

The malignant and venomous tempered General Vaughan has amused his savage fancy in burning the whole town of Kingston, in York government, and the late governor of that state, Mr.Tryon, in his letter to General Parsons, has endeavored to justify it and declared his wish to burn the houses of every committeeman in the country.Such a confession from one who was once intrusted with the powers of civil government, is a reproach to the character.But it is the wish and the declaration of a man whom anguish and disappointment have driven to despair, and who is daily decaying into the grave with constitutional rottenness.

There is not in the compass of language a sufficiency of words to express the baseness of your king, his ministry and his army.They have refined upon villany till it wants a name.To the fiercer vices of former ages they have added the dregs and scummings of the most finished rascality, and are so completely sunk in serpentine deceit, that there is not left among them one generous enemy.

From such men and such masters, may the gracious hand of Heaven preserve America! And though the sufferings she now endures are heavy, and severe, they are like straws in the wind compared to the weight of evils she would feel under the government of your king, and his pensioned Parliament.

There is something in meanness which excites a species of resentment that never subsides, and something in cruelty which stirs up the heart to the highest agony of human hatred; Britain has filled up both these characters till no addition can be made, and has not reputation left with us to obtain credit for the slightest promise.The will of God has parted us, and the deed is registered for eternity.When she shall be a spot scarcely visible among the nations, America shall flourish the favorite of heaven, and the friend of mankind.

For the domestic happiness of Britain and the peace of the world, I wish she had not a foot of land but what is circumscribed within her own island.Extent of dominion has been her ruin, and instead of civilizing others has brutalized herself.Her late reduction of India, under Clive and his successors, was not so properly a conquest as an extermination of mankind.She is the only power who could practise the prodigal barbarity of tying men to mouths of loaded cannon and blowing them away.It happens that General Burgoyne, who made the report of that horrid transaction, in the House of Commons, is now a prisoner with us, and though an enemy, I can appeal to him for the truth of it, being confident that he neither can nor will deny it.Yet Clive received the approbation of the last Parliament.

When we take a survey of mankind, we cannot help cursing the wretch, who, to the unavoidable misfortunes of nature, shall wilfully add the calamities of war.One would think there were evils enough in the world without studying to increase them, and that life is sufficiently short without shaking the sand that measures it.The histories of Alexander, and Charles of Sweden, are the histories of human devils; a good man cannot think of their actions without abhorrence, nor of their deaths without rejoicing.To see the bounties of heaven destroyed, the beautiful face of nature laid waste, and the choicest works of creation and art tumbled into ruin, would fetch a curse from the soul of piety itself.But in this country the aggravation is heightened by a new combination of affecting circumstances.America was young, and, compared with other countries, was virtuous.None but a Herod of uncommon malice would have made war upon infancy and innocence: and none but a people of the most finished fortitude, dared under those circumstances, have resisted the tyranny.The natives, or their ancestors, had fled from the former oppressions of England, and with the industry of bees had changed a wilderness into a habitable world.To Britain they were indebted for nothing.The country was the gift of heaven, and God alone is their Lord and Sovereign.

The time, sir, will come when you, in a melancholy hour, shall reckon up your miseries by your murders in America.Life, with you, begins to wear a clouded aspect.The vision of pleasurable delusion is wearing away, and changing to the barren wild of age and sorrow.The poor reflection of having served your king will yield you no consolation in your parting moments.He will crumble to the same undistinguished ashes with yourself, and have sins enough of his own to answer for.It is not the farcical benedictions of a bishop, nor the cringing hypocrisy of a court of chaplains, nor the formality of an act of Parliament, that can change guilt into innocence, or make the punishment one pang the less.You may, perhaps, be unwilling to be serious, but this destruction of the goods of Providence, this havoc of the human race, and this sowing the world with mischief, must be accounted for to him who made and governs it.To us they are only present sufferings, but to him they are deep rebellions.

If there is a sin superior to every other, it is that of wilful and offensive war.Most other sins are circumscribed within narrow limits, that is, the power of one man cannot give them a very general extension, and many kinds of sins have only a mental existence from which no infection arises; but he who is the author of a war, lets loose the whole contagion of hell, and opens a vein that bleeds a nation to death.We leave it to England and Indians to boast of these honors; we feel no thirst for such savage glory; a nobler flame, a purer spirit animates America.She has taken up the sword of virtuous defence; she has bravely put herself between Tyranny and Freedom, between a curse and a blessing, determined to expel the one and protect the other.

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    【VIP作品】【陕西师范大学出版社出版】(出版更名:《白领丽人2.0》) ■作品简介:都市之间,强权、金钱、情欲交织,美丽的女白领不是在沉默中沉沦,就是在沉默中爆发。以兼爱而宽容;以非攻而存生;以非命而抗争;以节用而自得,用这些战国时代墨家的思想武装、行走这都市江湖吧! ■一些编外:朋友股票问我:你这本书是不是很“粉”?我笑着回答他:这本书一点儿都不“粉”。我只是平常的写书,平常的叙述,喜欢YY和YD的朋友恐怕要失望了。这本书里讲述的故事,它们也许就发生在你和你朋友的身上、身边。请相信,这是一抹行走在城市之间的流光飞舞。
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