
第43章 The Widow Masouda(6)

"From one to whom it was given and who has charged us with a message.Now, hostess, let us be plain with one another.You know a great deal about us, but although it has suited us to call ourselves the pilgrims Peter and John, in all this there is nothing of which we need be ashamed, especially as you say that our secret is no secret, which I can well believe.Now, this secret being out, I propose that we remove ourselves from your roof, and go to stay with our own people at the castle, where, Idoubt not, we shall be welcome, telling them that we would bide no longer with one who is called a spy, whom we have discovered also to be a 'daughter of Al-je-bal.' After which, perhaps, you will bide no longer in Beirut, where,as we gather, spies and the 'daughters of Al-je-bal' are not welcome."She listened with an impassive face, and answered: "Doubtless you have heard that one of us who was so named was burned here recently as a witch?""Yes," broke in Wulf, who now learned this fact for the first time, "we heard that.""And think to bring a like fate upon me.Why, foolish men, I can lay you both dead before ever those words pass your lips.""You think you can," said Godwin, "but for my part I am sure that this is not fated, and am sure also that you do not wish to harm us any more than we wish to harm you.To be plain, then, it is necessary for us to visit Al-je-bal.As chance has brought us together--if it be chance--will you aid us in this, as I think you can, or must we seek other help?""I do not know.I will tell you after four days.If you are not satisfied with that, go, denounce me, do your worst, and I will do mine, for which I should be sorry.""Where is the security that you will not do it if we are satisfied?" asked Wulf bluntly.

"You must take the word of a 'daughter of Al-je-bal.' I have none other to offer," she replied.

"That may mean death," said Wulf.

"You said just now that was not fated, and although I have sought your company for my own reasons, I have no quarrel with you--as yet.Choose your own path.Still, I tell you that if you go, who, chancing to know Arabic, have learned my secret, you die, and that if you stay you are safe--at least while you are in this house.I swear it on the token of Al-je-bal," and bending forward she touched the ring in Godwin's hand, "but remember that for the future I cannot answer."Godwin and Wulf looked at each other.Then Godwin replied:

"I think that we will trust you, and stay," words at which she smiled a little as though she were pleased, then said:

"Now, if you wish to walk abroad, guests Peter and John, I will summon the slave to guide you, and in four days we will talk more of this matter of your journey, which, until then, had best be forgotten."So the man came, armed with a sword, and led them out, clad in their pilgrims' robes, through the streets of this Eastern town, where everything was so strange, that for awhile they forgot their troubles in studying the new life about them.They noted, moreover, that though they went into quarters where no Franks were to be seen, and where fierce-looking servants of the Prophet stared at them sourly, the presence of this slave of Masouda seemed to be sufficient to protect them from affront, since on seeing him even the turbaned Saracens nudged each other and turned aside.In due course they came to the inn again, having met no one whom they knew, except two pilgrims who had been their fellow-passengers on the dromon.These men were astonished when they said that they had been through the Saracen quarter of the city, where, although this town was in the hands of the Christians, it was scarcely thought safe for Franks to venture without a strong guard.

When the brethren were back in their chamber, seated at the far end of it, and speaking very low, lest they should be overheard, they consulted together long and earnestly as to what they should do.This was clear--they and something of their mission were known, and doubtless notice of their coming would soon be given to the Sultan Saladin.From the king and great Christian lords in Jerusalem they could expect little help, since to give it might be to bring about an open rupture with Saladin, such as the Franks dreaded, and for which they were ill prepared.Indeed, if they went to them, it seemed likely that they would be prevented from stirring in this dangerous search for a woman who was the niece of Saladin, and for aught they knew thrown into prison, or shipped back to Europe.True, they might try to find their way to Damascus alone, but if the Sultan was warned of their coming, would he not cause them to be killed upon the road, or cast into some dungeon where they would languish out their lives? The more they spoke of these matters the more they were perplexed, till at length Godwin said:

"Brother, our uncle bade us earnestly to seek out this Al-je-bal, and though it seems that to do so is very dangerous, Ithink that we had best obey him who may have been given foresight at the last.When all paths are full of thorns what matter which you tread?""A good saying," answered Wulf."I am weary of doubts and troublings.Let us follow our uncle's will, and visit this Old Man of the Mountains, to do which I think the widow Masouda is the woman to help us.If we die on that journey, well, at least we shall have done our best."

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