《山东竹枝词》借用竹枝词这一古老民歌的形式,创作一部真实记录山东当代风俗史的作品,展现了山东的地域特色、人物风采、风景名胜等,作者在深入各地采风和考察的基础上,紧紧抓住了地域文化这条主线,突出了不同地域文化的特点和引领作用。如济南的泉水文化,济宁的孔孟文化,淄博的齐文化,临沂的红色文化,聊城的水城文化,泰安的泰山文化,莱芜的钢城文化,潍坊的风筝文化,东营的黄河口文化,青岛、日照的港口文化,烟台的海洋文化,威海的渔乡文化,荷泽的牡丹文化其中如泉水诗、渔家诗等还形成了一定规模和影响。即使地域文化特点并不突出的德州、滨州等地,由于选取从枣乡文化和退海之地的沧桑巨变等角度入手,同样写出了特点和情趣。The Inside Story (Sisters Grimm #8)
After the shocking ending of The Everafter War, this book picks up with Sabrina, Daphne, and Puck stuck in the Book of Everafter, where all the fairy tales are stored and enchanted characters can change their destinies. The girls (and Puck) must chase the Master through a series of stories, where they're willing to change what they need in order to save their baby brother. Soon, however, they are confronted by the Editor—the book's guardian—who, along with an army of tiny monsters known as Revisers, threatens the children with dire consequences if they don't stick to the stories. As they chase their quarry and dodge the Revisers, they meet Alice, Mowgli, Jack the Giant Killer, Hansel and Gretel, the Headless Horseman, and more.