

"We were in the little smoking porch off the dining room at the Club de Vingt." Barbara smiled her remembrance of it, and motioned Kent to continue."Ferguson had just put down the envelope on the table and I started to pick it up when cheering in the dining room distracted my attention and I, with the others, went to see what it was about.When I returned to the porch the envelope was no longer on the table.""Who were with you?" questioned Helen.

"Your father, Mrs.Brewster -"

"Of course," murmured Barbara."Go on, Harry.""Detective Ferguson and Ben Glymer," Barbara made a wry face, "and"- went on Kent, not heeding her, "each of these persons deny any further knowledge of the envelope, except they declare it was lying on the table when we all made a dash for the dining room.

"Who was the last to leave the porch?" asked Helen.

"Ben Clymer."

"And he saw no one take the envelope?"

"He declares that he had his back to the table, part of the time, but to the best of his knowledge no one took the envelope.""One of them must have," insisted Barbara.

"The envelope hadn't legs or wings."

"One of them did take it," agreed Kent.

"But which one is the question.Frankly, to find the answer, I must know the contents of the envelope, Helen.""Why?"

"Because then I will have some idea who would be enough interested in the envelope to steal it."Helen considered him long and thoughtfully."I cannot answer your question," she announced finally.She saw his face harden, and hastened to explain."Not through any lack of confidence in you, Harry, b-b-but," she stumbled in her speech."I - I do not know what the envelope contains."Kent stared at her open-mouthed."Then who requested you to lock the envelope in Rochester's safe?" he demanded, and receiving no reply, asked suddenly: "Was it Rochester?""I am not at liberty to tell you," she responded; her mouth set in obstinate lines and before he could press his request a second time, she asked: "Philip Rochester defended Jimmie in court when every one thought him a burglar; why then, should Philip have picked him out to attack - he is not a homicidal maniac?""No, but the police contend that Rochester recognized Jimmie in his make-up and decided to kill him; hoping his death would be attributed to angina pectoris, and no post-mortem held," wound up Kent.

"I don t quite understand" - Helen raised her handkerchief to her forehead and removed a drop of moisture."How did Philip kill Jimmie there in court before us all?""Ferguson believes that he put the dose of aconitine in the glass of water which Jimmie asked for," explained Kent, and would have continued his remarks, but a scream from Barbara startled him.

"There, look at the window," she cried."I saw a face peering in.

Look quick, Harry, look!"

Kent needed no second bidding, but although he craned his head far outside the open window and gazed both up and down the street and along the path to the kitchen door, he failed to see any one."Was it a man or woman?" he asked, turning back to the room.

"I - I couldn't tell; it was just a glimpse." Barbara stood resting one hand on the table, her weight leaning upon it.Not for words would she have had Kent know that her knees were shaking under her.

"Did you see the face, Helen?" As he put the question Kent looked around at the silent girl in the corner; she had slipped back in her chair and, with closed eyes, lay white-lipped and limp.With a leap Kent gained her side and his hand sought her pulse.

"Ring for brandy and water," he directed as Barbara came to his aid.

"Helen has fainted."

Twenty minutes later Kent hastened out of the McIntyre house and, turning into Connecticut Avenue, boarded a street car headed south.

After carrying Helen to the twins' sitting room he had assisted Barbara in reviving her.He had wondered at the time why Barbara had not summoned the servants, then concluded that neither sister wished a scene.That Helen was worse than she would admit he appreciated, and advised Barbara to send for Dr.Stone.The well-meant suggestion had apparently fallen on deaf ears, for no physician had appeared during the time he was in the house, nor had Barbara used the telephone, almost at her elbow as she sat by her sister's couch, to summon Dr.Stone.Kent had only waited long enough to convince himself that Helen was out of danger, and then had departed.

It was nearly one o'clock when he finally stepped inside his office, and he found his clerk and a dressy female bending eagerly over a newspaper.They looked up at his approach and Sylvester came forward.

"This is my wife, sir," he explained, and Kent bowed courteously to Mrs.Sylvester."We were just reading this account of Mr.Rochester's disappearance; it's dreadful, sir, to think that the police believe him guilty of Mr.Turn bull's murder.""Dreadful, indeed," agreed Kent; the news had been published even sooner than he had imagined."What paper is that?""The noon edition of the Times." Sylvester handed it to him.

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