

That he was Suellen's fiancécaused her no qualm of conscience.After the complete moral collapse which had sent her to Atlanta and to Rhett,the appropriation of her sister's betrothed seemed a minor affair and one not to be bothered with at this time.

With the rousing of fresh hope,her spine stiffened and she forgot that her feet were wet and cold.She looked at Frank so steadily,her eyes narrowing,that he became somewhat alarmed and she dropped her gaze swiftly,remembering Rhett's words:“I've seen eyes like yours above a dueling pistol....They evoke no ardor in the male breast.”

“What's the matter,Miss Scarlett?You got a chill?”

“Yes,”she answered helplessly.“Would you mind—”She hesitated timidly.“Would you mind if I put my hand in your coat pocket?It's so cold and my muff is soaked through.”

“Why—why—of course not!And you haven't any gloves!My,my,what a brute I've been idling along like this,talking my head off when you must be freezing and wanting to get to a fire.Giddap,Sally!By the way,Miss Scarlett,I've been so busy talking about myself I haven't even asked you what you were doing in this section in this weather?”

“I was at the Yankee headquarters,”she answered before she thought.His sandy brows went up in astonishment.

“But Miss Scarlett!The soldiers—Why—”

“Mary,Mother of God,let me think of a real good lie,”she prayed hastily.It would never do for Frank to suspect she had seen Rhett.Frank thought Rhett the blackest of blackguards and unsafe for decent women to speak to.

“I went there—I went there to see if—if any of the officers would buy fancy work from me to send home to their wives.I embroider very nicely.”

He sank back against the seat aghast,indignation struggling with bewilderment.

“You went to the Yankees—But Miss Scarlett!You shouldn't.Why—why....Surely your father doesn't know!Surely,Miss Pittypat—”

“Oh,I shall die if you tell Aunt Pittypat!”she cried in real anxiety and burst into tears.It was easy to cry,because she was so cold and miserable,but the effect was startling.Frank could not have been more embarrassed or helpless if she had suddenly begun disrobing.He clicked his tongue against his teeth several times,muttering “My!My!”and made futile gestures at her.A daring thought went through his mind that he should draw her head onto his shoulder and pat her but he had never done this to any woman and hardly knew how to go about it.Scarlett O'Hara,so high spirited and pretty,crying here in his buggy.Scarlett O'Hara,the proudest of the proud,trying to sell needlework to the Yankees.His heart burned.

She sobbed on,saying a few words now and then,and he gathered that all was not well at Tara.Mr.O'Hara was still “not himself at all,”and there wasn't enough food to go around for so many.So she had to come to Atlanta to try to make a little money for herself and her boy.Frank clicked his tongue again and suddenly found that her head was on his shoulder.He did not quite know how it got there.Surely he had not placed it there,but there her head was and there was Scarlett helplessly sobbing against his thin chest,an exciting and novel sensation for him.He patted her shoulder timidly,gingerly at first,and when she did not rebuff him he became bolder and patted her firmly.What a helpless,sweet,womanly thing she was.And how brave and silly to try her hand at making money by her needle.But dealing with the Yankees—that was too much.

“I won't tell Miss Pittypat,but you must promise me,Miss Scarlett,that you won't do anything like this again.The idea of your father's daughter—”

Her wet green eyes sought his helplessly.

“But,Mr.Kennedy,I must do something.I must take care of my poor little boy and there is no one to look after us now.”

“You are a brave little woman,”he pronounced,“but I won't have you do this sort of thing.Your family would die of shame.”

“Then what will I do?”The swimming eyes looked up to him as if she knew he knew everything and was hanging on his words.

“Well,I don't know right now.But I'll think of something.”

“Oh,I know you will!You are so smart—Frank.”

She had never called him by his first name before and the sound came to him as a pleasant shock and surprise.The poor girl was probably so upset she didn't even notice her slip.He felt very kindly toward her and very protecting.If there was anything he could do for Suellen O'Hara's sister,he would certainly do it.He pulled out a red bandana handkerchief and handed it to her and she wiped her eyes and began to smile tremulously.

“I'm such a silly little goose,”she said apologetically.“Please forgive me.”

“You aren't a silly little goose.You're a brave little woman and you are trying to carry too heavy a load.I'm afraid Miss Pittypat isn't going to be much help to you.I hear she lost most of her property and Mr.Henry Hamilton's in bad shape himself.I only wish I had a home to offer you shelter in.But,Miss Scarlett,you just remember this,when Miss Suellen and I are married,there'll always be a place for you under our roof and for Wade Hampton too.”

Now was the time!Surely the saints and angels watched over her to give her such a Heaven-sent opportunity.She managed to look very startled and embarrassed and opened her mouth as if to speak quickly and then shut it with a pop.

“Don't tell me you didn't know I was to be your brother-in-law this spring,”he said with nervous jocularity.And then,seeing her eyes fill up with tears,he questioned in alarm:“What's the matter?Miss Sue's not ill,is she?”


“There is something wrong.You must tell me.”

“Oh,I can't!I didn't know!I thought surely she must have written you—Oh,how mean!”

“Miss Scarlett,what is it?”

“Oh,Frank,I didn't mean to let it out but I thought,of course,you knew—that she had written you—”

“Written me what?”He was trembling.

“Oh,to do this to a fine man like you!”

“What's she done?”

“She didn't write you?Oh,I guess she was too ashamed to write you.She should be ashamed!Oh,to have such a mean sister!”

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    这是成吉思汗征服世界的历史,更是一部成吉思汗的个人征服史。成吉思汗及其子孙打下的蒙古帝国地跨欧亚,是世界历史上最庞大的帝国,极盛时期版图东到太平洋,北抵北冰洋,西达黑海沿岸,南至南海。今天的匈牙利、波兰、俄罗斯、韩国都曾是大蒙古帝国的一部分。成吉思汗凭借他惊人的意志,顶住了一次次失败的打击,每次都能在短时间内迅速榨取敌人的经验、力量,以更强大的自我卷土重来,创建了世界上最庞大的帝国——蒙古帝国。“体力坚强,只能战胜独夫;意志坚强,才能战胜万众。” 成吉思汗对他的孙子忽必烈说。翻开本书,在热血沸腾的世界征战中,领悟一代世界征服者最朴实的征服之道。
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