The Wheel Spins
Best known as the basis for Alfred HItchcock's classic film The Lady Vanishes, Ethel White's book The Wheel Spins is a gripping and accomplished work in its own right. The plot is deceptively simple and the premise is classic: a woman meets a mysterious stranger during a long railway journey. It's easy to see in this novel what Hitchcock found so compelling and so well-suited to his particular brand of filmmaking.让孩子吃点苦的30个建议
作为父母,应该清醒地认识到,让孩子吃点苦十分重要,也十分必要! “再苦也不能苦孩子”是一句流行了很长时间的“教育名言”,但这句话并不是一个普遍的真理,它只适合用于某种特殊的场合。对今天的绝大多数孩子而言,尤其是那些在城市里长大的孩子,他们大多都是在父母长辈的百般呵护中长大的,根本不知道什么叫苦,所以,还是应该让他们吃点苦的好。要知道,不让孩子吃苦的教育是不完整的教育,也是不负责任的教育。尽管很多父母都明白这个道理,但遗憾的是,这些父母并没有把这种教育落实到自己孩子的身上。