

Now God knows well, And skalds can tell, What justice here would crave."Sigvat the skald was very intimate with King Canute's messengers, and asked them many questions.They answered all his inquiries about their conversation with King Olaf, and the result of their message.They said the king listened unwillingly to their proposals."And we do not know," say they, "to what he is trusting when he refuses becoming King Canute's vassal, and going to him, which would be the best thing he could do; for King Canute is so mild that however much a chief may have done against him, he is pardoned if he only show himself obedient.It is but lately that two kings came to him from the North, from Fife in Scotland, and he gave up his wrath against them, and allowed them to retain all the lands they had possessed before, and gave them besides very valuable gifts." Then Sigvat sang: --"From the North land, the midst of Fife, Two kings came begging peace and life;Craving from Canute life and peace, --May Olaf's good luck never cease!

May he, our gallant Norse king, never Be brought, like these, his head to offer As ransom to a living man For the broad lands his sword has won."King Canute's ambassadors proceeded on their way back, and had a favourable breeze across the sea.They came to King Canute, and told him the result of their errand, and King Olaf's last words.

King Canute replies, "King Olaf guesses wrong, if he thinks Ishall eat up all the kail in England; for I will let him see that there is something else than kail under my ribs, and cold kail it shall be for him." The same summer (A.D.1025) Aslak and Skjalg, the sons of Erling of Jadar, came from Norway to King Canute, and were well received; for Aslak was married to Sigrid, a daughter of Earl Svein Hakonson, and she and Earl Hakon Eirikson were brothers' children.King Canute gave these brothers great fiefs over there, and they stood in great favour.


King Olaf summoned to him all the lendermen, and had a great many people about him this summer (A.D.1025), for a report was abroad that King Canute would come from England.People had heard from merchant vessels that Canute was assembling a great army in England.When summer was advanced, some affirmed and others denied that the army would come.King Olaf was all summer in Viken, and had spies out to learn if Canute was come to Denmark.

In autumn (A.D.1025) he sent messengers eastward to Svithjod to his brother-in-law King Onund, and let him know King Canute's demand upon Norway; adding, that, in his opinion, if Canute subdued Norway, King Onund would not long enjoy the Swedish dominions in peace.He thought it advisable, therefore, that they should unite for their defence."And then," said he, "we will have strength enough to hold out against Canute." King Onund received King Olaf's message favourably, and replied to it, that he for his part would make common cause with King Olaf, so that each of them should stand by the one who first required help with all the strength of his kingdom.In these messages between them it was also determined that they should have a meeting, and consult with each other.The following winter (A.D.1026) King Onund intended to travel across West Gautland, and King Olaf made preparations for taking his winter abode at Sarpsborg.


In autumn King Canute the Great came to Denmark, and remained there all winter (A.D.1026) with a numerous army.It was told him that ambassadors with messages had been passing between the Swedish and Norwegian kings, and that some great plans must be concerting between them.In winter King Canute sent messengers to Svithjod, to King Onund, with great gifts and messages of friendship.He also told Onund that he might sit altogether quiet in this strife between him and Olaf the Thick; "for thou, Onund," says he, "and thy kingdom, shall be in peace as far as Iam concerned." When the ambassadors came to King Onund they presented the gifts which King Canute sent him, together with the friendly message.King Onund did not hear their speech very willingly, and the ambassadors could observe that King Onund was most inclined to a friendship with King Olaf.They returned accordingly, and told King Canute the result of their errand, and told him not to depend much upon the friendship of King Onund.


This winter (A.D.1026) King Olaf sat in Sarpsborg, and was surrounded by a very great army of people.He sent the Halogalander Karle to the north country upon his business.Karle went first to the Uplands, then across the Dovrefield, and came down to Nidaros, where he received as much money as he had the king's order for, together with a good ship, such as he thought suitable for the voyage which the king had ordered him upon; and that was to proceed north to Bjarmaland.It was settled that the king should be in partnership with Karle, and each of them have the half of the profit.Early in spring Karle directed his course to Halogaland, where his brother Gunstein prepared to accompany him, having his own merchant goods with him.There were about twenty-five men in the ship; and in spring they sailed north to Finmark.When Thorer Hund heard this, he sent a man to the brothers with the verbal message that he intended in summer to go to Bjarmaland, and that he would sail with them, and that they should divide what booty they made equally between them.

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