【本文情节纯属虚构,请忽模仿】她是现代品学兼优初中生,受虐至死,穿越却成罪臣之女,全家满门抄斩之迹,只有她一人幸免!背负满身仇恨,她入宫为婢。他是高高在上的皇子,也是她仇人之子。他爱她,她却已心有所属;她爱他,她全家却因他而死。在爱恨交织的感情里,小小一名宫女,如何平步青云,成为他御前最高女官——御前尚义。御前从三品女官,如何掌持着后宫凤印……On the Edge of Gone
A thrilling, thought-provoking novel from one of young-adult literature's boldest new talents. January 29, 2035. That's the day the comet is scheduled to hit —the big one. Denise and her mother and sister, Iris, have been assigned to a temporary shelter outside their hometown of Amsterdam to wait out the blast, but Iris is nowhere to be found, and at the rate Denise's drug-addicted mother is going, they'll never reach the shelter in time. A last-minute meeting leads them to something better than a temporary shelter —a generation ship, scheduled to leave Earth behind to colonize new worlds after the comet hits. But everyone on the ship has been chosen because of their usefulness. Denise is autistic and fears that she'll never be allowed to stay. Can she obtain a spot before the ship takes flight? What about her mother and sister? When the future of the human race is at stake, whose lives matter most?南茜茜的穿越生活
跳海寻死没寻成,不想却意外来到一个不知名的朝代,附在一个已婚的女子身上,看着眼前那个“她”名义上的相公,哇!真是秀色可餐,想着她穿来了就是她的了,勉强接受他也还行,不料人家开口第一句话竟然是“即使你以死相逼,也改变不了我要纳轻舞为妾的事实”这是什么情况,丫丫的…现代的老公要和我离婚,而眼前这位要纳妾。天啊,我南茜茜不忍了。妇女权益保卫战全面打响。纳妾典礼上,众多宾客云集。“陌岩,我和她,你只能选一个。”南茜茜大喊一声。眼睛死死的盯着陌岩的眼睛“说你选谁”没有阻止这一切,陌岩没有丝毫犹豫的声音响起“我选她”早知道这样的结果南茜茜大笑一声“好,既然你选她,当着天下人的面我南茜茜今日休夫,从此与你陌岩恩断义绝。”说完后转身离去,只留下呆了的众人。“哼”此处不留爷,自有留爷处。从此属于我南茜茜的生活正式开始…且看披着我见犹怜皮的奸诈小女子南茜茜如何玩转古代。找个长期饭票养自己吧,太没挑战性,创业吧,别人穿来不是开酒楼就是开青楼,太没新意了。对了,想这古代男子都三妻四妾的,而且花楼开的满地都是,某些活动量巨大,想到做什么了,就是卖六味地黄丸。哈哈,我是不是太聪明了,居然想到要去皇宫推荐我的药。想着想着满眼飘过一群金元宝。嘎嘎,金元宝我南茜茜来了…南茜茜经典语录男人靠得住,泥巴都能当饭吃,金子啊,还是只有你才最能靠得住。男人说女人如衣服,南茜茜说男人如鞋子,只有把他们狠狠的踩在地上,才会让他们永远记住你,因为通常对他们来说得不到的就是最好的。只是当皇帝,王爷,杀手,众多人间极品美男子都为她所倾倒非她不可的时候,她又该何去何从呢…欢迎志同道合的朋友一起来潇湘新手交流群:80431485Celebration & The Room
A restaurant. Two curved banquettes. It's a celebration. Violent, wildly funny, Harold Pinter's new play displays a vivid zest for wkkk.net The Room, Harold Pinter's first play, he reveals himself as already in full control of his unique ability to make dramatic poetry of the banalities of everyday speech and the precision with which it defines wkkk.net Pinter's latest play, Celebration, and his first play, The Room directed by the author himself, premired as a double-bill at London's Almeida Theatre in March 2000.跟着皇妃学美容:十大皇妃美人计