

At first the king would not believe it, but the old woman urged this so long, and accused her of so many evil things, that at last the king let himself be persuaded and sentenced her to death.

And now a great fire was lighted in the courtyard in which she was to be burnt, and the king stood above at the window and looked on with tearful eyes, because he still loved her so much.

And when she was bound fast to the stake, and the fire was licking at her clothes with its red tongue, the last instant of the seven years expired. Then a whirring sound was heard in the air, and twelve ravens came flying towards the place, and sank downwards, and when they touched the earth they were her twelve brothers, whom she had saved. They tore the fire asunder, extinguished the flames, set their dear sister free, and kissed and embraced her. And now as she dared to open her mouth and speak, she told the king why she had been dumb, and had never laughed. The king rejoiced when he heard that she was innocent, and they all lived in great unity until their death. The wicked step-mother was taken before the judge, and put into a barrel filled with boiling oil and venomous snakes, and died an evil death.

Little brother took his little sister by the hand and said, since our mother died we have had no happiness. Our step-mother beats us every day, and if we come near her she kicks us away with her foot. Our meals are the hard crusts of bread that are left over. And the little dog under the table is better off, for she often throws it a choice morsel. God pity us, if our mother only knew. Come, we will go forth together into the wide world.

They walked the whole day over meadows, fields, and stony places. And when it rained the little sister said, heaven and our hearts are weeping together. In the evening they came to a large forest, and they were so weary with sorrow and hunger and the long walk, that they lay down in a hollow tree and fell asleep.

The next day when they awoke, the sun was already high in the sky, and shone down hot into the tree. Then the brother said, sister, I am thirsty. If I knew of a little brook I would go and just take a drink. I think I hear one running. The brother got up and took the little sister by the hand, and they set off to find the brook. But the wicked step-mother was a witch, and had seen how the two children had gone away, and had crept after them secretly, as witches creep, and had bewitched all the brooks in the forest.

Now when they found a little brook leaping brightly over the stones, the brother was going to drink out of it, but the sister heard how it said as it ran, who drinks of me will be a tiger.

Who drinks of me will be a tiger. Then the sister cried, pray, dear brother, do not drink, or you will become a wild beast, and tear me to pieces. The brother did not drink, although he was so thirsty, but said, I will wait for the next spring.

When they came to the next brook the sister heard this also say, who drinks of me will be a wolf. Who drinks of me will be a wolf.

Then the sister cried out, pray, dear brother, do not drink, or you will become a wolf, and devour me. The brother did not drink, and said, I will wait until we come to the next spring, but then I must drink, say what you like. For my thirst is too great.

And when they came to the third brook the sister heard how it said as it ran, who drinks of me will be a roebuck. Who drinks of me will be a roebuck. The sister said, oh, I pray you, dear brother, do not drink, or you will become a roebuck, and run away from me. But the brother had knelt down at once by the brook, and had bent down and drunk some of the water, and as soon as the first drops touched his lips he lay there in the form of a young roebuck.

And now the sister wept over her poor bewitched brother, and the little roe wept also, and sat sorrowfully near to her. But at last the girl said, be quiet, dear little roe, I will never, never leave you.

Then she untied her golden garter and put it round the roebuck's neck, and she plucked rushes and wove them into a soft cord. This she tied to the little animal and led it on, and she walked deeper and deeper into the forest.

And when they had gone a very long way they came at last to a little house, and the girl looked in. And as it was empty, she thought, we can stay here and live. Then she sought for leaves and moss to make a soft bed for the roe. And every morning she went out and gathered roots and berries and nuts for herself, and brought tender grass for the roe, who ate out of her hand, and was content and played round about her. In the evening, when the sister was tired, and had said her prayer, she laid her head upon the roebuck's back - that was her pillow, and she slept softly on it.

And if only the brother had had his human form it would have been a delightful life.

For some time they were alone like this in the wilderness. But it happened that the king of the country held a great hunt in the forest. Then the blasts of the horns, the barking of dogs and the merry shouts of the huntsmen rang through the trees, and the roebuck heard all, and was only too anxious to be there. Oh, said he, to his sister, let me be off to the hunt, I cannot bear it any longer, and he begged so much that at last she agreed. But, said she to him, come back to me in the evening. I must shut my door for fear of the rough huntsmen, so knock and say, my little sister, let me in, that I may know you. And if you do not say that, Ishall not open the door. Then the young roebuck sprang away. So happy was he and so merry in the open air.

The king and the huntsmen saw the lovely animal, and started after him, but they could not catch him, and when they thought that they surely had him, away he sprang through the bushes and vanished. When it was dark he ran to the cottage, knocked, and said, my little sister, let me in. Then the door was opened for him, and he jumped in, and rested himself the whole night through upon his soft bed.

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