

As soon as Earl Einar heard of this he collected people, and resolved to defend his country.Earl Bruse also collected men, and went out to meet them, and bring about some agreement between them.An agreement was at last concluded, that Thorfin should have a third part of the islands, as of right belonging to him, but that Bruse and Einar should lay their two parts together, and Einar alone should rule over them; but if the one died before the other, the longest liver should inherit the whole.This agreement seemed reasonable, as Bruse had a son called Ragnvald, but Einar had no son.Earl Thorfin set men to rule over his land in Orkney, but he himself was generally in Caithness.Earl Einar was generally on viking expeditions to Ireland, Scotland, and Bretland.


One summer (A.D.1018) that Earl Einar marauded in Ireland, he fought in Ulfreks-fjord with the Irish king Konofogor, as has been related before, and suffered there a great defeat.The summer after this (A.D.1019) Eyvind Urarhorn was coming from the west from Ireland, intending to go to Norway; but the weather was boisterous, and the current against him, so he ran into Osmundwall, and lay there wind-bound for some time.When Earl Einar heard of this, he hastened thither with many people, took Eyvind prisoner, and ordered him to be put to death, but spared the lives of most of his people.In autumn they proceeded to Norway to King Olaf, and told him Eyvind was killed.The king said little about it, but one could see that he considered it a great and vexatious loss; for he did not usually say much if anything turned out contrary to his wishes.Earl Thorfin sent Thorkel Fosterer to the islands to gather in his scat.Now, as Einar gave Thorkel the greatest blame for the dispute in which Thorfin had made claim to the islands, Thorkel came suddenly back to Caithness from Orkney, and told Earl Thorfin that he had learnt that Earl Einar would have murdered him if his friends and relations had not given him notice to escape."Now," says he, "it is come so far between the earl and me, that either some thing decisive between us must take place if we meet, or I must remove to such a distance that his power will not reach me." The earl encouraged Thorkel much to go east to Norway to King Olaf.

"Thou wilt be highly respected," says he, "wherever thou comest among honourable men; and I know so well thy disposition and the earl's, that it will not be long before ye come to extremities."Thereupon Thorkel made himself ready, and proceeded in autumn to Norway, and then to King Olaf, with whom he stayed the whole winter (A.D.1020), and was in high favour.The king often entered into conversation with him, and he thought, what was true, that Thorkel was a high-minded man, of good understanding.

In his conversations with Thorkel, the king found a great difference in his description of the two earls; for Thorkel was a great friend of Earl Thorfin, but had much to say against Einar.

Early in spring (A.D.1020) the king sent a ship west over the sea to Earl Thorfin, with the invitation to come east and visit him in Norway.The earl did not decline the invitation, for it was accompanied by assurances of friendship.


Earl Thorfin went east to Norway, and came to King Olaf, from whom he received a kind reception, and stayed till late in the summer.When he was preparing to return westwards again, King Olaf made him a present of a large and fully-rigged long-ship.

Thorkel the Fosterer joined company with the earl, who gave him the ship which he brought with him from the west.The king and the earl took leave of each other tenderly.In autumn Earl Thorfin came to Orkney, and when Earl Einar heard of it he went on board his ships with a numerous band of men.Earl Bruse came up to his two brothers, and endeavoured to mediate between them, and a peace was concluded and confirmed by oath.Thorkel Fosterer was to be in peace and friendship with Earl Einar; and it was agreed that each of them should give a feast to the other, and that the earl should first be Thorkel's guest at Sandwick.

When the earl came to the feast he was entertained in the best manner; but the earl was not cheerful.There was a great room, in which there were doors at each end.The day the earl should depart Thorkel was to accompany him to the other feast; and Thorkel sent men before, who should examine the road they had to travel that day.The spies came back, and said to Thorkel they had discovered three ambushes."And we think," said they, "there is deceit on foot." When Thorkel heard this he lengthened out his preparations for the journey, and gathered people about him.

The earl told him to get ready, as it was time to be on horseback.Thorkel answered, that he had many things to put in order first, and went out and in frequently.There was a fire upon the floor.At last he went in at one door, followed by an Iceland man from Eastfjord, called Halvard, who locked the door after him.Thorkel went in between the fire and the place where the earl was sitting.The earl asked, "Art thou ready at last, Thorkel?"Thorkel answers, "Now I am ready;" and struck the earl upon the head so that he fell upon the floor.



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