanny's answer was extremely civil,and Edmund added his conviction that she could be in no hurry.‘For there is more than time enough for my cousin to ride twice as far as she ever goes,’said he,‘and you have been promoting her comfort by preventing her from setting off half an hour sooner;clouds are now coming up,and she will not suffer from the heat as she would have done then.I wish you may not be fatigued by so much exercise.I wish you had saved yourself this walk home.’

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    Fox Grin 狐狸的微笑

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