

Hereupon, when the rest observed, that she had no help to cloud this palpable shame withall, the tide began to turne, and hir tongue found another manner of Language, then her former fury to poore Isabella, growing to this conclusion, that it is impossible to resist against the temptations of the flesh.And therefore she saide: Let all of you take occasion, according as it offereth it selfe, as both we and our predecessors have done: to be provident for your selves, take time while you may, having this sentence alwaies in remembrance, Si non caste, tamen caute.

So, having granted the yong Nunne Isabella free absolution: the Lady Abbesse returned backe againe to bed to the Priest, and Isabella to the Gentleman.As for the other Sisters, who (as yet) were without the benefit of friends; they intended to provide themselves so soone as they could, being enduced thereto by so good example.


DISCOVERING THE SIMPLICITY OF SOME SILLY WITTED MEN, AND HOWEASIE A MATTER IT IS TO ABUSE AND BEGUILE THEMMaster Simon the Physitian, by the perswasions of Bruno, Buffalmaco, and a third Companion, named Nello, made Calandrino to beleeve, that he was conceived great with childe.And having Physicke ministred to him for the disease: they got both good fatte Capons and money of him, and so cured him, without any other man of deliverance.

After that Madame Eliza had concluded her Novell, and every one of the company given thankes to Fortune, for delivering poore Isabella the faire young Nunne, from the bitter reprehensions of the as faulty Abbesse, as also the malice of her envious Sisters; the Queene gave command unto Philostratus, that he should be the next in order, and hee (without expecting anie other warning) began in this manner.

Faire Ladies, the paltry Judge of the Marquisate, whereof yesterday I made relation to you; hindred mee then of another Novell, concerning silly Calandrino, wherewith I purpose now to acquaint you.And because whatsoever hath already bin spoken of him, tended to no other end but matter of meriment, hee and his companions duly considered; the Novel which I shal now report, keepeth within the selfesame compasse, and aimeth also at your contentment, according to the scope of imposed variety.

You have already heard what manner of man Calandrino was, and likewise the rest of his pleasant Companions, who likewise are now againe to be remembred, because they are actors in our present discourse.It came so to passe, that an Aunt of Calandrinoes dying, left him a legacy of two hundred Florines, wherewith he purposed to purchase some small Farme-house in the countrey, or else to enlarge the other, whereof he was possessed already.And, as if bee were to disburse some ten thousand Florines, there was not a Broker in all Florence, but understood what he intended to doe: and all the worst was, that the strings of his purse could stretch no higher.Bruno, and Buffalmaco (his auncient Confederates) who heard of this good Fortune befalne him, advised him in such manner as they were wont to do; allowing it much better for him, to make merrie with the money in good cheare among them, then to lay it out in paltry Land, whereto he would not by any meanes listen, but ridde himselfe of them with a dinners cost, as loath to bee at anie further charge with them.

These merry Laddes meant not to leave him so; but sitting one day in serious consultation, and a third man in their companie, named Nello; they all three layde their braines in steep, by what means to wash their mouths well, and Calandrino to bee at the cost thereof.

And having resolved what was to bee done, they met togither the next morning, even as Calandrino was comming foorth of his house, and sundering themselves, to avoyd all suspition, yet beeing not farre distant each from other; Nello first met him, and saide unto him, Good Morrow Calandrino: which he requited backe agayne with the same salutation.But then Nello standing still, looked him stedfastly in the face: whereat Calandrino mervailing, sayd.Nello.

Why dost thou behold me so advisedly? Whereunto Nello answered, saying Hast thou felt any paine this last night past? Thou lookest nothing so well, as thou didst yesterday.Calandrino began instantly to wax doubtfull, and replyed thus.Dost thou see any alteration in my face, whereby to imagine, I should feele some paine? In good faith Calandrino (quoth Nello) me thinks thy countenance is strangely changed, and surely it proceedeth from some great cause, and so he departed away from him.

Calandrino being very mistrustfull, scratched his head, yet felte he no grievance at all; and going still on; Buffalmaco sodainely encountred him, upon his departure from Nello, and after salutations passing betweene them; in a manner of admiration, demanded what he ayled?

Truly (quoth Calandrino) well enough to mine owne thinking, yet notwithstanding, I met with Nello but even now; and he told me, that my countenance was very much altred; Is it possible that I should bee sicke, and feele no paine or distaste in any part of me?

Buffalmaco answered; I am not so skilfull in judgement, as to argue on the Nature of distemper in the body: but sure I am, that thou hast some daungerous inward impediment, because thou lookst (almost) like a man more then halfe dead.

Calandrino began presently to shake, as if hee had had a Feaver hanging on him, and then came Bruno looking fearefully on him, and before he would utter any words, seemed greatly to bemoane him, saying at length.Calandrino? Art thou the same man, or no? How wonderfuly art thou changed since last I saw thee, which is no longer then yester day? I pray thee tell mee, How dooest thou feele thy health?

  • 临济宗旨


  • 嘉祐杂志


  • The Varieties of Religious Experience

    The Varieties of Religious Experience

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  • 野生boss会咬人


  • 他的战太太很甜


  • 魔妃世无双


    传说,每个生灵都照应星海中的一颗命星,星神掌控星轨,把握世间生灵的命途。她怀星辰神力,掌万物命运,却意外进入平行时空。 都说凡人看不到神仙的力量,谁能想到她这修炼废柴可以变幻天地? 从此,她在异世开挂,扮猪吃虎坑作死人渣,花式打脸训渣男莲花,四海八荒追随她,万千妖兽认老大,魔女之名冠天下! 怎知她稀里糊涂间救下的捣蛋鬼小正太,竟是先前被她连环坑爆的国师大人。他本算计着好好教训一下这鬼灵精怪的少女,却没想到把自己给坑了进去。 【轻松搞笑,甜爽无虐,强强联合脑洞大开的异世大冒险!】
  • 博爱:胡适人生讲演集


    《读点大师:胡适人生讲演集·博爱》收录胡适先生不同时间、不同地点关于人生 问题的讲演实录,内容详尽充实,原汁原味地再现一代大师的讲演风采,还原当时中国社会的风起云涌,让我们领略特定时代风口浪尖上催生的伟大思想和智慧结晶。 胡适先生主张修己以安天下:“为己而后可以为人,求学而后可以救国”,这种圆融的态度在当时曾引起轩然大波,但在今天看来,这种通达的思想未尝不是饱含着热情和希望,将民族的气节和精神有力地传承下去。他给读者带来的不一样的声音,足可以引起我们对人生更深层的思考。
  • 瑾色天成

