There was a man called Emund of Skara, who was lagman of west Gautland, and was a man of great understanding and eloquence, and of high birth, great connection, and very wealthy; but was considered deceitful, and not to be trusted.He was the most powerful man in West Gautland after the earl was gone.The same spring (A.D.1019) that Earl Ragnvald left Gautland the Gautland people held a Thing among themselves, and often expressed their anxiety to each other about what the Swedish king might do.They heard he was incensed because they had rather held in friendship with the king of Norway than striven against him; and he was also enraged against those who had attended his daughter Astrid to Norway.Some proposed to seek help and support from the king of Norway, and to offer him their services; others dissuaded from this measure, as West Gautland had no strength to oppose to the Swedes."And the king of Norway," said they, "is far from us, the chief strength of his country very distant; and therefore let us first send men to the Swedish king to attempt to come to some reconciliation with him.If that fail, we can still turn to the king of Norway." Then the bondes asked Emund to undertake this mission, to which he agreed; and he proceeded with thirty men to East Gautland, where there were many of his relations and friends, who received him hospitably.He conversed there with the most prudent men about this difficult business; and they were all unanimous on one point, -- that the king's treatment of them was against law and reason.From thence Emund went into Svithjod, and conversed with many men of consequence, who all expressed themselves in the same way.Emund continued his journey thus, until one day, towards evening, he arrived at Upsala, where he and his retinue took a good lodging, and stayed there all night.The next day Emund waited upon the king, who was just then sitting in the Thing surrounded by many people.
Emund went before him, bent his knee, and saluted him.The king looked at him, saluted him, and asked him what news he brought.
Emund replies, "There is little news among us Gautlanders; but it appears to us a piece of remarkable news that the proud, stupid Atte, in Vermaland, whom we look upon as a great sportsman, went up to the forest in winter with his snow-shoes and his bow.
After he had got as many furs in the mountains as filled his hand-sledge so full that he could scarcely drag it, he returned home from the woods.But on the way he saw a squirrel in the trees, and shot at it, but did not hit; at which he was so angry, that he left the sledge to run after the squirrel: but still the squirrel sprang where the wood was thickest, sometimes among the roots of the trees, sometimes in the branches, sometimes among the arms that stretch from tree to tree.When Atte shot at it the arrows flew too high or too low, and the squirrel never jumped so that Atte could get a fair aim at him.He was so eager upon this chase that he ran the whole day after the squirrel, and yet could not get hold of it.It was now getting dark; so he threw himself down upon the snow, as he was wont, and lay there all night in a heavy snow-storm.Next day Atte got up to look after his sledge, but never did he find it again; and so he returned home.And this is the only news, king, I have to tell."The king says, "This is news of but little importance, if it be all thou hast to tell."Ernund replies, "Lately something happened which may well be called news.Gaute Tofason went with five warships out of the Gaut river, and when he was lying at the Eikrey Isles there came five large Danish merchant-ships there.Gaute and his men immediately took four of the great vessels, and made a great booty without the loss of a man: but the fifth vessel slipped out to sea, and sailed away.Gaute gave chase with one ship, and at first came nearer to them; but as the wind increased, the Danes got away.Then Gaute wanted to turn back; but a storm came on so that he lost his ship at Hlesey, with all the goods, and the greater part of his crew.In the meantime his people were waiting for him at the Eikrey Isles: but the Danes came over in fifteen merchant-ships, killed them all, and took all the booty they had made.So but little luck had they with their greed of plunder."The king replied."That is great news, and worth being told; but what now is thy errand here?"Emund replies, "I travel, sire, to obtain your judgment in a difficult case, in which our law and the Upsala law do not agree."The king asks, "What is thy appeal case?"Emund replies, "There were two noble-born men of equal birth, but unequal in property and disposition.They quarrelled about some land, and did each other much damage; but most was done to him who was the more powerful of the two.This quarrel, however, was settled, and judged of at a General Thing; and the judgment was, that the most powerful should pay a compensation.But at the first payment, instead of paying a goose, he paid a gosling; for an old swine he paid a sucking pig; and for a mark of stamped gold only a half- mark, and for the other half-mark nothing but clay and dirt; and, moreover, threatened, in the most violent way, the people whom he forced to receive such goods in payment.
Now, sire, what is your judgment?"