

King Olaf proceeded from thence to Hedemark, and baptized there;but as he had formerly carried away their kings as prisoners, he did not venture himself, after such a deed, to go far into the country with few people at that time, but a small part of Hedemark was baptized; but the king did not desist from his expedition before he had introduced Christianity over all Hedemark, consecrated churches, and placed teachers.He then went to Hadaland and Thoten, improving the customs of the people, and persisting until all the country was baptized.He then went to Ringerike, where also all people went over to Christianity.

The people of Raumarike then heard that Olaf intended coming to them, and they gathered a great force.They said among themselves that the journey Olaf had made among them the last time was not to be forgotten, and he should never proceed so again.The king, notwithstanding, prepared for the journey.Now when the king went up into Raumarike with his forces, the multitude of bondes came against him at a river called Nitja; and the bondes had a strong army, and began the battle as soon as they met; but they soon fell short, and took to flight.They were forced by this battle into a better disposition, and immediately received Christianity; and the king scoured the whole district, and did not leave it until all the people were made Christians.He then went east to Soleys, and baptized that neighbourhood.The skald Ottar Black came to him there, and begged to be received among his men.Olaf the Swedish king had died the winter before (A.D.1021), and Onund, the son of Olaf, was now the sole king over all Sweden.King Olaf returned, when the winter (A.D.1022) was far advanced, to Raumarike.There he assembled a numerous Thing, at a place where the Eidsvold Things have since been held.He made a law, that the Upland people should resort to this Thing, and that Eidsvold laws should be good through all the districts of the Uplands, and wide around in other quarters, which also has taken place.As spring was advancing, he rigged his ships, and went by sea to Tunsberg.He remained there during the spring, and the time the town was most frequented, and goods from other countries were brought to the town for sale.There had been a good year in Viken, and tolerable as far north as Stad; but it was a very dear time in all the country north of there.


In spring (A.D.1022) King Olaf sent a message west to Agder, and north all the way to Hordaland and Rogaland, prohibiting the exporting or selling of corn, malt, or meal; adding, that he, as usual, would come there with his people in guest-quarters.The message went round all the districts; but the king remained in Viken all summer, and went east to the boundary of the country.

Einar Tambaskelfer had been with the Swedish king Olaf since the death of his relation Earl Svein, and had, as the khag's man, received great fiefs from him.Now that the king was dead, Einar had a great desire to come into friendship agreement with Olaf;and the same spring messages passed between them about it.While the king was lying in the Gaut river, Einar Tambaskelfer came there with some men; and after treating about an agreement, it was settled that Einar should go north to Throndhjem, and there take possession of all the lands and property which Bergliot had received in dower.Thereupon Einar took his way north; but the king remained behind in Viken, and remained long in Sarpsborg in autumn (A.D.1022), and during the first part of winter.


Erling Skjalgson held his dominion so, that all north from Sogn Lake, and east to the Naze, the bondes stood under him; and although he had much smaller royal fiefs than formerly, still so great a dread of him prevailed that nobody dared to do anything against his will, so that the king thought his power too great.

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