
第95章 Wulf Pays for the Drugged Wine(4)

"Before you answer, king, hear me, if it be for the last time, who am old in war and know the Saracens.My town of Tiberias is sacked; my vassals have been put to the sword by thousands; my wife is imprisoned in her citadel, and soon must yield, if she be not rescued.Yet I say to you, and to the barons here assembled, better so than that you should advance across the desert to attack Saladin.Leave Tiberias to its fate and my wife with it, and save your army, which is the last hope of the Christians of the East.Christ has no more soldiers in these lands, Jerusalem has no other shield.The army of the Sultan is larger than yours;his cavalry are more skilled.Turn his flank--or, better still, bide here and await his attack, and victory will be to the soldiers of the Cross.Advance and the vision of that knight at whom you scoff will come true, and the cause of Christendom be lost in Syria.I have spoken, and for the last time.""Like his friend the knight of Visions," sneered the Grand Master, "the count Raymond is an old ally of Saladin.Will you take such coward council? On--on! and smite these heathen dogs, or be forever shamed.On, in the name of the Cross! The Cross is with us! ""Ay," answered Raymond, "for the last time."Then there arose a tumult through which every man shouted to his fellow, some saying one thing and some another, while the king sat at the head of the board, his face hidden in his hands.

Presently he lifted it, and said:

"I command that we march at dawn.If the count Raymond and these brethren think the words unwise, let them leave us and remain here under guard until the issue be known."Now followed a great silence, for all there knew that the words were fateful, in the midst of which count Raymond said:

"Nay, I go with you," while Godwin echoed, "And we go also to show whether or not we are the spies of Saladin."Of these speeches none of them seemed to take heed, for all were lost in their own thoughts.One by one they rose, bowed to the king, and left the tent to give their commands and rest awhile, before it was time to ride.Godwin and Wulf went also, and with them the bishop of Nazareth, who wrung his hands and seemed ill at ease.But Wulf comforted him, saying:

"Grieve no more, father; let us think of the joy of battle, not of the sorrow by which it may be followed.""I find no joy in battles," answered the holy Egbert.

When they had slept awhile, Godwin and Wulf rose and fed their horses.After they had washed and groomed them, they tested and did on their armour, then took them down to the spring to drink their fill, as their masters did.Also Wulf, who was cunning in war, brought with him four large wineskins which he had provided against this hour, and filling them with pure water, fastened two of them with thongs behind the saddle of Godwin and two behind his own.Further, he filled the water-bottles at their saddle-bows, saying:

"At least we will be among the last to die of thirst."Then they went back and watched the host break its camp, which it did with no light heart, for many of them knew of the danger in which they stood; moreover, the tale of Godwin's vision had been spread abroad.Not knowing where to go, they and Egbert, the bishop of Nazareth--who was unarmed and rode upon a mule, for stay behind he would not--joined themselves to the great body of knights who followed the king.As they did so, the Templars, five hundred strong, came up, a fierce and gallant band, and the Master, who was at their head, saw the brethren and called out, pointing to the wineskins which were hung behind their saddles:

"What do these water-carriers here among brave knights who trust in God alone?"Wulf would have answered, but Godwin bade him be silent, saying:

"Fall back; we will find less ill-omened company."So they stood on one side and bowed themselves as the Cross went by, guarded by the mailed bishop of Acre.Then came Reginald of Chatillon, Saladin's enemy, the cause of all this woe, who saw them and cried:

"Sir Knights, whatever they may say, I know you for brave men, for I have heard the tale of your doings among the Assassins.

There is room for you among my suite--follow me.""As well him as another," said Godwin."Let us go where we are led." So they followed him.

By the time that the army reached Kenna, where once the water was made wine, the July sun was already hot, and the spring was so soon drunk dry that many men could get no water.On they pushed into the desert lands below, which lay between them and Tiberias, and were bordered on the right and left by hills.Now clouds of dust were seen moving across the plains, and in the heart of them bodies of Saracen horsemen, which continually attacked the vanguard under count Raymond, and as continually retreated before they could be crushed, slaying many with their spears and arrows.

Also these came round behind them, and charged the rearguard, where marched the Templars and the light-armed troops named Turcopoles, and the band of Reginald de Chatillon, with which rode the brethren.

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