

and the ravages of your army through the Jerseys have been marked with as much barbarism as if you had openly professed yourself the prince of ruffians; not even the appearance of humanity has been preserved either on the march or the retreat of your troops; no general order that I could ever learn, has ever been issued to prevent or even forbid your troops from robbery, wherever they came, and the only instance of justice, if it can be called such, which has distinguished you for impartiality, is, that you treated and plundered all alike;what could not be carried away has been destroyed, and mahogany furniture has been deliberately laid on fire for fuel, rather than the men should be fatigued with cutting wood.* There was a time when the Whigs confided much in your supposed candor, and the Tories rested themselves in your favor; the experiments have now been made, and failed; in every town, nay, every cottage, in the Jerseys, where your arms have been, is a testimony against you.How you may rest under this sacrifice of character I know not; but this I know, that you sleep and rise with the daily curses of thousands upon you;perhaps the misery which the Tories have suffered by your proffered mercy may give them some claim to their country's pity, and be in the end the best favor you could show them.

* As some people may doubt the truth of such wanton destruction, Ithink it necessary to inform them that one of the people called Quakers, who lives at Trenton, gave me this information at the house of Mr.Michael Hutchinson, (one of the same profession,) who lives near Trenton ferry on the Pennsylvania side, Mr.Hutchinson being present.In a folio general-order book belonging to Col.Rhal's battalion, taken at Trenton, and now in the possession of the council of safety for this state, the following barbarous order is frequently repeated, "His excellency the Commander-in-Chief orders, that all inhabitants who shall be found with arms, not having an officer with them, shall be immediately taken and hung up." How many you may thus have privately sacrificed, we know not, and the account can only be settled in another world.Your treatment of prisoners, in order to distress them to enlist in your infernal service, is not to be equalled by any instance in Europe.Yet this is the humane Lord Howe and his brother, whom the Tories and their three-quarter kindred, the Quakers, or some of them at least, have been holding up for patterns of justice and mercy!

A bad cause will ever be supported by bad means and bad men; and whoever will be at the pains of examining strictly into things, will find that one and the same spirit of oppression and impiety, more or less, governs through your whole party in both countries: not many days ago, I accidentally fell in company with a person of this city noted for espousing your cause, and on my remarking to him, "that it appeared clear to me, by the late providential turn of affairs, that God Almighty was visibly on our side," he replied, "We care nothing for that you may have Him, and welcome; if we have but enough of the devil on our side, we shall do." However carelessly this might be spoken, matters not, 'tis still the insensible principle that directs all your conduct and will at last most assuredly deceive and ruin you.

If ever a nation was made and foolish, blind to its own interest and bent on its own destruction, it is Britain.There are such things as national sins, and though the punishment of individuals may be reserved to another world, national punishment can only be inflicted in this world.Britain, as a nation, is, in my inmost belief, the greatest and most ungrateful offender against God on the face of the whole earth.Blessed with all the commerce she could wish for, and furnished, by a vast extension of dominion, with the means of civilizing both the eastern and western world, she has made no other use of both than proudly to idolize her own "thunder," and rip up the bowels of whole countries for what she could get.Like Alexander, she has made war her sport, and inflicted misery for prodigality's sake.The blood of India is not yet repaid, nor the wretchedness of Africa yet requited.Of late she has enlarged her list of national cruelties by her butcherly destruction of the Caribbs of St.Vincent's, and returning an answer by the sword to the meek prayer for "Peace, liberty and safety." These are serious things, and whatever a foolish tyrant, a debauched court, a trafficking legislature, or a blinded people may think, the national account with heaven must some day or other be settled: all countries have sooner or later been called to their reckoning; the proudest empires have sunk when the balance was struck; and Britain, like an individual penitent, must undergo her day of sorrow, and the sooner it happens to her the better.As I wish it over, I wish it to come, but withal wish that it may be as light as possible.

Perhaps your lordship has no taste for serious things; by your connections in England I should suppose not; therefore I shall drop this part of the subject, and take it up in a line in which you will better understand me.

By what means, may I ask, do you expect to conquer America? If you could not effect it in the summer, when our army was less than yours, nor in the winter, when we had none, how are you to do it? In point of generalship you have been outwitted, and in point of fortitude outdone; your advantages turn out to your loss, and show us that it is in our power to ruin you by gifts: like a game of drafts, we can move out of one square to let you come in, in order that we may afterwards take two or three for one; and as we can always keep a double corner for ourselves, we can always prevent a total defeat.You cannot be so insensible as not to see that we have two to one the advantage of you, because we conquer by a drawn game, and you lose by it.Burgoyne might have taught your lordship this knowledge; he has been long a student in the doctrine of chances.

  • 平民贵妃


  • 综漫世界里的圣主


  • 末世之涅炎


  • 猎尸计


    二次重生,竟然回到原来的世界。命运再次降临。这一世,她想守护的人只有那些真诚对她的人。一曲惊鸿舞,回眸百媚生。一袭红衣倾天下,一介红眸动山河。却听怀中人咩咩道:“老怪物,好久不见……” —— 这万里江山,都将匍匐在脚下! —— “我不知道你还记不记得我,也不知道你对我的感情,但是‘我爱你’这是永远都不会改变的。” “我生来是为了保护这个世界,但是为了爱你,我舍弃了这个世界。” “这个世界的存与亡于我何干!没有她,就全都死吧!” —— “我知道我不能这么自私,但是不知道为何我总是遇到你都情不自禁的想把你锁在我一个人身边。” “也许这就是人类口中所谓的‘爱’,但是我不得不承认——” “老怪物,我爱上你了。”
  • 龙傲汉末


  • 潜意识:突破思维的墙,做最优秀的自己


  • How He Lied to Her Husband

    How He Lied to Her Husband

  • 辅政


  • 无限异界之旅


  • 宝宝你在想什么

