
第126章 The Dregs of the Cup(4)

"Perchance I am to be strangled by these women," thought Rosamund, as they came towards her, "so that the blood royal may not be shed."Yet it was not so, for with gentle hands, but in silence, they unrobed her, and washed her with scented waters and braided her hair, twisting it up with pearls and gems.Then they clad her in fine linen, and put over it gorgeous, broidered garments, and a royal mantle of purple, and her own jewels which she had worn in bygone days, and with them others still more splendid, and threw about her head a gauzy veil worked with golden stars.It was just such a veil as Wulf's gift which she had worn on the night when Hassan dragged her from her home at Steeple She noted it and smiled at the sad omen, then said:

"Ladies, why should I mock my doom with these bright garments?''

"It is the Sultan's will," they answered; "nor shall you rest to-night less happily because of them."Now all was ready, and the door opened and she stepped through it, a radiant thing, glittering in the lamplight.Then trumpets blew and a herald cried: 'Way! Way there! Way for the high sovereign lady and princess of Baalbec!"Thus followed by the train of honourable women who attended her, Rosamund glided forward to the courtyard, and once more bent the knee to Saladin, then stood still, lost in wonder.

Again the trumpets blew, and on the right a herald cried, "Way!

Way there! Way for the brave and noble Frankish knight, Sir Wulf D'Arcy!"Lo! attended by emirs and notables, Wulf came forth, clad in splendid armour inlaid with gold, wearing on his shoulder a mantel set with gems and on his breast the gleaming Star of the Luck of Hassan.To Rosamund he strode and stood by her, his hands resting on the hilt of his long sword.

"Princess," said Saladin, "I give you back your rank and titles, because you have shown a noble heart; and you, Sir Wulf, I honour also as best I may, but to my decree I hold.Let them go together to the drinking of the cup of their destiny as to a bridal bed."Again the trumpets blew and the heralds called, and they led them to the doors of the chapel, which at their knocking were thrown wide.From within came the sound of women's voices singing, but it was no sad song they sang.

"The sisters of the Order are still there," said Rosamund to Wulf, "and would cheer us on our road to heaven.""Perchance," he answered."I know not.I am amazed."At the door the company of Moslems left them, but they crowded round the entrance as though to watch what passed.Now down the long aisle walked a single whiterobed figure.It was the abbess.

"What shall we do, Mother?" said Rosamund to her.

"Follow me, both of you," she said, and they followed her through the nave to the altar rails, and at a sign from her knelt down.

Now they saw that on either side of the altar stood a Christian priest.The priest to the right--it was the bishop Egbert--came forward and began to read over them the marriage service of their faith.

"They'd wed us ere we die," whispered Rosamund to Wulf.

"So be it," he answered; "I am glad."

"And I also, beloved," she whispered back.

The service went on--as in a dream, the service went on, while the white-robed sisters sat in their carven chairs and watched.

The rings that were handed to them had been interchanged; Wulf had taken Rosamund to wife, Rosamund had taken Wulf to husband, till death did them part.

Then the old bishop withdrew to the altar, and another hooded monk came forward and uttered over them the benediction in a deep and sonorous voice, which stirred their hearts most strangely, as though some echo reached them from beyond the grave.He held his hands above them in blessing and looked upwards, so that his hood fell back, and the light of the altar lamp fell upon his face.

It was the face of Godwin, and on his head was the tonsure of a monk.

Once more they stood before Saladin, and now their train was swelled by the abbess and sisters of the Holy Cross.

"Sir Wulf D'Arcy," said the Sultan, "and you, Rosamund, my niece, princess of Baalbec, the dregs of your cup, sweet or bitter, or bitter-sweet, are drunk; the doom which I decreed for you is accomplished, and, according to your own rites, you are man and wife till Allah sends upon you that death which I withhold.

Because you showed mercy upon those doomed to die and were the means of mercy, I also give you mercy, and with it my love and honour.Now bide here if you will in my freedom, and enjoy your rank and wealth, or go hence you will, and live out your lives across the sea.The blessing of Allah be upon you, and turn your souls light.This is the decree of Yusuf Salah-ed-din, Commander of the Faithful, Conqueror and Caliph of the East."Trembling, full of joy and wonder, they knelt before him and kissed his hand.Then, after a few swift words between them, Rosamund spoke.

"Sire, that God whom you have invoked, the God of Christian and of Moslem, the God of all the world, though the world worship Him in many ways and shapes, bless and reward you for this royal deed.Yet listen to our petition.It may be that many of our faith still lie unransomed in Jerusalem.Take my lands and gems, and let them be valued, and their price given to pay for the liberty of some poor slaves.It is our marriage offering.As for us, we will get us to our own country.""So be it," answered Saladin."The lands I will take and devote the sum of them as you desire--yes, to the last bezant.The jewels also shall be valued, but I give them back to you as my wedding dower.To these nuns further I grant permission to bide here in Jerusalem to nurse the Christian sick, unharmed and unmolested, if so they will, and this because they sheltered you.

Ho! minstrels and heralds lead this new-wed pair to the place that has been prepared for them."Still trembling and bewildered, they turned to go, when lo!

Godwin stood before them smiling, and kissed them both upon the cheek, calling them "Beloved brother and sister.""And you, Godwin?" stammered Rosamund.

"I, Rosamund, have also found my bride, and she is named the Church of Christ.""Do you, then, return to England, brother?" asked Wulf.

"Nay," Godwin answered, in a fierce whisper and with flashing eyes, "the Cross is down, but not forever.That Cross has Richard of England and many another servant beyond the seas, and they will come at the Church's call.Here, brother, before all is done, we may meet again in war.Till then, farewell."So spoke Godwin and then was gone.


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