

Soon after Sigurd Ulstreng stood up again, and spoke thus: "But little concern or help have we for the king's affairs from you, Elfgrims, and but little friendship; yet by such means every man shows how much he respects himself.But now I shall produce more clearly the king's errand." Thereupon he demanded land-dues and levy-dues, together with all other rights of the king, from the great bondes.He bade each of them to consider with himself how they had conducted themselves in these matters; and that they should now promote their own honour, and do the king justice, if they had come short hitherto in doing so.And then he sat down.

Then the same man got up in the troop of Elfgrims who had spoken before, lifted his hat a little up, and said, "The lads run well, say the Laplanders, who have skates for nothing." Then he sat himself down again.

Soon after Sigurd arose, after speaking with the lendermen, and said that so weighty a message as the king's ought not to be treated lightly as a jest.He was now somewhat angry; and added, that they ought not to receive the king's message and errand so scornfully, for it was not decent.He was dressed in a red or scarlet coat, and had a blue coat over it.He cast off his upper coat and said, "Now it is come so far that every one must look to himself, and not loiter and jest with others; for by so doing every man will show what he is.We do not require now to be taught by others; for now we can see ourselves how much we are regarded.But this may be borne with; but not that ye treat so scornfully the king's message.Thereby every one shows how highly he considers himself.There is one man called Sveinke Steinarson, who lives east at the Gaut river; and from him the king will have his just land-dues, together with his own land, or will banish him from the country.It is of no use here to seek excuses, or to answer with sharp words; for people are to be found who are his equals in power, although he now receives our speech so unworthily; and it is better now than afterwards to return to the right way, and do himself honour, rather than await disgrace for his obstinancy." He then sat down.

Sveinke then got up, threw back his steel-hat, and gave Sigurd many scornful words, and said, "Tut! tut! 'tis a shame for the dogs, says the proverb, when the fox is allowed to cast their excrements in the peasant's well.Here will be a miracle! Thou useless fellow! with a coat without arms, and a kirtle with skirts, wilt thou drive me out of the country? Thy relation, Sigurd Woolsack, was sent before on this errand, and one called Gille the Backthief, and one who had still a worse name.They were a night in every house, and stole wherever they came.Wilt thou drive me out of the country? Formerly thou wast not so mighty, and thy pride was less when King Hakon, my foster-son, was in life.Then thou wert as frightened for him when he met thee on the road as a mouse in a mouse-trap, and hid thyself under a heap of clothes, like a dog on board a ship.Thou wast thrust into a leather-bag like corn in a sack, and driven from house and farm like a year-old colt from the mares; and dost thou dare to drive me from the land? Thou shouldst rather think thyself lucky to escape from hence with life.Let us stand up and attack him."Then all his men stood up, and made a great clash with their weapons.Then Svein Bryggjufot and the other lendermen saw there was no other chance for Sigurd but to get him on horseback, which was done, and he rode off into the forest.The end was that Sveinke returned home to his farm, and Sigurd Ulstreng came, with great difficulty, by land north to Throndhjem to King Magnus, and told the result of his errand."Did I not say," said the king, "that the help of my lendermen would be needed?" Sigurd was ill pleased with his journey; insisted that he would be revenged, cost what it will; and urged the king much.The king ordered five ships to be fitted out; and as soon as they were ready for sea he sailed south along the land, and then east to Viken, where he was entertained in excellent guest-quarters by his lendermen.

The king told them he would seek out Sveinke."For I will not conceal my suspicion that he thinks to make himself king of Norway." They said that Sveinke was both a powerful and an ungovernable man.Now the king went from Viken until he came to Sveinke's farm.Then the lendermen desired that they might be put on shore to see how matters stood; and when they came to the land they saw that Sveinke had already come down from the farm, and was on the road with a number of well-armed men.The lendermen held up a white shield in the air, as a peace-token;and when Sveinke saw it he halted his men, and they approached each other.Then said Kolbjorn Klakke, "King Magnus sends thee God's salutation and his own, and bids thee consider what becomes thee, and do him obedience, and not prepare thyself to give him battle." Kolbjorn offered to mediate peace between them, if he could, and told him to halt his troops.

Sveinke said he would wait for them where he was."We came out to meet you," he said, "that ye might not tread down our corn-fields."The lendermen returned to the king, and told him all was now at his pleasure.

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  • 善俗要义


  • 梓人遗制


  • 教诫新学比丘行护律仪


  • 印噬混沌


  • 父母决定孩子的未来


    当一个孩子受到欺负时,国外的父母会对孩子说:他欺负你是不对的,你要懂得保护自己,必要时你可以寻求帮助;国内的父母则说,你是男孩/你是哥哥,你要让着他,你们要好好相处/到底为什么啊,我跟他爸爸说去……以小见大。 教育的差距最终造成社会的差距。二十年前的灌溉,二十年后的果实。为了二十年后的孩子以及社会,我们必须从现在开始,从家庭开始,从家庭教育的点滴开始,去正视差距,去学习一些合理的家教理念与家教方式。
  • 美洛和费洛


  • 台案汇录丁集


  • The Coral Islandl

    The Coral Islandl

  • 青衣


    本书是毕飞宇的小说作品集,包括青衣;哥俩好;家里乱了;楚水; 好的故事;飞翔像自由落体;雨天的棉花糖七篇。青衣和女人,戏剧与人生,孕育与流产,无法谢幕的舞台上演着一场没有结果的悲剧,在戏剧中找到角色,在生活中失去自我,在现实与幻想中,圆一个破碎的凄美之梦。《青衣》,一个具有预言和哲学意义的当代佳作。 著名青衣演员筱燕秋,把持《奔月》中的A角而丧失理智,二十年前把滚烫的开水泼在师辈演员李雪芬的脸上,二十年后《奔月》复出,她继续霸占舞台,不容于亲传弟子春来上戏。自私与孤傲,导致神形疲惫,走向崩溃。
  • 重建中文之美书系前世


  • 寻狼记


  • 耕堂劫后十种:秀露集


  • 多斯的城堡

