

The precious Stones and jewels found by Landolpho, maketh mee to remember (said Madam Fiammetta, who was next to deliver her discourse)a Tale, containing no lesse perils, then that reported by Madam Lauretta: but somewhat different from it, because the one happened in sundry yeeres, and this other had no longer time, then the compasse of one poore night, as instantly I will relate unto you.

As I have heard reported by many, there sometime lived in Perouse or Perugia, a young man, named Andrea de Piero, whose profession was to trade about Horses, in the nature of a Horse-courser, or Horsemaster, who hearing of a good Faire or Market (for his purpose)at Naples, did put five hundred Crownes of gold in his purse, and journeyed thither in the company of other Horse-coursers, arriving there on a Sunday in the evening.According to instructions given him by his Host, he went the next day into the Horse-market, where he saw very many Horses that he liked, cheapening their prices as he went up and downe, but could fall to no agreement; yet to manifest that he came purposely to buy, and not as a cheapener onely, oftentimes (like a shallow-brainde trader in the world) he shewed his purse of gold before all passengers, never respecting who, or what they were that observed his follie.

It came to passe, that a young Sicillian wench (very beautifull, but at commaund of whosoever would, and for small hire) pass then by, and (without his percieving) seeing such store of gold in his purse;presently she said to her selfe: why should not all those crownes be mine, when the foole that owes them, can keepe them no closer? And so she went on.With this young wanton there was (at the same time) an olde woman (as commonly such stuffe is alwayes so attended) seeming to be a Sicillian also, who so soone as shee saw Andrea, knew him, and leaving her youthfull commodity, ranne to him, and embraced him very kindly.Which when the younger Lasse perceived, without proceeding any further, she stayed to see what would ensue thereon.Andrea conferring with the olde Bawde, and knowing her (but not for any such creature)declared himselfe very affable to her; she making him promise, that shee would come and drinke with him at his lodging.So breaking off further speeches for that time, shee returned to her young Cammerado; and Andrea went about buying his horses, still cheapning good store, but did not buy any all that morning.

The Punke that had taken notice of Andreas purse, upon the olde womans comming backe to her (having formerly studied, how shee might get all the gold, or the greater part thereof) cunningly questioned with her, what the man was, whence hee came, and the occasion of his businesse there? wherein she fully informed her particularly, and in as ample manner as himselfe could have done: That shee had long time dwelt in Sicily with his Father, and afterward at Perouse;recounting also, at what time she came thence, and the cause which now had drawne him to Naples.The witty young housewife, being thorowly instructed, concerning the Parents and kindred of Andrea, their names, quality, and all other circumstances thereto leading; began to frame the foundation of her purpose thereupon, setting her resolution downe constantly, that the purse and gold was (already) more than halfe her owne.

Being come home to her owne house, away shee sent the olde Pandresse about other businesse, which might hold her time long enough of employment, and hinder her returning to Andrea according to promise, purposing, not to trust her in this serious piece of service.

Calling a young crafty Girle to her, whom she had well tutoured in the like ambassages, when evening drew on, she sent her to Andreas lodging, where (by good fortune) she found him sitting alone at the doore, and demanding of him, if he knew an honest Gentleman lodging there, whose name was Signior Andrea de Piero; he made her answere, that himselfe was the man.Then taking him aside, she said.Sir, there is a worthy Gentlewoman of this Citie, that would gladly speake with you, if you pleased to vouchsafe her so much favour.

Andrea, hearing such a kinde of salutation, and from a Gentlewoman, named of worth; began to grow proud in his owne imaginations, and to make no meane estimation of himselfe: As (undoubtedly) that he was an hansome proper man, and of such cariage and perfections, as had attracted the amorous eye of this Gentlewoman, and induced her to like and love him beyond all other, Naples not containing a man of better merit.Whereupon he answered the Mayde, that he was ready to attend her Mistresse, desiring to know, when it should be, and where the Gentlewoman would speake with him? So soone as you please Sir, replied the Damosell, for she tarrieth your comming in her owne house.

  • 袁中郎全集


  • 薜荔园诗集


  • 杨成博先生遗留穴道秘书


  • Ten Years Later

    Ten Years Later

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  • 那些渐行渐远的爱情


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  • 凤落梧桐梧寻凤


  • 功臣的非正常死亡


    一个人的死亡如果能够理解为非正常死亡,这说明,这个人的身上一定具有了传奇的人生经历和死亡方式,并且被世人所关注。对于横死的人,或者说是非正常死亡的人,人们总是抱有莫大的好奇心和求知欲,这是因为非正常死亡的“非”或是横死的“横”,总是出乎人们的意料的。 本书描写的非正常死亡的功臣,选取的是影响中国历史进程,并且为世人所熟知的历代名臣,他们为自己的国家立下了汗马功劳,而且拜将封侯,他们功高盖世而又被帝王所器重,他们才智过人且地位显赫,但就是这样一群被写进中国历史的功臣,无一避免地成为了政治权谋的祭品。这是因为,他们身处于政治漩涡的中心,并且不可避免地被卷进了一系列的政治权谋当中去。
  • 道极万州


  • 世界最具精悍性的微型小说(3)


  • 异界穿越成神


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  • 1、2、3——死(长篇推理小说一)


  • 一见阳光就灿烂

