When Trygve came from the west he landed first on the coast of Hordaland, and when he heard King Svein had gone south he went the same way to Rogaland.As soon as Svein got the intelligence that Trygve had come from the west he returned, and steered north with his fleet; and both fleets met within Bokn in Soknarsund, not far from the place where Erling Skjalgson fell.The battle, which took place on a Sunday, was great and severe.People tell that Trygve threw spears with both hands at once."So my father," said he, "taught me to celebrate mass." His enemies had said that he was the son of a priest; but the praise must be allowed him that he showed himself more like a son of King Olaf Trygvason, for this Trygve was a slaughtering man.In this battle King Trygve fell, and many of his men with him; but some fled, and some received quarter and their lives.It is thus related in the ballad of Trygve: --"Trygve comes from the northern coast, King Svein turns round with all his host;To meet and fight, they both prepare, And where they met grim death was there.
From the sharp strife I was not far, --
I heard the din and the clang of war;
And the Hordaland men at last gave way, And their leader fell, and they lost the day."This battle is also told of in the ballad about King Svein, thus:
"My girl! it was a Sunday morn, And many a man ne'er saw its eve, Though ale and leeks by old wives borne The bruised and wounded did relieve.
'Twas Sunday morn, when Svein calls out, `Stem to stem your vessels bind;'
The raven a mid-day feast smells out, And he comes croaking up the wind."After this battle King Svein ruled the country for some time, and there was peace in the land.The winter after it (A.D.1034) he passed in the south parts of the country.
Einar Tambaskelfer and Kalf Arnason had this winter meetings and consultations between themselves in the merchant town (1).Then there came a messenger from King Canute to Kalf Arnason, with a message to send him three dozen axes, which must be chosen and good.Kalf replies, "I will send no axes to King Canute.Tell him I will bring his son Svein so many, that he shall not think he is in want of any."ENDNOTES:
(1) Nidaros, or Throndhjem, is usually called merely the merchant town.-- L.
Early in spring (A.D.1034) Einar Tambaskelfer and Kalf Arnason made themselves ready for a journey, with a great retinue of the best and most select men that could be found in the Throndhjem country.They went in spring eastward over the ridge of the country to Jamtaland, from thence to Helsingjaland, and came to Svithjod, where they procured ships, with which in summer they proceeded east to Russia, and came in autumn to Ladoga.They sent men up to Novgorod to King Jarisleif, with the errand that they offered Magnus, the son of King Olaf the Saint, to take him with them, follow him to Norway, and give him assistance to attain his father's heritage and be made king over the country.
When this message came to King Jarisleif he held a consultation with the queen and some chiefs, and they all resolved unanimously to send a message to the Northmen, and ask them to come to King Jarisleif and Magnus; for which journey safe conduct was given them.When they came to Novgorod it was settled among them that the Northmen who had come there should become Magnus's men, and be his subjects; and to this Kalf and the other men who had been against King Olaf at Stiklestad were solemnly bound by oath.On the other hand, King Magnus promised them, under oath, secure peace and full reconciliation; and that he would be true and faithful to them all when he got the dominions and kingdom of Norway.He was to become Kalf Arnason's foster-son; and Kalf should be bound to do all that Magnus might think necessary for extending his dominion, and making it more independent than formerly.
Magnus reigned from A.D.1035 to 1047, when he died.During the last year of his reign his half-brother Harald Sigurdson was his co-regent.
The history of Magnus is treated in "Agrip.", ch.28-32; in "Fagrskinna", ch.119-146; in "Fornmannasogur", part vi., and in "Knytlinga Saga".
The skalds quoted in this saga are: Arnor the earls' skald (Arnor Jarlaskald), Sigvat, Thjodulf, Bjarne Gullbrarskald, Thorgeir Flek, Od Kikinaskald.
After Yule Magnus Olafson began his journey from the East from Novgorod to Ladoga, where he rigged out his ships as soon as the ice was loosened in spring (A.D.1035).Arnor, the earls' skald, tells of this in the poem on Magnus: --"It is no loose report that he, Who will command on land and sea, In blood will make his foeman feel Olaf's sword Hneiter's sharp blue steel.
This generous youth, who scatters gold, Norway's brave son, but ten years old, Is rigging ships in Russia's lake, His crown, with friend's support, to take."In spring Magnus sailed from the East to Svithjod.So says Arnor: --"The young sword-stainer called a Thing, Where all his men should meet their king:
Heroes who find the eagle food Before their lord in arms stood.