After they had come together, they resolved to choose three men, the best speakers of the whole, who should answer King Olaf, and argue with the king; and especially should decline to accept of anything against the old law, even if the king should require it of them.Now when the bondes came to the Thing, and the Thing was formed, King Olaf arose, and at first spoke good-humoredly to the people; but they observed he wanted them to accept Christianity, with all his fine words: and in the conclusion he let them know that those who should speak against him, and not submit to his proposal, must expect his displeasure and punishment, and all the ill that it was in his power to inflict.
When he had ended his speech, one of the bondes stood up, who was considered the most eloquent, and who had been chosen as the first who should reply to King Olaf.But when he would begin to speak such a cough seized him, and such a difficulty of breathing, that he could not bring out a word, and had to sit down again.Then another bonde stood up, resolved not to let an answer be wanting, although it had gone so ill with the former:
but he stammered so that he could not get a word uttered, and all present set up a laughter, amid which the bonde sat down again.
And now the third stood up to make a speech against King Olaf's;but when he began he became so hoarse and husky in his throat, that nobody could hear a word he said, and he also had to sit down.There was none of the bondes now to speak against the king, and as nobody answered him there was no opposition; and it came to this, that all agreed to what the king had proposed.All the people of the Thing accordingly were baptized before the Thing was dissolved.
King Olaf went with his men-at-arms to the Gula-Thing; for the bondes had sent him word that they would reply there to his speech.When both parties had come to the Thing, the king desired first to have a conference with the chief people of the country; and when the meeting was numerous the king set forth his errand, -- that he desired them, according to his proposal, to allow themselves to be baptized.Then said Olmod the Old, "We relations have considered together this matter, and have come to one resolution.If thou thinkest, king, to force us who are related together to such things as to break our old law, or to bring us under thyself by any sort of violence, then will we stand against thee with all our might: and be the victory to him to whom fate ordains it.But if thou, king, wilt advance our relations' fortunes, then thou shalt have leave to do as thou desirest, and we will all serve thee with zeal in thy purpose."The king replies, "What do you propose for obtaining this agreement?"Then answers Olmod, "The first is, that thou wilt give thy sister Astrid in marriage to Erling Skjalgson, our relation, whom we look upon as the most hopeful young man in all Norway."King Olaf replied, that this marriage appeared to him also very suitable; "as Erling is a man of good birth, and a good-looking man in appearance: but Astrid herself must answer to this proposal."Thereupon the king spoke to his sister.She said, "It is but of little use that I am a king's sister, and a king~s daughter, if Imust marry a man who has no high dignity or office.I will rather wait a few years for a better match." Thus ended this conference.
King Olaf took a falcon that belonged to Astrid, plucked off all its feathers, and then sent it to her.Then said Astrid, "Angry is my brother." And she stood up, and went to the king, who received her kindly, and she said that she left it to the king to determine her marriage."I think," said the king, "that I must have power enough in this land to raise any man I please to high dignity." Then the king ordered Olmod and Erling to be called to a conference, and all their relations; and the marriage was determined upon, and Astrid betrothed to Erling.Thereafter the king held the Thing, and recommended Christianity to the bondes;and as Olmod, and Erling, and all their relations, took upon themselves the most active part in forwarding the king's desire, nobody dared to speak against it; and all the people were baptized, and adopted Christianity.
Erling Skjalgson had his wedding in summer, and a great many people were assembled at it.King Olaf was also there, and offered Erling an earldom.Erling replied thus: "All my relations have been herses only, and I will take no higher title than they have; but this I will accept from thee, king, that thou makest me the greatest of that title in the country." The king consented; and at his departure the king invested his brother-in law Erling with all the land north of the Sognefjord, and east to the Lidandisnes, on the same terms as Harald Harfager had given land to his sons, as before related.