这套感恩书系正是我们需要的心灵“慧眼”,它像一架显微镜,于平凡的生活小故事中让我们发现爱的真谛;它是一块点金石,让我们在普通生活的点滴中发现爱的璀璨光芒;它是一台心灵的热感仪,无论多么细微或深沉的爱和善良,它都可以敏锐地帮助我们感触到。阅读了它,我们就可以从批评中品享到关切;阅读了它,我们就可以从轻轻的埋怨中体味到温暖和幸福;阅读了它,我们就可以在霜雪中眺望到春天的阳光;阅读了它,我们就可以在风雨中意想到彩虹的华美。The Council of Mirrors (Sisters Grimm #9)
In the final volume in the Sisters Grimm series, Sabrina, Daphne, and the rest of the Grimms and their friends must face off against the Master to decide the fate of Ferryport Landing—and the world. When Mirror fails to escape the barrier using Granny Relda's body, he turns to his plan B: killing all the Grimms so that the magical barrier collapses. In the meantime, Sabrina has gathered the other magic mirrors as advisors on how to deal with their mortal enemy. They tell her to join forces with the Scarlet Hand against Mirror, in exchange for offering all the citizens of Ferryport Landing their freedom. This final chapter is the end of the road for several beloved characters, but the conclusion is sure to satisfy devoted fans of the series.等你,是我最虔诚的信仰