

"Eliza," he said, after a pause, lifting his head slowly, "you possess a magnanimous heart and a delicate soul. Your heart will forgive me, therefore, for not fulfilling your wish, and your soul will understand that I cannot fulfil it. Your father is the commander of the Tyrolese, who have risen in rebellion against Bavaria, and he is fighting against the Bavarians, my countrymen and comrades. I have recovered my liberty, but I had to swear not to take up arms again during the present war against the Tyrolese. The King of Bavaria permitted me to take this oath, and ordered me to return to Munich, where I am to remain till the end of the war. Imust set out for the Bavarian capital to-morrow, and my sweet, beloved wife will accompany me. After the war is over, and when there is peace again in the beautiful Tyrol, I shall return with my Eliza to her home, and ask my father-in-law, Anthony Wallner, to give me his blessing. I shall be at liberty then to praise his heroism loudly, and love and honor him as my wife's father. Do you understand that I cannot act otherwise, beloved?""I do," she replied; "I do understand that the Bavarian Captain Ulrich von Hohenberg cannot now go to the Tyrolese commander, Anthony Wallner, ask him, while he is fighting against the Bavarians, to bless him, and call him father-in-law. Let us leave it to the future to grant us peace and happiness.""You understand that I cannot act otherwise," he said, anxiously.

"But you are sad? I see a cloud on your forehead, Eliza.""No, not a cloud," she exclaimed, shaking her head. "Every thing is clear in my mind, and I see distinctly what I must do. Come, then, to the chapel at nine; every thing will be in readiness there.""You will be there, my lovely bride," exclaimed Ulrich, blissfully, opening his arms to her. "Oh, do not avoid me, Eliza; you are mine now, your place is on my heart, do not avoid me! See, I am submissive and obedient, and I will not take what you do not give me of your own accord. But give me now your bridal present, Eliza; give me the first kiss of love!""No, sir," she said, almost anxiously; "on the wedding-day no pious bride must desecrate her lips by kissing or partaking of food before going to the altar. Only devout thoughts should fill her heart; and she ought to pray and implore the saints to vouchsafe happiness to her. Let me go, therefore, and fulfil my sacred duties.""Yes, my sweet, innocent dove, I will let you go," said Ulrich, gently. "Pray to God and the saints for you and me, but be punctual to-night.""I shall, sir. Now, farewell. Go out by this door, for Elza is coming to me. I have to tell her a great many things yet.""She will know your secret then? You will confide to her what I am not to betray to any one?""No, sir, I shall tell her nothing about it. No one but God must know my secret. For the last time, then, farewell, sir!""Farewell, Eliza! Oh, give me your hand! Let me press it once to my heart! Oh, fear nothing, Eliza, my unholy lips shall not desecrate even your hand to-day. Now I will go, my child; farewell until to-night, my sweet love!"

He bowed to her with a blissful smile, and left the room quickly.

Eliza looked after him, motionless, breathless, listening to his footsteps, and heaving a deep sigh when they died away in the distance. Then she laid both her hands convulsively on her heart.

"Oh, it is in great pain!" she murmured. "It seemed at one time as though it would break, and as though I should die on the spot. But Imust not die, nor even weep. And I feel that the good God helps me, and that he approves of what I am going to do. It was God Himself who prompted me to ask Ulrich if he would accompany me to my father.

He was obliged to reply that he could not go to the enemy, though this enemy was to become his father-in-law. When he told me that, my heart bridled up, and was once more glad and strong. I knew all at once that I was doing right, and I will carry out my plan to the bitter end. But hush, hush! here comes Elza! I must put on a cheerful face now.""Lizzie, my Lizzie, are you here?" asked Elza, opening the door.

"Yes, here I am, Elza," exclaimed Eliza, who hastened with a smiling face to her friend.

"And where is Ulrich? Why is he not here? Oh, I sat with such a throbbing heart at father's bedside; I longed so much for him to fall asleep! Oh, Lizzie, I have to tell you so many things! Ah, you do not know how happy I was during this splendid, charming journey!

To be always by Ulrich's side, what a bliss! And how tenderly and attentively he took care of my dear old father, just like a good, grateful son, who would like to guess from his father's eyes every wish he might entertain. I often wept tears of joy on seeing him support my father, almost carrying him into the carriage, and arranging his seat for him, and on hearing him comfort the old man in gentle yet manly words. Ulrich did not speak of God and the saints, and yet what he said was pious, pious as a prayer of holy charity. Oh, how noble, good, brave, and gentle, Ulrich is!""And you love him, Elza, do you not?"

"Yes. I love him with all my heart, and shall for evermore. But where is he? Where is Ulrich? Was he not with you?""He was, Elza; he left me at the moment when you came.""He was here so long? And what did you speak of? Oh, tell me, Eliza, what did you speak of?""Of you, Elza," said Eliza, with a wondrous, radiant expression.

"Ah, of me!" exclaimed Elza, joyfully. "Oh, tell me, Lizzie, do you think he loves me?""I do not believe it, Elza, I know it for certain. He intrusted me with an important commission for you, and asks of you a great proof of your love. Come, Elza, let us go to my room. We will be sure there not to be overheard by any one. I will tell you everything there."

  • 凌临灵方


  • 明实录仁宗实录


  • 仕学规范


  • 萨天锡逸诗永和本


  • 唐书志传


  • 我们的少年时代之禁忌爱恋


    【新书已发】 学霸cp和搞笑cp无用武之地就像配角?不不,在另外两个极端的人看来,他们是最宝贵的存在。无奈世态炎凉,总有人想破坏他们。某童气场全开,正要给他们点颜色看,突然就被一个枕头砸了脑袋,“睡觉!” “好,”某童立马乖乖地把她抱在怀里。 另外的四个人看到这一幕甚是欣慰。 他们终于有情人终成眷属啦!【本文纯属编造,不满意勿喷】
  • 巧克力味


    爱情是巧克力有甜也有苦巧克力味的爱情会是怎样的呢?巧克力味的个个故事都不一样, 而在男主千变万化的性格中, 你会喜欢那一个呢? 嘻嘻嘻(?˙︶˙?)
  • 青衣


    本书是毕飞宇的小说作品集,包括青衣;哥俩好;家里乱了;楚水; 好的故事;飞翔像自由落体;雨天的棉花糖七篇。青衣和女人,戏剧与人生,孕育与流产,无法谢幕的舞台上演着一场没有结果的悲剧,在戏剧中找到角色,在生活中失去自我,在现实与幻想中,圆一个破碎的凄美之梦。《青衣》,一个具有预言和哲学意义的当代佳作。 著名青衣演员筱燕秋,把持《奔月》中的A角而丧失理智,二十年前把滚烫的开水泼在师辈演员李雪芬的脸上,二十年后《奔月》复出,她继续霸占舞台,不容于亲传弟子春来上戏。自私与孤傲,导致神形疲惫,走向崩溃。
  • 迷藏Ⅲ·幻梦迷城


  • 春痕处处,落红飘飘:徐志摩漫话世情(再读徐志摩)


  • 万界邪皇系统


  • 消费心理十四讲


    哈利·D.凯森编著的这本《消费心理十四讲》不 讲授具体销售技巧,因为不同的销售形式有不同的操 作技巧,故不可同日而语。《消费心理十四讲》关注 的是所有销售的共同技巧和原则。众所周知,在不同 形式的销售中,销售成功与否的影响因素具有共同性 。这些影响因素的作用对象,归根结底就是消费者的 心理活动。无论是说出一个词,还是写出或画出一个 字,在购买活动发生前,消费者的心理活动都将经历 几个阶段。书中将描述这些阶段心理活动的变化过程 ,并加以分析。
  • 李清照


  • 解悟名家:与中联重科一起聆听


  • 青春和你不期而遇

