

Then he began to run back and forth.He put his paws upon Mr.

Traill and whimpered and cried.Finally he howled.

It was a dreadful, dismal, heartbroken howl that echoed back from the walls.He howled continuously, until the landlord, quite distracted, and-concerned about the peace of his neighbors, thrust Bobby into the dark scullery at the rear, and bade him stop his noise.For fully ten minutes the dog was quiet.He was probably engaged in exploring his new quarters to find an outlet.

Then he began to howl again.It was truly astonishing that so small a dog could make so large a noise.

A battle was on between the endurance of the man and the persistence of the terrier.Mr.Traill was speculating on which was likely to be victor in the contest, when the front door was opened and the proprietor of the Book Hunter's Stall put in a bare, bald head and the abstracted face of the book-worm that is mildly amused.

"Have you tak'n to a dog at your time o' life, Mr.Traill?""Ay, man, and it would be all right if the bit dog would just tak' to me."This pleasantry annoyed a good man who had small sense of humor, and he remarked testily "The barkin' disturbs my customers so they canna read." The place was a resort for student laddies who had to be saving of candles.

"That's no' right," the landlord admitted, sympathetically.

"'Reading mak'th a full man.' Eh, what a deeference to the warld if Robbie Burns had aye preferred a book to a bottle." The bookseller refused to be beguiled from his just cause of complaint into the flowery meads of literary reminiscences and speculations.

"You'll stop that dog's cleaving noise, Mr.Traill, or I'll appeal to the Burgh police."The landlord returned a bland and child-like smile."You'd be weel within your legal rights to do it, neebor."The door was shut with such a business-like click that the situation suddenly became serious.Bobby's vocal powers, however, gave no signs of diminishing.Mr.Traill quieted the dog for a few moments by letting him into the outer room, but the swiftness and energy with which he renewed his attacks on the door and on the man's will showed plainly that the truce was only temporary.He did not know what he meant to do except that he certainly had no intention of abandoning the little dog.To gain time he put on his hat and coat, picked Bobby up, and opened the door.The thought occurred to him to try the gate at the upper end of the kirkyard or, that failing, to get into Heriot's Hospital grounds and put Bobby over the wall.As he opened the door, however, he heard Geordie Ross's whistle around the bend in Forest Road.

"Hey, laddie!" he called."Come awa' in a meenit." When the sturdy boy was inside and the door safely shut, he began in his most guileless and persuasive tone: "Would you like to earn a shulling, Geordie?""Ay, I would.Gie it to me i' pennies an' ha'pennies, Maister Traill.It seems mair, an' mak's a braw jinglin' in a pocket."The price was paid and the tale told.The quick championship of the boy was engaged for the gallant dog, and Geordie's eyes sparkled at the prospect of dark adventure.Bobby was on the floor listening, ears and eyes, brambly muzzle and feathered tail alert.He listened with his whole, small, excited body, and hung on the answer to the momentous question.

"Is there no' a way to smuggle the bit dog into the kirkyard?"It appeared that nothing was easier, "aince ye ken hoo." Did Mr.

Traill know of the internal highway through the old Cunzie Neuk at the bottom of the Row? One went up the stairs on the front to the low, timbered gallery, then through a passage as black as "Bluidy" McKenzie's heart.At the end of that, one came to a peep-hole of a window, set out on wooden brackets, that hung right over the kirkyard wall.From that window Bobby could be dropped on a certain noble vault, from which he could jump to the ground.

"Twa meenits' wark, stout hearts, sleekit footstaps, an' the fearsome deed is done," declared twelve-year-old Geordie, whose sense of the dramatic matched his daring.

But when the deed was done, and the two stood innocently on the brightly lighted approach to the bridge, Mr.Traill had his misgivings.A well-respected business man and church-member, he felt uneasy to be at the mercy of a laddie who might be boastful.

"Geordie, if you tell onybody about this I'll have to give you a licking.""I wullna tell," Geordie reassured him."It's no' so respectable, an' syne ma mither'd gie me anither lickin', an' they'd gie me twa more awfu' aces, an' black marks for a month, at Heriot's."

  • 爱吟草


  • The Storyof a Bad Boy

    The Storyof a Bad Boy

  • 伤科大成


  • 贤弈编


  • 佛说阿阇世王女阿术达菩萨经


  • 上神不知意


  • 名人传记丛书:洛克菲勒


  • 中国新闻报道


    本书的宗旨在于分析中国新闻对外报道的历史、现状以及报道原则、报道方式等相关问题,研究和探讨中国如何向外部世界传递发生在中国的事实信息,以便更好地“向世界说明中国”,“让世界了解中国” ,从而向世人澄清事实,减少误会,提升中国软实力。
  • 翰苑遗事


  • 我的纨绔世子妻


    简单的来说,就是一个会医善毒,极品的特工穿越了女扮男装将军府世子,然后将一国太子勾到手的故事……正经版简介:外人眼中的诸葛云汐,是嚣张纨绔,奢靡享受,贪吃好色的纨绔公子。外人眼中的公子煜,是神秘莫测的煜澜阁阁主,是亦正亦邪的红衣少年。朝堂、江湖、战场甚至神秘小岛,他都要掺上一脚,没有人知道他为的只是心中的白衣少年。当恢复红妆,众人才知道,红妆倾城,当世无双。江湖上的墨白公子,是让人胆战的存在,无情门的门主,一袭白衣,却偏偏残暴无情。甚至传言他吃人肉,喝人血,唯独面对面前的红衣少年时,脸上挂着宠溺的笑容,似水的柔情,墨色褪去,白色浸染。 奉你为上,甘拜下风。 1v1sc无虐
  • 和儿子一起成长2(珍藏版)


  • 根本没烦恼


  • 重生之胖女逆袭


  • 特种佣兵战神


  • 济世救国策

