

King Olaf sent spies out to trace the earl's doings (A.D.1015);and when he found that the earl had left the country he sailed out west, and to Viken, where many people came to him.At the Thing there he was taken as king, and so he proceeded all the way to the Naze; and when he heard that Erling Skialgson had gathered a large force, he did not tarry in North Agder, but sailed with a steady fair wind to the Throndhjem country; for there it appeared to him was the greatest strength of the land, if he could subdue it for himself while the earl was abroad.When Olaf came to Throndhjem there was no opposition, and he was elected there to be king.In harvest (A.D.1015) he took his seat in the town of Nidaros, and collected the needful winter provision (A.D.1016).

He built a king's house, and raised Clement's church on the spot on which it now stands.He parcelled out building ground, which he gave to bondes, merchants, or others who he thought would build.There he sat down with many men-at-arms around him; for he put no great confidence in the Throndhjem people, if the earl should return to the country.The people of the interior of the Throndhjem country showed this clearly, for he got no land-scat from them.


Earl Svein went first to Svithjod to his brother-in-law Olaf the Swedish king, told him all that had happened between him and Olaf the Thick, and asked his advice about what he should now undertake.The king said that the earl should stay with him if he liked, and get such a portion of his kingdom to rule over as should seem to him sufficient; "or otherwise," says he, "I will give thee help of forces to conquer the country again from Olaf."The earl chose the latter; for all those among his men who had great possessions in Norway, which was the case with many who were with him, were anxious to get back; and in the council they held about this, it was resolved that in winter they should take the land-way over Helsingjaland and Jamtaland, and so down into the Throndhjem land; for the earl reckoned most upon the faithful help and strength of the Throndhjem people of the interior as soon as he should appear there.In the meantime, however, it was determined to take a cruise in summer in the Baltic to gather property.


Earl Svein went eastward with his forces to Russia, and passed the summer (A.D.1015) in marauding there; but on the approach of autumn returned with his ships to Svithjod.There he fell into a sickness, which proved fatal.After the earl's death some of the people who had followed him remained in Svithjod; others went to Helsingjaland, thence to Jamtaland, and so from the east over the dividing ridge of the country to the Throndhjem district, where they told all that had happened upon their journey: and thus the truth of Earl Svein's death was known (A.D.1016).


Einar Tambaskelfer, and the people who had followed him went in winter to the Swedish king, and were received in a friendly manner.There were also among them many who had followed the earl.The Swedish king took it much amiss that Olaf the Thick had set himself down in his scat-lands, and driven the earl out of them, and therefore he threatened the king with his heaviest vengeance when opportunity offered.He said that Olaf ought not to have had the presumption to take the dominions which the earl had held of him; and all the Swedish king's men agreed with him.

But the Throndhjem people, when they heard for certain that the earl was dead.and could not be expected back to Norway, turned all to obedience to King Olaf.Many came from the interior of the Throndhjem country, and became King Olaf's men; others sent word and tokens that they would service him.Then, in autumn, he went into the interior of Throndhjem, and held Things with the bondes, and was received as king in each district.He returned to Nidaros, and brought there all the king's scat and revenue, and had his winter-seat provided there (A.D.1016).


King Olaf built a king's house in Nidaros, and in it was a large room for his court, with doors at both ends.The king's high-seat was in the middle of the room; and within sat his court-bishop, Grimkel, and next him his other priests; without them sat his counsellors; and in the other high-seat opposite to the king sat his marshal, Bjorn, and next to him his pursuivants.When people of importance came to him, they also had a seat of honour.

The ale was drunk by the fire-light.He divided the service among his men after the fashion of other kings.He had in his house sixty court-men and thirty pursuivants; and to them he gave pay and certain regulations.He had also thirty house-servants to do the needful work about the house, and procure what was required.He had, besides, many slaves.At the house were many outbuildings, in which the court-men slept.There was also a large room, in which the king held his court-meetings.


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  • 民国第一帮会


    一部青帮史,一本通俗民国史!在中国古代,帮会一直是社会中一种有组织性、有纪律性的小集体。明清时期,政府逐渐限制贸易,对结社严防狠打,结果也造成了帮会活动范围转移到地下。而青帮正是在这一时期形成的,然后在近代中国混乱的社会环境中发展繁荣起来。《民国第一帮会》便是对于青帮历史的最深刻阐述,在纪实的手法中融入多种资料,成为一本让人大快朵颐的通俗青帮史。《民国第一帮会》主要内容有:民国三大帮会巨头——黄金荣、杜月笙、张啸林与各自帮派之间的渊源,青帮和洪门之间剪不断理还乱的复杂关系;帮内师徒的关系以及帮派内讧;帮会的体系和政治图谋;青帮对于国民党的操纵等 。