

"I found in M.Jeanrenaud and his mother the most perverse honesty; to hear them you would suppose that they were robbing me.In spite of all I could say, they will accept no more than the value of the lands at the time when the King bestowed them on my family.The price was settled between us at the sum of eleven hundred thousand francs, which I was to pay at my convenience and without interest.To achieve this Ihad to forego my income for a long time.And then, monsieur, began the destruction of some illusions I had allowed myself as to Madame d'Espard's character.When I proposed to her that we should leave Paris and go into the country, where we could live respected on half of her income, and so more rapidly complete a restitution of which Ispoke to her without going into the more serious details, Madame d'Espard treated me as a madman.I then understood my wife's real character.She would have approved of my grandfather's conduct without a scruple, and have laughed at the Huguenots.Terrified by her coldness, and her little affection for her children, whom she abandoned to me without regret, I determined to leave her the command of her fortune, after paying our common debts.It was no business of hers, as she told me, to pay for my follies.As I then had not enough to live on and pay for my sons' education, I determined to educate them myself, to make them gentlemen and men of feeling.By investing my money in the funds I have been enabled to pay off my obligation sooner than I had dared to hope, for I took advantage of the opportunities afforded by the improvement in prices.If I had kept four thousand francs a year for my boys and myself, I could only have paid off twenty thousand crowns a year, and it would have taken almost eighteen years to achieve my freedom.As it is, I have lately repaid the whole of the eleven hundred thousand francs that were due.Thus Ienjoy the happiness of having made this restitution without doing my children the smallest wrong.

"These, monsieur, are the reasons for the payments made to Madame Jeanrenaud and her son.""So Madame d'Espard knew the motives of your retirement?" said the judge, controlling the emotion he felt at this narrative.

"Yes, monsieur."

Popinot gave an expressive shrug; he rose and opened the door into the next room.

"Noel, you can go," said he to his clerk.

"Monsieur," he went on, "though what you have told me is enough to enlighten me thoroughly, I should like to hear what you have to say to the other facts put forward in the petition.For instance, you are here carrying on a business such as is not habitually undertaken by a man of rank.""We cannot discuss that matter here," said the Marquis, signing to the judge to quit the room."Nouvion," said he to the old man, "I am going down to my rooms; the children will soon be in; dine with us.""Then, Monsieur le Marquis," said Popinot on the stairs, "that is not your apartment?""No, monsieur; I took those rooms for the office of this undertaking.

You see," and he pointed to an advertisement sheet, "the History is being brought out by one of the most respectable firms in Paris, and not by me."The Marquis showed the lawyer into the ground-floor rooms, saying, "This is my apartment."Popinot was quite touched by the poetry, not aimed at but pervading this dwelling.The weather was lovely, the windows were open, the air from the garden brought in a wholesome earthy smell, the sunshine brightened and gilded the woodwork, of a rather gloomy brown.At the sight Popinot made up his mind that a madman would hardly be capable of inventing the tender harmony of which he was at that moment conscious.

"I should like just such an apartment," thought he."You think of leaving this part of town?" he inquired.

"I hope so," replied the Marquis."But I shall remain till my younger son has finished his studies, and till the children's character is thoroughly formed, before introducing them to the world and to their mother's circle.Indeed, after giving them the solid information they possess, I intend to complete it by taking them to travel to the capitals of Europe, that they may see men and things, and become accustomed to speak the languages they have learned.And, monsieur,"he went on, giving the judge a chair in the drawing-room, "I could not discuss the book on China with you, in the presence of an old friend of my family, the Comte de Nouvion, who, having emigrated, has returned to France without any fortune whatever, and who is my partner in this concern, less for my profit than his.Without telling him what my motives were, I explained to him that I was as poor as he, but that I had enough money to start a speculation in which he might be usefully employed.My tutor was the Abbe Grozier, whom Charles X.on my recommendation appointed Keeper of the Books at the Arsenal, which were returned to that Prince when he was still Monsieur.The Abbe Grozier was deeply learned with regard to China, its manners and customs; he made me heir to this knowledge at an age when it is difficult not to become a fanatic for the things we learn.At five-and-twenty I knew Chinese, and I confess I have never been able to check myself in an exclusive admiration for that nation, who conquered their conquerors, whose annals extend back indisputably to a period more remote than mythological or Bible times, who by their immutable institutions have preserved the integrity of their empire, whose monuments are gigantic, whose administration is perfect, among whom revolutions are impossible, who have regarded ideal beauty as a barren element in art, who have carried luxury and industry to such a pitch that we cannot outdo them in anything, while they are our equals in things where we believe ourselves superior.

  • 女科经纶


  • 焰罗王供行法次第


  • 上方灵宝无极至道开化真经


  • 逢遇篇


  • 最上乘论


  • 福建省外海战船则例


  • 异界雄风


  • 穿越千年与你相恋


  • 鸾凤之舞


  • 王直方诗话


  • 联合国人权理事会UPR视域下的中国人权


  • 再见只是陌生人


  • 漂亮兵器


  • 快穿之绝世宿主


  • 80后不结婚

