

“How thoughtless I've been,”cried the plump old lady,hopping from her chair and patting Scarlett's arm.“Just chattering on and not thinking of you.Honey,you shall stay in bed all tomorrow and rest up and we can gossip together—Oh,dear,no!I can't be with you.I've promised to sit with Mrs.Bonnell tomorrow.She is down with la grippe and so is her cook.Mammy,I'm so glad you are here.You must go over with me in the morning and help me.”

Mammy hurried Scarlett up the dark stairs,muttering fussy remarks about cold hands and thin shoes and Scarlett looked meek and was well content.If she could only lull Mammy's suspicions further and get her out of the house in the morning,all would be well.Then she could go to the Yankee jail and see Rhett.As she climbed the stairs,the faint rumbling of thunder began and,standing on the well-remembered landing,she thought how like the siege cannon it sounded.She shivered.Forever,thunder would mean cannon and war to her.

Chapter 34

The sun shone intermittently the next morning and the hard wind that drove dark clouds swiftly across its face rattled the windowpanes and moaned faintly about the house.Scarlett said a brief prayer of thanksgiving that the rain of the previous night had ceased,for she had lain awake listening to it,knowing that it would mean the ruin of her velvet dress and new bonnet.Now that she could catch fleeting glimpses of the sun,her spirits soared.She could hardly remain in bed and look languid and make croaking noises until Aunt Pitty,Mammy and Uncle Peter were out of the house and on their way to Mrs.Bonnell's.When,at last,the front gate banged and she was alone in the house,except for Cookie who was singing in the kitchen,she leaped from the bed and lifted her new clothes from the closet hooks.

Sleep had refreshed her and given her strength and from the cold hard core at the bottom of her heart,she drew courage.There was something about the prospect of a struggle of wits with a man—with any man—that put her on her mettle and,after months of battling against countless discouragements,the knowledge that she was at last facing a definite adversary,one whom she might unhorse by her own efforts,gave her a buoyant sensation.

Dressing unaided was difficult but she finally accomplished it and putting on the bonnet with its rakish feathers she ran to Aunt Pitty's room to preen herself in front of the long mirror.How pretty she looked!The cock feathers gave her a dashing air and the dull-green velvet of the bonnet made her eyes startlingly bright,almost emerald-colored.And the dress was incomparable,so rich and handsome looking and yet so dignified!It was wonderful to have a lovely dress again.It was so nice to know that she looked pretty and provocative,and she impulsively bent forward and kissed her reflection in the mirror and then laughed at her own foolishness.She picked up Ellen's Paisley shawl to wrap about her but the colors of the faded old square clashed with the moss-green dress and made her appear a little shabby.Opening Aunt Pitty's closet she removed a black broadcloth cloak,a thin fall garment which Pitty used only for Sunday wear,and put it on.She slipped into her pierced ears the diamond earrings she had brought from Tara,and tossed her head to observe the effect.They made pleasant clicking noises which were very satisfactory and she thought that she must remember to toss her head frequently when with Rhett.Dancing earrings always attracted a man and gave a girl such a spirited air.

What a shame Aunt Pitty had no other gloves than the ones now on her fat hands!No woman could really feel like a lady without gloves,but Scarlett had not had a pair since she left Atlanta.And the long months of hard work at Tara had roughened her hands until they were far from pretty.Well,it couldn't be helped.She'd take Aunt Pitty's little seal muff and hide her bare hands in it.Scarlett felt that it gave her the final finishing touch of elegance.No one looking at her now would suspect that poverty and want were standing at her shoulder.

It was so important that Rhett should not suspect.He must not think that anything but tender feelings were driving her.

She tiptoed down the stairs and out of the house while Cookie bawled on unconcernedly in the kitchen.She hastened down Baker Street to avoid the all seeing eyes of the neighbors and sat down on a carriage block on Ivy Street in front of a burned house,to wait for some passing carriage or wagon which would give her a ride.The sun dipped in and out from behind hurrying clouds,lighting the street with a false brightness which had no warmth in it,and the wind fluttered the lace of her pantalets.It was colder than she had expected and she wrapped Aunt Pitty's thin cloak about her and shivered impatiently.Just as she was preparing to start walking the long way across town to the Yankee encampment,a battered wagon appeared.In it was an old woman with a lip full of snuff and a weather-beaten face under a drab sunbonnet,driving a dawdling old mule.She was going in the direction of the city hall and she grudgingly gave Scarlett a ride.But it was obvious that the dress,bonnet and muff found no favor with her.

“She thinks I'm a hussy,”thought Scarlett.“And perhaps she's right at that!”

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